On the Internet, it breaks popularity records onean amusing demotivator: a kitten marches around the room on its hind legs, and below it the inscription: "I'm walking along the room like a dandy, because I've pissed people into sneakers!". Ridiculous ... And most importantly - actual. Many and many dearly loved cats and seals are capable of such blasphemous ingratitude, how to take and shit in completely unexpected places. What drives the ugliness at the same time is the second question. And the first question that puzzles us at the same time is how to remove the smell of cat urine. Even if you immediately "replace" all traces of this disgrace, the smell can still remain. And if you do not notice the puddle immediately and do not remove it, then it will be absolutely stinky in this place. And it's okay to piss off the pussy on the linoleum or on the tile ... But if she gets a carpet, a sofa, a parquet or a wooden floor, then write - it's gone! Any absorbent surface is capable of long and strong hold of the smell of cat urine. It is difficult to remove this smell, but in many cases it is still possible. Let's find out how.
Why is it difficult to remove this smell?
The question is not idle. If you know the composition of cat urine, then get rid of the smell left by the cat, it will be easier. In any case, it will be possible to understand how to do this. To begin with, note that it stinks not only for us. Cats "foreign" smell, too, do not like, and from their they are not enthusiastic. For example, most cats disdain to use one tray with another cat living in the house, and does not like when her personal tray smells. By the way, this can be one of the reasons for the cat searching for a new place for the toilet. The main reason for the persistent smell of cat urine is its ability to rapidly crystallize. The forming crystals do not dissolve in water and, as a rule, are not removed by detergents. And the following are the main components of cat urine: Urea - makes the urine sticky when dry, but it dissolves well in water; Urochrome - gives urine a color, comes from the coloring matter of bile; Urinary (uric acid) is a crystalline colorless substance, practically insoluble in water. It is the latter that makes urine difficult to excrete. When we wash the cat-marked places in the apartment or things (bed-clothes, clothes, shoes), then water and detergents (alkali) dissolve well and remove the first constituents. And poorly soluble crystals of uric acid remain and dry up. There is no moisture and colors on the marked place, but the crystals are invisible. By the way, the smell is also absent at first or simply masked by strong smells of detergents. However, as soon as uric acid is exposed to any moisture (sweat, water, urine), the smell appears again. That is why clothes and shoes, stained with a cat, do not smell after washing, and after the first socks they begin to stink again. The intensity of the odor also depends on which surface the urine has got on and how long it remained there. With porous and rough materials, as well as from surfaces that absorb moisture well, it is very difficult to remove the smell of cat urine. Sometimes this is only professional dry cleaning. But if the puddle is fresh, and you managed to get it quickly, you can still remove the remaining odor. And try to remove the smell from more problematic places, too, can be, using home or special means.
At first glance, the most effective homemeans seems bleach. Indeed, it helps quickly, but for a short while to get rid of the smell of cat urine. Chlorine-containing drugs in themselves have a very strong smell, which simply damps the ambre of cat's urine. But it does not dissolve the crystals of uric acid, and as soon as the chlorine is weathered, the smell emanating from the stain resumes. In addition, chlorine is a very aggressive and even poisonous substance. Therefore, such tools can damage the fabric and leave whitish traces on any other surface. Ammonia and any perfume widely advertised on Internet forums do not relieve the smell. Although, it should be noted that spirits and colognes based on alcohol are really capable of dissolving uric acid crystals, but imagine how much they need to be used to completely destroy the traces of cat's disgrace. Much more effective in this case, "will work" all sorts of oxidizers. From improvised home remedies will help cope with the smell of cat urine, for example:
- Potassium permanganate (manganese), whose aqueous solutions act as oxidants and deodorants.
- An aqueous solution of vinegar, capable of oxidizing uric acid crystals and neutralizing the smell.
- Lemon juice (acts like vinegar);
- Hydrogen peroxide (oxidizes and has a bactericidal property);
- Aqueous solution of iodine (15 drops per liter of water).
By the way, many improvised means are capableneutralize the effect of bacteria that reproduce in the urine, which, in fact, cause its unpleasant odor. Therefore, as such means, you can use any alcohol, tea brew, mouthwash and aqueous solution of baking soda. But, we will notice, that all these means are good only as the emergency help and are effective only for fresh labels left by a cat. Household soap also has a bactericidal property and contains glycerin, which cleaves uric acid crystals. By analogy with household soap, you can use glycerin soap or soap with a bactericidal effect. But all sorts of flavors (balm "Asterisk", aromatic oils and bath salts, ground coffee, dried herbs) can not remove the smell of cat urine. For some time they will muffle it, but after weathering the fragrance (and even earlier), the cat tags will start to smell again. Using home remedies, it is best to combine several components at once, one of which will act as an absorbent, the other will help oxidize or split the crystals of uric acid, and the third neutralizes the odor. For example, on a fresh stain from urine, apply an aqueous solution of vinegar (one to four), blot it with a paper towel and sprinkle with baking soda. Then make a solution of laundry soap and hydrogen peroxide and rub it into the stain. Then vacuum the stained surface. And do not forget about the aggressive properties of many of the listed products and their ability to "eat" paint. Therefore, before use, test their effect on small (inconspicuous) areas.
Special Tools
The modern market offers us simplyan incredible amount of means for neutralizing the smells of domestic animals. But, unfortunately, not all manufacturers produce really high-quality products, and it is possible to verify the effectiveness of the tool only in practice. Therefore, when purchasing such products, carefully study their composition, which should include not only alkalis and oxidants, but also special enzymes that can break down uric acid and neutralize the odor. Here is just a short list of remedies that you can try to remove the smell of cat urine:
- Zoosan is a detergent, a biological killer of odors;
- Urine Off (Urine Off) - a safe biological cleaner;
- Just for cats Stain & Odor Remover - removes the smell of cat marks;
- Complete Pet Stain & Odor Remover - a remedy for stains and odors;
- Pet Stain & Odor Remover is a spray that destroys even old stains and the smell of urine;
- DesoSan - a means to destroy any odors,
- Odor Kill & Stain Remover - liquid and spray to neutralize odors;
- Bio-G is a smell remover.
Using any professional means,carefully read the instructions: not all of them are suitable for upholstered furniture and carpets, some are capable of causing irritation and allergy. Absolutely safe means of industrial production simply does not exist, however you are convinced of the opposite producers and sellers of these funds. Unfortunately, sometimes no means at all help. Then, perhaps, it is necessary to turn to the professionals for help and hand over the thing to the dry cleaners, or to invite specialists to the house. Just be sure to voice your problem, so that professional help is targeted and effective. And to avoid such problems, watch for the cleanliness of the cat's tray and the convenience (for the cat) of its location. However, sometimes illnesses, stressful situations, and also instincts can provoke a cat to leave a mark on a carpet, sofa or shoes. But, what to do, this is the nature of these animals, and with it, as you know, you can not argue. And if you have settled in your house such a "weird" mustachioed-striped happiness, then be prepared for everything, including the fight against the smell of cat urine. How else? We are responsible for those who have tamed. We advise you to read: