Appetizing and ruddy pancakes always remainare always relevant - they can and should be cooked not only for Maslenitsa week. The undoubted advantages of the dish are the ease of preparation, availability and inexpensive price of the necessary products. The dish can be served for breakfast, lunch and dinner, without even worrying about your figure, because there are a lot of dough options: with milk, water, whey, kefir and so on. Choose the most suitable one and cook for your pleasure. Pancakes are served with sugar, honey, condensed milk, homemade jam, chocolate sauce. For the filling, use cottage cheese, fresh fruits and berries: strawberries, raspberries, currants. And if you want to make a more satisfying dish, stuff it with meat fried with mushrooms and onions, chicken, ham or cheese. You can fantasize about quick and easy cuisine as much as you like. But we suggest concentrating on desserts, which not only make life tastier, but also significantly improve your mood. Today's item on the agenda is banana pancake cake.
Cake "Banana pancake" with sour cream
You can find a dish like pancakesalmost all nations. For example, yeast dough is popular among Western Slavs - Czechs, and products prepared in the Russian manner are lush, airy and incredibly tender. For this, you can use not only wheat, but also oatmeal, buckwheat or barley flour. It is recommended to knead the dough semi-liquid, otherwise the pancakes will come out too thick, brown on top, and remain raw inside. If you decide to make a dish with a filling, feel free to choose absolutely any products for this. For a noisy feast with friends, stuff it with salmon, red caviar or meat, for example, finely chopped pork or chicken fried with vegetables. For tea, you can serve pancakes with fruit, sprinkled with powdered sugar or poured with chocolate sauce. But there is another very simple, but incredibly appetizing option - to assemble a cake. You will need bananas, sour cream and, of course, this recipe. Let's get started? Ingredients: For the pancake batter:
- five milliliters of vegetable oil
- 100 grams of white flour
- salt
- three large spoons of sugar
- two eggs
- 300 milliliters of unfermented milk
- four large bananas
For the cream:
- 350 milliliters of sour cream of average fat content
- powdered sugar - at your discretion
- vanillin - optional
For decoration:
- half chocolate bar or cocoa
Method of preparation:Before you start your culinary creativity, remember the saying that “the first pancake is always lumpy”, so do not be upset if your debut does not turn out as you would like. To knead the dough, first sift the flour into a large bowl. Then make a depression in it and pour the pre-beaten eggs into the resulting funnel. Now add slightly warmed milk, pour in granulated sugar and table salt. Gradually combine the products into a homogeneous fluffy mass, carefully working with a spoon or a kitchen whisk. You should not have a single lump left. When you are done, add vegetable oil and beat all the ingredients again. Then cover the dishes with cling film or a lid and put aside for fifteen minutes. To prevent the products from sticking to the frying pan during baking, pour table salt into it and put it on low heat. Heat for no more than a quarter of an hour, then remove the excess, wipe the metal surface with a dry towel and grease with vegetable oil. Now start baking pancakes: pour a little less than half of the dough, turn the dish so that it spreads, and brown the product on both sides. When it acquires a beautiful brown-golden color, carefully remove it with a wooden spatula and transfer to a flat plate. Do the same for the rest of the pancakes until you use up all the dough. The process of making the cake is almost over. All that remains is to make a delicate cream and assemble the product. So, thoroughly grind the powdered sugar with sour cream, then beat everything with a whisk, having previously added a little vanillin. The resulting mass should be fluffy and homogeneous. Grease the first pancake with it, put bananas cut into very thin circles on top so that they fit tightly together. Apply cream again and cover it with the second pancake. Then follow the same pattern - this way you should get a tall, beautiful cake. Process the edges and sides of the product with the remaining sour cream mass and sprinkle with cocoa. You can decorate the dish at your discretion: use cocoa, finely grated milk or dark chocolate, crushed peanuts or walnuts. If time allows, cook a fragrant sweet glaze. No matter how much you want to immediately taste the finished product, you will still have to be patient a little. After all, it needs to soak, so set it aside for 60 minutes, but do not put it in the refrigerator. Then brew some tea and call everyone to the table, because every member of the family should try this delicious dessert. Enjoy your meal!
Pancake cake with cottage cheese and fruit
You made pancakes, but no one wants to eat them?Don't despair and grieve over wasted products. With the help of simple manipulations, turn the products into a delicious tender cake. We suggest joining the simple and fast kitchen. Now you don't have to stand all weekend near the stove, knead yeast dough and suffer for a long time with baking. Having spent only half an hour, you will get a sweet dish that will be a great addition to hot tea, coffee and a warm family atmosphere. Ingredients:
- two large bananas
- 100 grams of flour (use only sifted product of the highest grade)
- chicken eggs - four pieces
- 140 grams of sugar
- a glass of pasteurized milk
- a small piece (about 50 grams) of butter
- 400 grams of cottage cheese
- salt - to taste
- ½ chocolate bar
- 50 milliliters of sour cream
- vanilla - if desired
Method of preparation:The name "pancake" cake speaks for itself, so it is clear that you should start by baking thin, ruddy flatbreads. You don't even need an oven for this - you only need a well-heated frying pan and a positive attitude. So, as usual, knead the dough: pour preheated, but, mind you, not boiled milk into a bowl. Then, in a separate bowl, grind granulated sugar and eggs. When the mixture acquires a uniform consistency, combine it with milk, pour in one or two pinches of salt and sift the flour. Using a whisk, beat the dough until it resembles not too thick sour cream. Now peel one banana and cut it into very small cubes. Place the fruit in the resulting mixture, which must be beaten with a blender or mixer. Cover the bowl with a plate and put it in the refrigerator for 60 minutes. Meanwhile, pay attention to preparing the delicious cream. Its recipe is simple: combine sour cream, the remaining banana, naturally peeled and chopped, vanilla, and 100 grams of granulated sugar in one bowl. Now mix the ingredients in a blender, and then add the cottage cheese. It is not recommended to add it right away, as the cream will turn out too liquid. By the way, if you come across a dairy product with large grains, mash it with a fork in advance. While the mass is infusing, bake thin transparent pancakes. First, grease a well-heated frying pan with oil, then pour about ½ a ladle of dough into it and turn the bowl in one direction, then in the other, so that the mixture spreads over the entire surface in an even layer. Hold the product on each side for one minute, as soon as it darkens, turn it over. Carefully remove the finished pancake with a spatula and proceed to the next one. When everything is done, assemble the dessert. It is very simple: grease the first pancake with cream, smooth it out and cover with the second one. Use up all the pancakes in this way. Cover the cake with the remaining sour cream and curd mixture on all sides. Then decorate it with grated chocolate; you can also use shortbread cookies or walnuts for the same purpose. The latter should be peeled, fried in a dry frying pan and crushed with a hammer or blender. The dessert is infused in the refrigerator for at least an hour and a half. Therefore, put it away for a while, and cut it into portions just before serving. Enjoy your meal!
Cake of pancakes with yoghurt and cream cheese
Recipes that we hope you have already enjoyedfamiliarized with above, are ideal for everyday use. Such a dessert can be eaten in a close family circle, treated to girlfriends or pampered a child for good grades. For special occasions, of course, you should prepare something more original and sophisticated. However, if there is absolutely no time to create culinary masterpieces, do not rush to buy sweets in the store. Bake pancakes, whip up a delicate yogurt cream and cook the glaze. The whole process will take 40 minutes at most, but the result will please not only you, but also your hungry guests. We guarantee that everyone will leave happy and cheerful. Ingredients: For pancakes:
- a large banana - one piece
- melted butter - four tablespoons (table)
- 240 milliliters of store milk
- flour - 100 grams
- four eggs
- two tablespoons (large) of brown sugar
- salt
- Vanillin to taste, usually enough ½ teaspoon
- cinnamon - if desired
- olive oil - for the lubrication of pans
- pinch of cloves (buy ground)
- four grams of nutmeg
- 230 grams of tender cream cheese
- 70 grams of powdered sugar
- 350 grams of natural yogurt
- pinch of vanilla sugar
Decoration (buttercream frosting):
- 50 grams of sugar (meaning brown)
- 120 milliliters of cream of high fat content
- a piece of butter - no more than fifteen grams
- a handful of chopped walnuts
Method of preparation: «Все идеальное до смешного просто» — вот девиз этого блюда. Чтобы испечь блинный торт, не нужно обладать сверхспособностями, быть практикующим поваром и иметь кулинарный талант. Всего то и дела, что изучить рецепт и следовать инструкциям. Еще великая Джулия Чайлд, в свое время перевернувшая все представления американцев о еде, отмечала, что научиться готовить может каждый, главное — иметь под рукой четкие рекомендации. Попав на этот сайт, вы обрели отличного помощника, благодаря которому кулинария станет ближе и доступнее. Не будем отвлекаться, и от теории перейдем непосредственно к практике. Учтите, что все продукты должны быть комнатной температуры — тогда тесто взобьется легче, а масса выйдет более однородной. Так что порубите кусками сливочное масло и выложите его в чашу для блендера. Затем сюда же поломайте руками банан и включите прибор. В полученное фруктово-сливочное пюре введите остальные ингредиенты, необходимые для приготовления блинов, а именно: теплое молоко, куриные яйца, а также коричневый сахар, совсем немного соли, ванилин, гвоздику и мускатный орех. Добавлять корицу или нет, решайте сами. Теперь, когда все составляющие блюда собраны, взбейте их в не слишком плотную однородную массу — это и будет ваше тесто. Его следует оставить хотя бы на час, накрыв пищевой плёнкой, тогда блины получатся более нежными. Приступая к выпечке, первым делом смажьте внутренности сковородки оливковым маслом. Затем попробуйте испечь первый блин: налейте половину половника теста и распределите его по всему дну посуды, поворачивая ее из одной стороны в другую. Как только изделие подрумянится, переверните его и обжарьте в течение одной минуты. Действуя по такой же технологии, приготовьте остальные блинчики. Пока красивые золотистые изделия остывают, соедините сливочный сыр, сахар, щепотку ванилина и йогурт в одной миске и взбивайте их венчиком, пока не образуется густая светлая масса и не уйдут комки. Полученным кремом обильно смажьте блины, выкладывая их один поверх другого. Оставшимся сладким соусом обработайте изделие со всех боков. Пока оно будет пропитываться в холодильнике, у вас есть достаточно времени, чтобы сварить глазурь, которой впоследствии нужно будет украсить торт. Используя специальный венчик и работая им снизу вверх, взбейте сливки с размягчённым маслом и сахаром. Постепенно увеличивайте скорость, чтобы добиться идеальной однородности. Теперь поставьте крем на минимальный огонь и держите его на плите примерно десять минут, регулярно помешивая. В самом конце добавьте на свой вкус ванилин, поваренную соль и грецкие орехи. Последние перед этим обязательно следует подсушить в сковородке и измельчить до состояния муки в блендере. Пока глазурь не схватилась, полейте ею блинный торт с бананами и дайте ему настояться. Надеемся, эти несложные рецепты приживутся на вашей кухне надолго. Обычно блины употребляют просто с сахаром, домашним вареньем или сгущенкой. Для более торжественных случаев хозяйки фаршируют их аппетитными дорогими начинками: семгой, красной и черной икрой, творожной массой, смешанной со свежими ягодами или фруктами. Каждый фантазирует на свой манер. Но, согласитесь, иногда хочется разнообразия — именно в такие моменты не лишним будет порадовать домочадцев сладким десертом с бананами. Если вы уже приловчились и знаете, какие блины вам больше всего удаются, сделайте их. Наиболее распространено тесто на основе кефира, молока, сыворотки, нередко его делают с добавлением минеральной воды. Точно так же можно подобрать абсолютно любой крем: сметанный, сливочный, даже заварной. Потом смазать им изделия и получить торт. Учитесь, фантазируйте и вносите в кушанье свою личную «изюминку», ведь порой тяга к экспериментам рождает самые необычные блюда. Советуем почитать: