orchid Orchids are known to mankind from time immemorialtimes. But, strange as it may sound, people used to eat some of their kinds of food as a kind of magic potion. In the Golden Horde, every warrior always carried a dried tuber of this plant. Thanks to a special composition, they could easily replace lunch and dinner at the same time, because they were a powerful energy tool. But the first mention of orchids was discovered in China. It was there that the plant already knew and loved more than three thousand years ago. You can judge this by the ancient drawings, which depicted some types of orchids. Europeans also appreciate all their splendor and enjoy the beauty of these magnificent flowers for only two centuries. Many ornaments and mysterious traditions are associated with orchids. And this is not too surprising, because the plant is spread all over the globe, except for only the Antarctic. There are persistent rumors that there are special types of orchids in the jungle that feed on large animals and even humans. But this is just a fantasy of the native Aborigines. The researchers actually discovered a predatory plant from this family, but it eats only insects. In some countries, an orchid is a symbol of passion, and in others, on the contrary, a talisman of integrity. In general, from which point of view, the flower is very interesting. And extraordinarily beautiful. The cost of even the most common of its species is very high. This is due to the fact that the orchid is already being sold blossoming, and in order to achieve this goal it is necessary to observe all the rules for care, watering and creating the most favorable conditions for growth within five years. It is after this time that the orchid blossoms for the first time. Plants reproduce with tubers, roots, shoots and cuttings. But the seed method for a long time led scientists into perplexity, because they could not grow a flower that way. As it turned out, the orchid seeds need microscopic fungi - they became the missing link in the whole process. room orchid

Phalaenopsis - the most popular orchid

One of the most popular representatives of thisA fascinating floral family is phalaenopsis. Almost every florist, both experienced and novice, has in his collection at once several of its variations in a variety of shades. What is the reason for the great popular love for this particular variety? Many experts will give a lot of very unequivocal answers to this question. Firstly, this orchid has incredibly beautiful and rather large flowers, secondly, there is a large selection of plants themselves in terms of shade, thirdly, phalaenopsis is very unpretentious in care, fourthly, its cost can be called acceptable and so on. And all these arguments really correspond to the truth. But it was not always so, because a couple of decades ago the orchid was considered a very capricious plant. This was explained by the fact that flowers were imported to our country that grew on the open ground or in the conditions of greenhouses. Therefore, the climate of apartments and offices became for them a real test, orchids did not settle down and quickly died, and the hosts were upset and surprised at their capriciousness. And only in the mid-nineties we had hybrid species of these plants, completely replacing those that grew in natural conditions. And I must say that it happened not because of the need to adapt the orchid to an artificial habitat for the whims of florists. Just there was an urgent need to save the endangered species, because of the huge popularity of the plant threatened with complete disappearance. With the advent of hybrid varieties for lovers of indoor orchids, it's time for grace. After all, scientists made a number of significant changes in the qualitative picture of the development and growth of artificially bred plants. Breeders achieved a long period of their flowering and managed to adapt the orchids to unnatural conditions for them. But this does not mean that now your luxurious beauty can live like a Spartan. Do not think that untimely watering or lack of additional fertilization will not affect its appearance in any way. It is important to remember that any flower or plant in the flowerpot on your windowsill is a living organism, for the normal existence of which an individual complex of favorable factors is needed. Therefore, room orchids need to create suitable conditions for them. Since phalaenopsis is very popular with us in comparison with others, I would like to pay special attention to the issues in terms of its content. The most suitable place for placing such a green guest will be the sill of the western or eastern window. You can put the pot directly in the room itself, but in this case, take care of the proper lighting with a fluorescent or phytolamp. Specialists say that these types of orchid room require light for fourteen hours a day. Therefore, it is especially important to take care of additional sources of lighting in winter and autumn, when it gets dark early, and dawns late. Flowers will feel good if the temperature in the room in summer is + 20-25 ° C, and in winter - + 16-18 ° C. By the way, under such conditions, not only the plant, but you, its mistress, for a long time, keep a healthy and youthful appearance. If you want the indoor orchid to bloom more often, you should ensure that it has a slight temperature difference during the day and at night (three to five degrees). But in the case of phalaenopsis, this is not necessary: ​​they are able to adapt perfectly to any more or less acceptable conditions that a person can provide. Most plants suffer greatly from lack of necessary humidity in the room. No exception is any kind of orchid room. Therefore, try to regularly spray the plant with water at room temperature, previously fixed. Do this no less than three to five times a day. Very carefully observe this rule should be in winter, when the included heating simply still dries air in an apartment or house. Spray carefully, and try to fall only on the leaves, because the drops of water spoil the flowers, leaving them ugly brown spots. Because of this, they quickly fade and fall off. flowers house orchid

Phalenopsis content

To water phalaenopsis like any other orchidroom, recommend in two ways. In the period when flowers are blossoming on it, it is better to use a watering can to not once transfer the plant. At other times it is better to immerse the pot in a container of water for a couple of minutes. Then wait until excess moisture drains, and return the green beauty to its original location. It is important to know that watering an orchid is not necessary more than once a week, because it is necessary to allow the roots to dry out. Constant staying in a wet environment can cause rotting and rapid destruction of the substrate. Water should be at room temperature or exceed it by three to four degrees. The maximum value for watering is + 28 ° С. Warm water will simply burn the roots of the plant. It often happens that quality care for an orchid can not be provided for one rather commonplace reason. It is in water with an excess of calcareous salts. The main indicator of such quality is the presence on the leaves of the plant of white divorces, which appear after spraying. If you do not help daily upholding before watering, then use these recommendations:

  • draw hot water from the tap (it is already softer than cold) and boil it for at least twenty minutes;
  • freeze the watering water in a plastic bottle, then cut the bottom and drain the residues with the salts;
  • add a little bit of oxalic acid into the water and let it settle for a while until a white salt precipitate appears on the bottom, it will take from two to four days.

It is not superfluous to recall that thisa beautiful plant needs regular feeding, which contributes to its proper growth. In this case, the flowers become larger, the leaves look smooth and have a rich green hue, the whole orchid radiates freshness and health. To achieve this result, the use of special types of fertilizers with the label "For orchids" will help you regularly. When your plant is in the flowering phase, feed it two or three times a month. But only in autumn and winter you should not make too concentrated makeup, so the amount of fertilizer should be reduced by half from the one indicated on the label. In the period of rest, that is, in the absence of flowers, the plant does not need much fertilizer, so do not fertilize it more than once a month. Orchids, which are intended for living indoors, propagate better vegetatively, that is, lateral processes. Such shoots can grow both on the stalk with flowers, and at the base of the leaves. In order to get a viable plant out of the process, wait for the appearance of at least one of its own roots, and only then place it in a separate vase. It is necessary to transplant an orchid once every three to four years into a new special substrate. Do it better in the spring, when the plant is experiencing an active period of growth. Eliminate the transplant, if there are already flowers, otherwise their beauty you will be able to admire quite a bit. Remember that the optimal capacity for orchids are transparent flowerpots. This is due to the fact that the process of photosynthesis in phalaenopsis occurs not only in the leaves, but also in the roots. Therefore, it is so important to provide them with light. Do not be scared if after a transplant your orchid does not bloom for a long time. Usually it takes from one and a half to two months, because the plant is experiencing a certain stress.

Problems with ornamental orchids that occur most often

Beginners-florists and their more experienced colleaguessometimes they face a number of problems in keeping orchids. It happens that the plants turn yellow leaves, it does not bloom, it looks weak and so on. Most of these troubles are directly related to mistakes made when caring for an orchid. But there is also a natural cycle of plant life. Therefore, the yellowing and dying lower leaves of phalaenopsis or other species of orchids are a perfectly normal process. But if the upper part of them undergoes such changes, then the subcooling or drying of the substrate is likely, as well as the impact of a sharp cold on the plant itself or its root system. If you are concerned about the long absence of flowers in an orchid, then notice whether it is not too hot in the room, whether it gets enough light, whether it is worth it in drafts, whether the watering water corresponds to the necessary requirements described above. Take a closer look at the state of the peduncle in a calm period. If it has turned yellow, wait until it dries completely and safely remove it. The new is formed after a rather long time, sometimes it takes a year and a half. If a stalk of flowers that has lost its flowers remains green for two to three weeks, do not touch it. In a month, it will resume activity or on it a vegetative process will form for subsequent transplantation. Carefully inspect your plant and do not delay with treatment if it is affected by a spider mite or mealybug. Different types of root rot are removed if the orchid is properly watered. It should be noted that phalaenopsis does not require too complex measures in its content. But neglecting the main of them can lead even to the death of the plant, and not just to the absence of flowers on it. Therefore, note that the phrase "somehow manage" does not apply to orchids, as, indeed, to any other kinds of houseplants. It will not do if you fail to provide normal conditions for the life of phalaenopsis and the rest of its roommates. indoor orchids

Other types of ornamental orchids

In addition to the popular phalaenopsis, there is alsoa number of representatives of the glorious kind of orchids, each of which will become a real decoration of any apartment. Briefly I would like to highlight some of the brightest and most beautiful of them. First of all it is worth mentioning cembra. It has very beautiful and bright flowers, something reminiscent of phalaenopsis. This variety is the result of successful crosses of several varieties of plants. Cumbria is also not particularly capricious - they love the northern and eastern windows and good humidity. Therefore, do not be lazy to regularly spray the plant and make sure that its substrate is not dry. The peculiarity of the orchid cattleya is its aroma, which is exuded by its fairly large and bright flowers. They can reach thirty centimeters in diameter. New varieties of this plant can continuously bloom for several weeks in a row. Such species of orchids love sunlight, so it is better to take them out in the summer to the garden. The plant does not tolerate a temperature drop, and although it needs moisture, but is afraid of excess water. Therefore, irrigation provides for dipping in a container of water not more than once every two to three weeks. Cattleya should be placed on a pallet where wet clay is poured. A very unusual form is the flowers of the orchid-papiopedilum. They resemble tiny slippers and last for several weeks, pleasing the eyes of all the domestic ones. To pafiopedilum blossom as often as possible, it must be fostered. In summer it should be done once a week, and in winter - once a month. This plant likes a shadow and feels good if the temperature in the room is in the range of +15 to 20 ° C. About the same conditions, and another representative of the orchid genus - oncidia, loves. It has long and flower-like flowers, which are simply strewn with many small flowers. Their shades are very diverse, as many varieties of orchids were used in breeding. Oncidia also loves a lot of sunlight in the summer and requires coolness in the winter season. Very beautiful looks orchid-vanda. Her room varieties are about eighty centimeters tall. On one peduncle there can appear not one flower, but several at once. Wanda loves light and warmth - their lack instantly reflects on the plant, slowing its development and disrupting the life cycle. It is necessary to always monitor the condition of the substrate of this orchid - it must be moist, but without excess water. In addition to the varieties of this beautiful plant described above, there is still a whole huge and many-sided army of its charming representatives. Orchids differ from each other in the size of the stem, the shape of the leaves, the size and shades of flowers, and a number of other features. Each of these plants is beautiful in its own way. One gets the impression that nature specially created such a gentle and simultaneously luxurious flower that he would give us aesthetic pleasure with his truly perfect appearance. It is difficult to imagine at least one thematic store, salon or garden center, where there would be no orchids. From them it is impossible to tear off the eyes, they want to admire constantly, and therefore the plants themselves have already become an integral part of every fashionable interior. But it is important to always remember that when buying an orchid, we not only get a stylish decoration for the house, but also take on a great responsibility. After all, any plant or animal needs care and attention. Only if these two conditions are met, those whom we have tamed will really give us joy. We advise you to read:

