how to whiten your teeth at home A smile colors a person. But what if your teeth are far from perfect? If a dark coating on enamel turns every joke into torture, and every new acquaintance - in the test? First, we advise you to calm down. No one at the meeting looks in your mouth (you're not a thoroughbred horse, are you?). Secondly, a professional dentist can solve any problem with teeth. Now, many of them scared away from the monitors in horror. Yes, we understand you. Fear of a dentist is laid by a good half of humanity as a child, and over the years only grows stronger. What is only worth the hour waiting for your turn to scream frightened customers in the company with an incomparable scent! It seems that we completely frightened you? Then it's time to tell you how to whiten your teeth at home. Of course, if your dark plaque is the result of some illness, we advise you to consult a doctor. Those who drink a lot of strong tea or coffee and whose bad habit is displayed on the teeth, it is quite possible to try to do without dentists.

Whose teeth whitening does not threaten

Let's say you consider yourself a healthy person anddream of quickly whiten your teeth to be like Hollywood beauties. Wait, wait! Remember what happened to the proverbial character, who was also in a hurry somewhere. You do not want to be a total joke, do you? And even less you want to get into the chair of the dentist with an unsuccessful attempt to clean the enamel. And none of this will happen if you read a couple of warnings before you whiten your teeth in your home. So, teeth whitening is forbidden to those who:

  • caries;
  • inflammation of the gums;
  • hypersensitivity of teeth.

Have you seen yourself on this list? Then march to the dentist, otherwise you will not just come to him at a time convenient for you, but you will also beat the thresholds of on-duty hospitals with acute pain late at night (the one who suffered with the teeth knows that such a problem likes to aggravate with the onset of darkness, when the vast majority of dentists are fast asleep). how to whiten your teeth at home

Home teeth whitening

So, we begin a brief educational program on the topic of hometeeth whitening. Funds for the return of whiteness enamel came up with a lot, so we will try not only to talk about the methods used, but also to warn about the shortcomings of such amateur performance in any of its manifestations.

  • Toothpaste This is the most simple, affordable andunreliable method of teeth whitening. Agree that if the manufacturers of toothpastes were to fulfill at least half of the promises made during television advertisements, this article would not exist, as well as there would be no problem of yellowed teeth and smothered lips of a smile. Nevertheless, if you decided to try to whiten your teeth with toothpaste, we advise, firstly, not to save on it, and secondly, not to use it for more than one month. After 30 days, the composition of the paste begins to destroy the enamel. And we doubt that such a turn of events is part of your plans.
  • Baking soda This method was used by ourgrandmothers and surely will be used by our grandchildren, since teeth whitening with soda is not only quick, but also most effective at home. How it works? Elementary. Dampen the toothbrush with water, apply a layer of baking soda and gently walk through all the teeth, trying not to touch the gum. Particularly sensitive to the taste of soda, we advise you to first apply a toothpaste on the toothbrush. So you soften a bit the tart taste of your home teeth whitener. However, it is not advisable to take a soda, as it also has a habit of destroying enamel with frequent use. Dentists allow soda cleaning at most once a week.
  • Coal As it turned out, activated carbon is notonly perfectly heals poisoning, but also whitens teeth no less effectively. To do this, you can chew the tablet and hold it in your mouth for 10 minutes, and you can crush the coal and brush the teeth with a brush. In any case, repeat the procedure can be no more than 2 times a week, otherwise your teeth will not only be snow-white, but also extremely sensitive to cold and hot food.
  • Hydrogen peroxide. Immediately warn that thisthe method is very dangerous for the teeth. Too frequent use of peroxide or unskilful handling of the drug can lead to irreparable damage to the teeth. That is, it's worth a little overdoing, and the dentist will not help you anymore. However, the most risky beauties whiten their teeth with peroxide and even get a white smile as a reward. How do they do it? In the first case, girls are bred in half a glass of water 20 drops of peroxide and rinse this mixture with the mouth. (After that, rinse your mouth thoroughly, but with clean water, otherwise .... We already wrote that it will be in case of illiterate handling of peroxide.) The second method is easier. Here, the peroxide is applied to a cotton pad and the teeth are wiped with the swab. After the procedure, the teeth are again cleaned, but this time with an ordinary toothbrush without a paste.
  • Strawberry Perhaps, this is the most delicious bleachfor the teeth. And doctors do not see absolutely no harm to health in this procedure. Solid vitamins and pleasure. You can either just eat strawberries, and rub it into your teeth, seeking uniform bleaching. Of course, you can not achieve whiteness fast by eating berries, but you can combine good with useful - quite.
  • We hasten to reassure those whose teeth after homebleaching did not get the right shade. Do not worry. In the end, not in white teeth is happiness. And not even in their quantity. The main thing is to feel happy and beloved, and a snow-white smile will follow. Especially since no one has canceled dentists yet. As a last resort, you can forget all your fears and make an appointment for professional whitening, right? We advise you to read:

