French onion soup Every girl dreams to be in shape. But not everyone is able to keep their form. One of the most common problems of women all over the world is overweight. How to deal with it, there is no definite answer. Each woman is an individuality, and therefore with the help of one specific diet you can not lose weight to all comers. Onion soup for weight loss is one of the good options for losing weight. His recipe is very simple. But the fact is that the taste of onion soup will not please every woman. Onions in soup cooked, not raw, so eating it is not very pleasant. But those who really want to lose weight should endure and make sacrifices. The goal is, the result will not keep you waiting. With the help of onion soup for weight loss you can lose 5 kg in just 7 days. The results are amazing. It is necessary to observe the diet and the recipe. Soups are different and the ingredients for us are very diverse. It is important to choose such a composition of soups, so that it is both satisfying and useful.

What is useful onion soup and how it helps in combating obesity

  • Onion soup for weight loss (French recipe) burns fats faster than any other product.
  • Vegetables contained in soup contain fiber, which helps to saturate the body and do not give a signal of hunger for a long period, which will allow less to eat.
  • When you use onion soup calories, the body receives less than burns.
  • Physicians of American hospitals confirm the fact that with the help of onion soup a person loses excess weight.

Ingredients necessary for cooking onion soup:

  • 1 kg of onions (6 bulbs),
  • 0.5 kg of tomatoes,
  • Celery,
  • 2 kg of cabbage,
  • 2 green peppers,
  • Cube of broth to taste,
  • Sunflower or olive oil,
  • Pieces of bread,
  • Brown sugar (to taste).

Recipe: Cut vegetables, put in a saucepan, pour water so that the water lightly covers the vegetables (3 liters), cook over low heat until cooked. Then add spices, salt or broth to taste.

  • Bulbs are cut into rings, cabbage rubbed on a grater, and pepper diced.
  • The oil is poured into a saucepan, the onions are roasted on it until ruddy.
  • Sliced ​​bread is added and fried for 15 minutes.
  • A pinch of brown sugar is added (this is not necessary).
  • Add broth and all other vegetables and seasonings.
  • To taste, you can add half a glass of red wine, it warms up your appetite and gives a piquant taste.
  • When serving soup, a little cheese is rubbed into the plates.
  • If you follow a diet, then cheese, wine and white bread should not be added.

cooking onion soup

Diet on onion soup

Diet on onion soup is based on the fact that there issoup for breakfast, lunch and even dinner. But you can eat at another time, when the body feels hungry. In addition to soup, you can eat other foods, but not all in a row. On the first day you can eat exclusively fruits, and in the second - vegetables. You can eat a little boiled potatoes. On the third and fourth day you can eat vegetables and fruits other than potatoes. On the fifth and sixth day you can eat boiled beef. But a little. In everything there should be a measure. On the last day of the diet, you can drink juice, eat fruits, vegetables and rice. The main thing is that during a diet a girl who wants to lose weight, does not drink alcohol, sweet, fatty foods and bread products. It is advisable to drink as much liquid as possible, simple boiled water, but in no case not carbonated. Due to the fact that the onion is not quite a delicious product, the diet did not find a wide audience. In the recipe you can not add extra harmful products, for example, fat, meat, pasta. Some people can not lose weight, others lose weight by 1 kg, but seven days of a hard diet are not worth such a sacrifice. Well, there are those who really enjoyed the diet, they threw off about 5-8 kg in 7 days. To succeed, you need to have willpower, a great desire and opportunity. Then everything will turn out.

Who can not use onion soup

Unfortunately, onion soup for weight loss cannot all people consume. Those who suffer from bowel and stomach diseases should be cautious with such a diet, it is contraindicated to them. Better before starting a diet to consult a doctor. The recipe for onion soup is very low-calorie. It is delicious, simple and useful. It would seem that with such a diet you can not lose weight, because on the second day you can eat potatoes, on the third day - meat, and at the end of Fig. All these products are high in calories. But even if they are used in an acceptable amount, the fats will still be able to burn. Do not worry that the consumption of potatoes and meat can damage the diet. If you eat only one soup the whole week, then the body will not get enough and will starve. Because of this, sleep will be broken. Fasting is a dangerous form of weight loss and not always effective. The best diet is a diet based on a normal diet. When the body does not experience stress, but consumes all the necessary microelements and vitamins. Soup based on onion, well saturates the body. Thanks to onion soup, a person quickly becomes saturated and remains full for a long time. The main condition for losing weight is to spend more calories than consumed! A simple recipe for onion soup provides such a possibility. results of diet on onion soup

Useful properties of diet

  • Consumption of fruits is not limited, but one can not eatexotic, bananas and grapes. In bananas, a lot of calories, and grapes lead to improper operation of the intestines. Do not overeat. Strictly adhering to the prescription for weight loss, the result should be in any case. If he did not come, then the diet was not properly observed.
  • Water improves metabolism. You need a lot to drink it, even if you do not feel like it, you still need to drink as much as possible.
  • After making the soup, it is better to shake it in a blender to get the soup-puree. It looks appetizing and beautiful.
  • The amazing property of a diet on an onion soup is that there are no restrictions on its consumption. And this is already considered not a diet, but just an interesting and useful diet.

And most importantly, to lose weight, you need a psychologicalmood. Without desire, there will be no result. And the desire should be in the one who grows thin, and not among the surrounding people, relatives, friends and so on. If a person gives himself an installation and uses the same onion soup and believes that he is already losing weight, that he is not in vain trying, that he is on the right track, the result will be. And if a person from the last forces is starving, and then, after 7 days, he eats everything that his heart desires, then it is not worthwhile to begin. It is necessary to think, first of all, whether it is necessary for him or not? Even if a person does not lose weight, at least, there will be no harm, because soups - these dishes are useful and necessary for daily consumption.

