perioral dermatitis Sometimes a person discovers in his or her mouthnumerous pimples or even a rash, completely unlike the herpes virus. Most likely, a person has faced such a disease as perioral dermatitis. It is a fairly widespread dermatological disease. Doctors noticed that most often this disease affects young women under the age of thirty. Sometimes people confuse rashes and pimples that appear with perioral dermatitis, with a common acne - but you can not do this, because otherwise a sick person will try to get rid of the problem independently with the help of anti-acne cosmetic drugs, and the disease will continue to progress. Periodic dermatitis has its name not by chance - "perioral" means "around the mouth", and dermatitis refers to all skin diseases in which the skin is involved in a particular inflammatory process. In order to detect a problem, you need to know exactly what these rashes look like.

Symptoms of the disease

The first and most important signs thata person started perioral dermatitis, pink or red slightly bulging points, or small pimples. These rashes appear first around the mouth, and then spread to the area of ​​the cheeks, chin and under the nose. As mentioned above, most of these appear to resemble acne in appearance, but there are some differences. Due to the large number of seals and tubercles, the skin on the affected areas has a very rough texture to the touch. Often, on the spot of these rashes, there are clearly pronounced pigment spots, which are difficult to get rid of. Unlike herpes, about half a centimeter of the skin from the lip is not affected by these rashes, or is affected in an absolutely insignificant degree, unlike the rest of the surface of the skin. Doctors call this phenomenon a "pale ring" around the mouth. By the way, as perioral dermatitis develops, in the absence of normal timely treatment, the damage to the skin of the face progresses, the rashes appear around the eyes and even in the temples. The degree of severity of rashes with perioral dermatitis can be very different - from inconspicuous swelling of pale pink to a pronounced rash of a bright red hue. Most often, the rashes that provoked perioral dermatitis, are practically not itchy and do not hurt. In rare cases, sick people can note a feeling of slight burning in the area of ​​the affected skin. Strictly speaking, such a dermatological disease poses absolutely no threat to the overall health of the sick person. However, sick people experience quite strong discomfort, and first of all because of psychological restraint due to skin rashes. And in the absence of treatment, the skin condition will rapidly deteriorate, and the treatment will be much more difficult than at the initial stages. Therefore, a sick person should try to get a consultation of a dermatologist as soon as possible, which will prescribe the necessary treatment. perioral dermatitis

Risk group

As mentioned above, perioral dermatitismost often develops in girls and young women, while in men and children this disease develops much less often, only in isolated cases. Often, sick people ask doctors - dermatologists, what causes the development of these diseases. However, these reasons have not been established to date. And, nevertheless, it is possible to single out a number of factors, the effect of which on a person significantly increases the likelihood of developing perioral dermatitis. These factors include:

  • Steroid preparations

Very often the development of the disease beginsdevelopment due to the fact that the patient is intensively using various ointments and creams, which include such steroids as hydrocortisone or prednisolone. This phenomenon is called steroid perioral dermatitis. Physicians have long been able to establish the most direct link between the development of this disease and the application of hormones to ointments. Such steroid creams are often used to treat various skin diseases, for example, eczema, which is located on the skin of the face. However, remember that sometimes perioral dermatitis can occur if the skin of other parts of the body is affected by a disease, and the treatment is done with the help of hormonal medications. When applying it to other parts of the body, it should be borne in mind that some part of the drug may remain on hand. And this drug can be accidentally touched to the face, where he provokes the onset of the disease. Therefore, in case of treatment after applying the medicine, you should wash your hands with soap and dry them thoroughly. This will help reduce the risk to zero. And pay attention to one feature. Immediately during the treatment of skin diseases with steroid ointments, the development of perioral dermatitis does not occur. Moreover, even existing rashes can disappear. Incidentally, it is because of this that very many people try to treat perioral dermatitis with the help of such medicines, mistakenly believing that they have either eczema or a banal allergic reaction. However, this is not so. It is worth the patient to stop using drugs that contain hormones, as the rashes appear again, often in a much more pronounced form than before trying to treat hormonal drugs. This is another argument in favor of the need to visit the doctor at the first rashes. Do not engage in self-medication, thereby provoking a worsening of the condition.

  • Cosmetical tools

Sometimes the development of perioral dermatitisbegins due to exposure to the skin of certain cosmetic products - means for removing make-up, creams and lotions. And most often the appearance of a rash is provoked using a foundation, which very much clogs the pores of the skin, often thereby provoking skin irritation.

  • Weather conditions

Sometimes doctors note that such natural phenomena as intense ultraviolet radiation and wind can also provoke the development of the disease. And also multiply the already available.

  • Toothpaste

It should be mentioned toothpaste with fluoride. Of course, in itself, it does not provoke the initial occurrence of the disease. However, the fact that it significantly worsens the course of the already existing perioral dermatitis - the rash around the mouth becomes much more pronounced.

  • Hormonal contraceptives

In some cases, the cause of developmentPerioral dermatitis is the use of a woman's hormonal contraceptives. Therefore, if a woman taking contraceptives faces such a disease, she should stop taking the drug and seek advice not only from a dermatologist, but also a gynecologist. steroid perioral dermatitis

Treatment of perioral dermatitis

Dermatitis is perioral, like any otherdisease must be treated. In the event that a sick person will ignore the disease, the rash may persist for a very long time - weeks, months and even years. However, in the same case, if the treatment starts immediately, getting rid of the misfortune will not be so difficult - in just two or three weeks you will finally get rid of skin rashes. The first thing a sick person should do is to abandon the use of absolutely any cosmetic preparations. To cleanse the skin, you can use only warm water, in extreme cases - with baby soap. In the event that a sick person uses a paste containing fluoride, before the full recovery, it must be replaced by any other. In the same case, if a sick person used ointments and cream, which includes some hormones, their use should also be stopped as soon as possible. However, one should keep in mind and be prepared for the fact that in the first few days of skin rashes steel can become much more intense. But do not be scared - just a few days the skin condition will improve. After the rash has completely disappeared, the sick person should refrain from using any cosmetic means for at least the next two months.

Drugs for the treatment of perioral dermatitis

To treat this disease, a dermatologistmay prescribe treatment with antibiotics related to a series of tetracyclines. In the event that the disease is not strong, you can use antibiotics, which are available in the form of creams or candles, which are applied to the affected areas of the skin. This course of treatment takes about 5 - 10 weeks, depending on the severity of the disease. And the sick person should know that one should not expect noticeable results in the first few weeks of treatment. As a rule, the results become visible only after 3 - 4 weeks, not earlier. However, after the treatment is completed, the rashes will disappear for a long time, and sometimes for good. However, keep in mind that it is inadmissible to diagnose the disease by yourself to choose the course of treatment, and even more so it is unacceptable to independently prescribe a patient to treatment. A sick person should as soon as possible seek help from a dermatologist, who has extensive experience in the treatment of such diseases. The doctor not only examines you and selects the optimal treatment regimen, but also helps prevent a recurrence of the disease. We advise you to read:

