Ficuses, perhaps, the most ideal plants forhome decoration. There are hundreds of species of ficus, and let the house can grow a little more than twenty varieties, among them there are plants for virtually every taste - evergreen and dropping foliage, large and small, whose foliage is of a variety of shapes and colors. One of the most popular species is Benjamin Ficus. This is a small-leaved tree with thin shoots that can be shaped as you like, even "braided" in a pigtail. Ficus Benjamin is characterized by a variety of forms and colors of leaves. This gentle, beautiful and whimsical plant, which with proper care can decorate your house for a long time. Among the popular species of ficus are ampel (they are very difficult to grow, as they die at the slightest lack of moisture), bottles (the trunks of these plants accumulate moisture, so they look like bottles) and deciduous (they drop foliage in the winter or before the drought begins).
How correctly to transplant ficuses
First, let's talk about general principlescultivation of ficuses. These plants do not like the cold, in winter the temperature in the room in which the ficus is located should not fall below seventeen degrees Celsius, in the summer to rise above thirty. Bottle ficuses do not like direct sunlight, while Benjamin ficus with light foliage makes sense to put in a more sunny place than a tree with dark leaves. Watering ficuses should be often enough, well-settled water. But do not overdo it. When transferring plants from place to place, place it with the same side to the light as in the previous place, otherwise they can throw down foliage or get sick. About the care of the fig tree, you can tell a lot, but I would like to dwell on a very important issue - how to properly transplant the ficus. First of all, when can you transplant these plants? It is recommended to do this very late in the winter (late February - early March). Young ficuses should be transplanted every year, adult trees - every two to three years, very old plants can be transplanted every five to six years. It must be remembered that these plants prefer close pots, so each time the diameter of the new container of your pet should be increased by only a few centimeters. Some questions are caused by the transplantation of a large ficus - there are such giants in pots with a diameter of more than fifty centimeters. Of course, they can not be properly transplanted by transshipment, so you can change the top three centimeters of soil every year, adding organic fertilizers. Perhaps your ficus will need an emergency transplant if the soil dries out too quickly after watering, the roots are covered with an earthen lump or peep out of the drainage holes. These signs indicate that the pot is too small for your plant. When something like this happens, take a larger capacity of the previous two or three centimeters and proceed to a transplant. Better, of course, do it in the right season. In winter, the ficus is at rest, it is weakened, so it is better to keep it. The first thing to the bottom of a new pot, whose diameter should be greater than the previous one by three to four, a maximum of five to six centimeters, you must lay out the drainage, so that the layer was a thickness of one and a half to two centimeters. You can use claydite, clay skulls or small pebbles, depending on your preferences. After that, the drainage should be laid out a special soil mixture in a thin layer (this can be a universal mixture with the addition of perlite or river sand), install an earth clod of the ficus and fill the new pot with a substrate. At this point, it is worthwhile to stay a little more detailed. For starters, keep in mind that the day before the transshipment, the plant must be watered, so the earthen coma will fall apart less. So, put the newspaper on the table or on the floor, put a pot of ficus on it, gently tap it with your hands or push it through the drain holes with a wooden stick. Extract the plant from the roots of the container. At this stage, it should be carefully examined. Healthy roots are tight and elastic, do not limp in their hands, but, alas, they can break. There is no one color, characteristic of healthy roots, they can be white, yellowish, brown or beige. If necessary, remove the diseased decayed roots, dry and treat the sections with a fungicide. Make sure that the plant enters the height in the chosen pot, set it there and gently pour the substrate between the walls and the root system. The method of transshipment for ficuses is preferable, but there are situations when it does not fit. If you, for example, bought a young plant and it grows in a peat or peat-coke substrate, during transplantation it will be necessary to remove part of this substrate, since it is intended for transportation of the plant, and not for cultivation. In such cases, there are a number of problems associated with the distribution of roots in a new pot - in no case should they be allowed to buckle. First, remove the excess substrate by avoiding damage to the roots, remove the diseased parts of the root system and process the slices. Keeping plants in such a way that the roots do not fit into the bottom, carefully fill the pot with soil. The transplanted plant should be in the new container located at the same height as in the previous one. Keep in mind that transplanting for a ficus is always stress, so do not be alarmed if the plant starts to discard the foliage or slow the growth. In this case, spray it twice a day, and water only when the ground dries. To reduce stress, transplantation of any ficus, whether it is rubber, deciduous or some other, should be done by transshipment, but, as indicated above, in an emergency, a simple "direct" transplant can be used. The method of transshipment is generally relevant for young plants and plants that do not tolerate any operations with the root system. The advantage of transshipment is that the plant does not have to spend energy on the restoration of lost parts, it receives nutrients without damage, in addition, transshipment can be carried out during flowering plants. Alas, like all good things, transshipment has some drawbacks. It has to be produced more often than a normal transplant, because with this method the pots volume grows insignificantly. As you can see, you can transplant the ficus, having minimal understanding of the process, you just need to consider several factors and be extremely careful. We are sure that you will succeed!