papilloma in intimate places Papillomas in intimate places - thisa common viral disease (HPV), which is familiar to many not by hearsay. The papilloma protrudes above the surface of the surrounding tissue in the form of a benign tumor. It delivers aesthetic discomfort to both men and women. Burning, heavy discharge and even bleeding after intercourse are obvious symptoms of the appearance of papillomas in intimate places (labia, vagina, cervix and perineum). This disease negatively affects the quality of sexual life, and also leads to psychoemotional disorders. Leave it without attention to this neoplasm is not worth it, because the papilloma can lead to cervical cancer in women. treatment with papillomas

What are the symptoms of papillomas?

The causes of papillomas are identical to allvenereal diseases. The most common cause is a promiscuous sex life. After a single sexual intercourse with a sick person, it is almost impossible to get infected, and frequent sexual intercourse with an infected person is a 100% guarantee that you will catch the virus. Once the virus enters the body of a healthy person, it provokes rapid division and growth in skin cells (in the area of ​​intimate places). After a while, a small growth can be seen with the naked eye with a simple examination. Wet underwear can keep the papilloma virus for a long time, this should be taken into account if you have an infected person in your family. It is strictly forbidden to use a shared towel in the bathroom. For the same reason, you can not use washcloths, either at home or in public places: baths, saunas. The probability that an infected person has visited you before the bath is always high. Avoid infection by using personal hygiene items and bedding. The risk of contracting the papilloma is especially high in people who have recently had infectious diseases (genital herpes, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, etc.). Stress, low immunity against frequent pregnancies, hormonal failures and regular intake of contraceptives are also common causes that increase the risk of getting infected with papilloma. papilloma removal by laser

How to cure the papilloma?

If you are not saved by the rules of personal hygiene andit happened that the virus got into the body and manifested itself in the area of ​​intimate places, then you should immediately seek specialized help. Self-treatment is not a way out of this situation. As practice shows, venereal diseases are similar to each other, and it is quite possible that you will confuse it with another disease and, as a consequence, choose the wrong solution to fight the neoplasm. In the region of the cervix and vagina, it is impossible to detect the virus during a simple examination. But you can feel itching and burning. In this case, an examination of the gynecologist is required, which should be performed every six months or a year (even if there are no signs of the virus) for prevention. Today, medicine offers a new way to remove papillomas in intimate places - laser removal. Such treatment can be carried out only at the stage of exacerbation. The papilloma can be removed, but the depth of its location is not so important. The advantage of the method is the absence of scars after the procedure, and if there is bleeding during the operation, it can be stopped immediately. There are no drawbacks to the method, except in cases when healthy tissues are injured, in this case the treatment after the operation and the healing process may take a little time. Another method of fighting the virus is cryotherapy. Treatment in this way is offered by many beauty salons and medical institutions. With the help of liquid nitrogen in the visible areas of the skin, the papilloma is cauterized. In the vagina and cervix, the tumor can not be ignited simply. A special radio wave device can also remove the papilloma without a trace. Waves that affect the papilloma do not affect the surrounding tissue, so the healing after the procedure usually lasts no more than 2 to 3 days. This radio exposure excludes the re-development and appearance of papillomas. Varieties of papillomas are many, and if in less neglected cases it is possible to get rid of neoplasm with the help of chistotel, regularly lubricating the affected area of ​​the skin, then in other cases, surgical intervention may be required. After removing papillomas, you need to beware of relapse. It would be good to consult an immunologist who will prescribe a course of immunomodulators for you. Remember, venereal diseases do not pass "by themselves". Viruses of this kind are significantly more serious than usual influenza. And if the flu can be cured at home, without the intervention of specialists, then treatment of the papilloma requires a special approach that you can not manage yourself. Qualified help will help you get rid of the disease much faster and prevent its recurrence in the future. Treatment of sexually transmitted diseases should not be postponed until tomorrow, when the first symptoms appear, consult a specialist! <

