pancakes with cheese Ladushki-ladushki - we will bake pancakes. Delicious, with a golden crust, pancakes from courgettes with cheese, tender and fragrant. Granted that zucchini brought to Russia, they have long established themselves with us and won unprecedented love and popularity. This is well-deserved, because the products from the zucchini are easily absorbed by the body and used in dietary and therapeutic nutrition. They can be eaten raw, fried, stewed. What is interesting, from the vegetable marrow is obtained and excellent marinated product, and an amazing jam. And in the cold, and in the hot, squash pancakes with cheese is always welcome. After all, it is not only delicious, but also useful food. Such pancakes to the taste of both adults and children, and preparing them together is a pleasure. delicious squash pancakes with cheese

Ingredients for cooking

So, we need:

  • courgette of medium size;
  • cheese hard 50-100 g;
  • egg 2 pieces;
  • flour 3-4 tbsp;
  • salt to taste;
  • pepper to taste;
  • vegetable oil.

We clean the zucchini and rub it on the grater. Someone likes to shave bigger, so that the draniki with the crunchiness turned out, someone likes it less. Squeeze the juice. Juice from a zucchini is not necessary to pour, it is a useful cocktail of vitamins, especially tasty with honey. If you do not feel like drinking, you can prepare an excellent face mask on the basis of juice. Next, rub the cheese on a fine grater. Mix the chopped zucchini and cheese, egg, flour, salt and pepper to taste. We mix not very liquid dough. For piquancy in the dough, you can add minced chopped dill and parsley. For splendor, you can add a little mayonnaise. Fans of experimenting instead of flour put semolina. Lovers of sharpened add a chopped clove of garlic. Pour a little vegetable oil into the frying pan, reheat it and spread the kneaded dough with a regular table spoon. Check the crust; Once it is browned to a golden color, turn the circle over to the other side. delicious pancakes

Fritters with a secret

You can cook pancakes with a secret. To do this, you need a filling - a tomato, a piece of hard cheese, or you can make a paste of soft cheese, greens and garlic, olives, mushrooms - in general, everything that can be found in the refrigerator. On a well-heated frying pan with butter, just like in the first case, spread the dough, put the top on top and cover with another spoon of dough from the zucchini and cheese. It turned out a kind of patty. To ensure that everything from the inside is well roasted, fry the fritters on a moderate, medium heat, and spread out the dough, level with a fork, making the layer thinner. If the oil turned out to be a lot, it does not matter. Ready pancakes from a vegetable marrow can be put on a paper napkin first, so that the glass is oil, and then put it into the plate. Well, nice turned pancakes, you can invite guests to the table. Especially appetizing zucchini pancakes with cheese, seasoned with sour cream and herbs. Bon Appetit!

