How to remove yellowness from clarified hair Blond hair of the most diverse shades alwaysrelevant - it's a kind of classic. Fully dyed hair or melted - there is no difference, in any case, this color always makes the girl more attractive, mysterious and feminine. However, there is one problem that darkens all the charms of blond hair - yellowness. Very often painting in light blond, wheaten shades leads to this result. About how to remove yellowness from the clarified hair and prevent in the future such a problem, we today and talk.

Prevent the appearance of yellowness on the hair

Of course, it is easier not to allow the appearanceyellowness, rather than get rid of it. But how to do that? It is best to prepare correctly for the clarification process in advance and minimize the likelihood of an unpleasant yellow tinge. And the first step is to evaluate the overall look of the hair. If your hair is prone to brittleness, dryness and to the cross-section, then before you lighten them, you need to carry out a set of restorative procedures - it will help to avoid dire consequences in the future. To do this, use medical masks and conditioners, sprays and shampoos. It is best to purchase such products in pharmacies. Do not forget that if you have recently done a chemical wave, then it is better to lighten with clarification. Hair has experienced a kind of stress, after which they need time to recover. Three to four weeks is enough. Intending to lighten hair, consider their natural color. In general, dyed hair is difficult to lighten - the likelihood that they will turn yellow or red, is too high. Here it is very important to consult a hairdresser and find out which paint is needed specifically in your case. Now about the rules of lightening. The paint is applied first from the occipital zone, because it is here that the staining is slower than in other areas. After that, the middle part of the head is stained, but whiskey and bangs - at the end. If you lighten the hair yourself, then apply the paint as quickly as possible. Remember that the coloring should occur evenly, so that the head does not turn out to be "spotty". Usually the roots are processed in about twenty minutes after the middle part of the head has been painted. This is the case if clarification is done for the first time. If it is repeated, then first we color the roots, and then the rest of the hair. Do not intensively stain the roots - with excessive clarification, they can be severely damaged. Following such simple advice, you will insure yourself from the appearance of yellowness on the hair. It is also important to choose the right product for clarification or staining. It is not worth saving here. The quality of the paint depends on many factors, the first of which is the manufacturer of a cosmetic product. Give preference to professional brands, rather than cheap cosmetics of incomprehensible origin. In addition, it should be remembered that the clarifying agent only discolours the hair, but the paint is designed to simultaneously discolor the hair and give them the right shade. Today, there are also special tonics on sale, the task of which is to rid the hair of yellowness after clarification. lightened hair how to remove yellowness

Stages of the procedure of lightening of hair

Now consider how to properly conductlightening of hair, as the final result also depends on it. The main advice - do not wash the strip before staining. In the process of applying the clarifier to the hair, divide them into four parts. The first parting - from ear to ear, the second - from the middle of the forehead and to the middle of the neck. First of all, the clarifier is applied to the back of the head, as it was said before. After that, we paint on all the fences. On whiskey and the area it is necessary for a forehead to clarify the clarifier at the end of staining, after all there the most thin and weak hair which are clarified quickly. The thicker, denser and thicker your hair, the less should be the strands to which you apply clarifying preparations. This will allow the cosmetics to soak into each hair. Otherwise, the color will be uneven. If you lighten the first time, you first need to apply the product on the hair itself, withstand the paint twenty-five minutes, then apply it on the roots (literally three centimeters) and hold for another ten to fifteen minutes. Try to paint the ends of your hair so that it does not dry out and cross. Lighten your hair no more than once a month. How to remove yellowness from clarified hair at home

Get rid of yellowness

If the yellowness still made itself felt, thenyou need to know how to deal with it. The first way is the use of a special shampoo, which at the expense of components in its composition allows you to remove from the hair an unpleasant yellow tint. This shampoo combines both functions and shampoo, and tonic. Your task is to choose the coloring agent of the desired shade. In order to achieve maximum effect, when selecting a tonic, it will not be superfluous to consult a specialist. There are cases when it is required to remove the yellow shade from the hair of a dark color, but the same thing to repeat with blond hair is much more difficult. You can add a toning shampoo to the one you used before. The proportion is 1: 3. Such a composition is softer, and it needs only a couple of minutes. Hairdressers advise when choosing a shade of shampoo to choose from shades such as pearly or ashy - they are most natural. Do not forget that you should not overdo this shampoo, otherwise your hair will get even more incomprehensible, unnatural shade. There are folk remedies that have proven themselves no worse than professional cosmetics. Honey mask - the first option. You will need only one component - honey. Choose lime or floral. Honey is applied to the hair for ten hours, so it is advisable to carry out this procedure in the evening, so that you have enough time - in the morning, honey can be washed off. On your head, put on a polyethylene cap. In addition to the fact that honey helps to remove yellowness, it strengthens the structure of the hair, making it shiny and soft. To get rid of yellowness it is possible and with the help of onion husk. It is necessary to prepare a decoction of rather high concentration. It, as well as in the first case, we put on hair and leave for the whole night. It can not be said that this agent perfectly copes with the yellowness of the hair, like shampoo or honey; However, if the problem is not too serious and the yellowness is negligible, the onion peel will show its effect. In addition, it is useful several times a week after washing hair with a normal or shading shampoo to rinse them with a useful and firming decoction of chamomile. It brightens both colored and natural wheat or light blond hair, giving them a healthy shine, softness and silky. As you can see, getting rid of yellowness of hair is not as difficult as it might seem. But it is easier to prevent such a problem than to try to get rid of it in every possible way. Taking care of your hair and providing them with the correct and competent complex care, you will achieve that your blond hair will always remain the object of admiration of others!

