causes of pain during ovulation Some gynecologists say that practicallyevery day to them on reception women who complain of pains at an ovulation in the bottom of a stomach come. It turns out that every fifth woman faces with such problems. What to do with this, only one is known.

Pain in ovulation: causes and problems

So, to begin with it is worth explaining what isovulation and why during it women experience pain. It should be understood that ovulation (from the Latin language the word ovum means an egg) is the so-called exit completely mature and in most cases capable of fertilizing an egg from a special location - the ovarian follicle. It passes into the abdominal cavity. Ovulation always occurs with a fixed cycle. Remember that it depends on the duration of the menstrual cycle. This physiological process in the fair sex begins with the moment of sexual (and not age) maturation, that is, from 12-13 years, and ends with the onset of menopause. If the egg was not fertilized during the established period, it means that conception did not occur and within a certain time - 14 days after that - menstruation should begin. Each woman should know that certain symptoms during ovulation indicate the willingness of the body of a woman to conceive. Symptoms can be expressed clearly or very poorly. definition of ovulation

How to determine ovulation

There are several types of ovulation - timely,premature and late. During premature ovulation, the egg begins to come out much earlier than it should, even before the middle of the menstrual cycle comes. Premature ovulation can occur as a result of intense sexual intercourse, nervous tension, stress, and also due to excessive physical exertion, a diet or even a disease. Premature ovulation is quite common in actresses or models, who most of the time sit on diets and deny themselves food. Late ovulation can occur as a result of hormonal failure. If a woman suspects late ovulation, ultrasound should be performed as soon as possible. Few people know that it's extremely difficult to talk about the timing of ovulation, especially if a woman has an unstable cycle, since the whole hormonal system in most cases is not working clearly.

Problems with ovulation: why does my stomach hurt?

Because of what there are pains during ovulationBelow the abdomen? According to gynecologists, there can be several reasons. As a rule, pain occurs as a result of a small bleeding, which in turn is formed during the rupture of the follicle. It bursts, and the so-called follicular fluid begins to emerge from it, which is mixed with small blood clots. In addition, bloody (thick or liquid) discharge can occur due to a drop in the level of estradiol, and also due to a slight detachment of the endometrium. As a rule, during ovulation pains are of different types: cutting, stitching or cramping. Some members of the fair sex experience sharp and very sharp pains in the lower abdomen, while others feel slight cramps or minor aching pain that lasts until the next day. They can be observed in different parts of the abdomen: below, and also in the area of ​​the ovaries - on the right or on the left. It is noteworthy that the ovaries always work alternately: in one month (cycle) your follicle ripens only in the right, in another month it is in the left ovary. That is why most often pain occurs when ovulation usually on the right or on the left, but in the lower abdomen. The degree of soreness in the lower abdomen depends on the body and blood level. ovulation tests

Concomitant symptoms

There is another interesting fact, which is knownfew: some women suffer from chest pain during ovulation. Some may even faint. However, doctors do not advise to worry about this. So, doctors say that this is a natural reaction of the body. The matter is that during ovulation the breast prepares for prospective pregnancy and starts to increase in sizes. As a result, the nerve endings are strained. As a rule, all this is due to the increasing level of estrogen in the body of the fair sex. After the onset of menstruation, the level of estrogen falls, as a result of which the pain in the mammary glands goes away. How much time can such pains in the lower abdomen during ovulation last? There is no clear answer to this question, every woman has different ways. One pain can last an hour, while another has a day or more. If the pain in the middle of ovulation in the lower abdomen is too strong or they do not pass within 3 days, then a woman should consult her gynecologist. Very strong unpleasant sensations in the side or in the lower back can be experienced by the fair sex with sensitivity in pelvic adhesions. It is possible that the pain in the lower abdomen with ovulation or after it can be associated with gynecological diseases, for example, with inflammation of the ovaries. They may indicate other diseases of the reproductive system. In this case, do not delay the visit to a specialist, writing off all the problems on the natural symptoms of ovulation. By the way, other natural symptoms of ovulation include increased sexual desire. This is such a kind of hint from nature that the most favorable moment for conception of the child has come. A woman can understand that ovulation has begun on liquid vaginal discharge. As a rule, they appear several hours before the onset of ovulation and can last even a few days. Do not be afraid of the color of discharge: during ovulation they become reddish or pink. But here there is another nuance: if the allocation of red is too abundant, then it can be associated with very dangerous uterine bleeding. In this case, it is necessary to go to the gynecologist to avoid further problems. abdominal pain

Health problems: similar symptoms

It is important to know that often the pain that occurs intime of ovulation, can be associated with appendicitis. In such cases, a woman can get high fever. If the pain is very strong and last more than 12 hours, then the fair sex should consult a doctor. In no case should you hesitate to visit a doctor if a woman begins to feel sick or in a fever, and the pains due to ovulation become so strong that you can lose consciousness. The doctor should be consulted in the presence of dizziness, the appearance of dyspnea, vomiting, diarrhea, with painful urination. An important reason for visiting a doctor is very severe pain or discomfort in the lower abdomen. After the consultation, taking tests and carrying out the texts, the doctor will take the most effective methods of treatment. However, there is a situation where ovulation may be absent. If there is no ovulation, then the onset of pregnancy, and hence the birth of a child - is impossible. Every woman should know that ovulation is absent during pregnancy due to hormonal imbalance, during menopause, because of the body's reaction to medications. It is noteworthy that the absence of ovulation is called anovulation. It can even be quite healthy from the point of view of gynecology of women at a time when the ovum does not mature in every menstrual cycle. If the absence of ovulation is repeated more than 3 times a year, the woman should definitely consult a doctor, as there may be the occurrence of endocrine or gynecological diseases, which can pose a serious danger to the health of every woman. Often there is a situation where a woman can not become pregnant due to the lack of ovulation. In this case, artificial stimulation with drugs containing hormones is carried out. All procedures must necessarily be under the strict supervision of an experienced obstetrician-gynecologist. But, before a woman is allowed artificial stimulation, she must pass all the necessary tests. medications for ovulation

Tests for the determination of ovulation

If a woman wants to become pregnant and tries to"Catch" the first signs of ovulation, it should take advantage of special tests for the definition of ovulation. They can be bought in any pharmacy and even in a supermarket, which has a department with medical products. Typically, in standard packaging, not less than 10 tests for the determination of ovulation. The conditions of the test are indicated on the packaging. In general, these conditions are somewhat similar to the performance of a pregnancy test. Such assistants use women to confirm or deny their suspicions of the lack of ovulation. Or, in order to establish the exact date of ovulation in the cycle. In addition, the beginning of ovulation can be determined if the woman has a more or less constant cycle. In this case, you can count the number of days from the beginning of menstruation, which began on the first day of the month before the start of menstruation next month. The middle of this interval will correspond to the beginning of ovulation. As a rule, with a 28-day cycle, its middle falls by 14-15 days, and with a 35-day menstrual cycle - by 17-18 days. The test for ovulation was created by specialists in order to determine the level of the hormone responsible for this and its amount in the urine. It's quite easy to use the test. The most interesting thing is that this test for determining ovulation gives a very high level of accuracy. If you follow the instructions that are in each package, then the woman will be able to determine exactly the most favorable period for conception. While taking some medications, the ovulation test may show incorrect results. Most often in the package with the test there are 5 strips in special sealed packages. As soon as a woman feels pain, she will need to take a test to confirm the onset of ovulation. To do this, you will need to collect the urine in a clean dry dish and place the test strip there up to the specified mark for about 10 seconds. The onset of ovulation can be determined by basal temperature. During ovulation, it rises on average by 0.3-0.6 degrees, and a day before the onset of ovulation slightly decreases. If a woman regularly tests basal temperature, she can easily track the onset of ovulation 24 hours before she starts. It should be remembered that this method does not give one hundred percent guarantee, unlike the test. It is important to know that basal temperature should be measured in the morning at the same time, without getting out of bed. It is necessary to use the same mercury thermometer. It must be inserted into the anus in 5 minutes.

Medications for pain: can I take medications

What to do if there are regular pain whenovulation in the lower abdomen? Of course, most women immediately want to alleviate their suffering. Some people prefer taking painkillers. However, before you run to the pharmacy for medicines, you should definitely consult a doctor and strictly follow his recommendations, as self-medication can be extremely dangerous. In order to stop the pain in the lower abdomen during ovulation, it is sometimes enough to drink simple non-prescription analgesic medications, such as ibuprofen, paracetamol, aspirin. But even they should be taken only after consultation with an obstetrician-gynecologist. To get rid of pain during ovulation, you can and in other ways. For example, if there is time, a woman can lie down and relax, drink plenty of fluids. It is worthwhile to measure the temperature throughout the day to make sure that pain is not the result of any infection. If the lady every month there are short-lived pain during ovulation, then, as many obstetrician-gynecologists advise, you can take oral contraceptives. In addition, this way you can control unwanted pregnancy. Sometimes to ease the pain women use a warm water bottle. The fact is that the warmth from the warmer stimulates the blood flow and has a relaxing effect on the tense muscles, which leads to relief of pain in the lower abdomen. But the help of a heating pad or heating elements is effective only if the problem is really related to the onset of ovulation. Otherwise, there may be unforeseen situations leading to irreparable harm to one's own health. In order to ease the pain in the lower abdomen during ovulation, you can use the services of various spa salons, which are many in every city. It is best to go for such procedures as aromatherapy and a relaxing massage. Thanks to this, a woman will be able to relax. Separately, I want to say about the mucous discharge. As mentioned earlier, during ovulation, they can be abundant, and can even change the color to pink or red. It is noteworthy that sometimes the allocation persists even after ovulation is over. If the secretions have a specific smell, and a woman experiences discomfort similar to itching, or they have a grayish, green or reddish tinge, then it is mandatory to see a doctor. You can pass a smear to the flora, which will help identify the causative agent of the disease. Anxiety is worth beating if vaginal discharge of white after ovulation is accompanied by an intolerable itch. These may be symptoms of candidiasis, which is called thrush in another way. During this disease, the discharge smells bad. However, the most terrible for women are spotting. The cause of their occurrence can serve as an unprotected sexual intercourse or use of intrauterine or hormonal contraception.

