how to moisturize the face skin at home Condition, health and beautiful appearance of the skinThe person directly depends on her moisturizing and getting nutrients and vitamins. And so very often women are interested in how to moisturize the face skin at home? To ensure that our skin regularly receives a sufficient amount of moisture and useful trace elements and substances, it is necessary to make various moisturizing facial masks at home. Of all the current variety of finished cosmetic products, you can pick up any mask for yourself, but it will be much better to prepare that mask of natural ingredients that suits your skin type. After all, moisturizing the skin needs any skin without exception - both oily and combination, and dry.

Rules for drawing masks

To prepare a face mask in your homeconditions, you do not need to be a professional cosmetologist, it is enough to know your individual skin type and have all the necessary components at hand. Experts advise doing face masks 3-4 hours after waking up and at least 2-3 hours before bedtime. There are also several useful tips for preparing the skin before applying masks:

  • Cleanse the skin with tonic or lotion. Also, the face can be cleaned with a scrub (half of the apple grated on a small grater mix with a tablespoon of ground coffee beans).
  • Make relaxing compresses on the eyes (from slightly boiled black tea or tinctures of chamomile).
  • Lay down on your back, placing a small cushion or pillow under your feet.
  • Relax as much as possible.
  • Rules for applying masks:

    • The mask should be applied from the chin, from the upper lip and from the wings of the nose to the temples;
    • The mask does not overlap the skin around the eyes. But you can grease it with eye cream;
    • Tools for applying the mask should be perfectly clean and comfortable (wadded disks, tampons, brushes, brushes, sponges, hands);
    • The average duration of the mask is usually from 15 to 30 minutes, longer to keep the mask on the face should not be;
    • Applying a mask on the face, it is necessary to completely relax the muscles of the face;
    • Remove the mask with light movements, without stretching the skin;
    • Masks are recommended 1-2 times a week for a month. Repeat the procedure can be carried out after two months.
    • Preparing nourishing facial masks at home is necessary immediately before their application.

    how to moisturize your face skin

    Nourishing masks for dry skin of the face

    • Potato mask

    1 large potato to cook in a "uniform"cool, peel and mash with a fork. Place in the potato 1 egg yolk and 0.2 cups of milk. Preheat the resulting puree on a steam bath to 30-35 degrees and apply an even layer on your face for 15-20 minutes. Potatoes not only perfectly moisturizes the skin of the face, but also prevents its loss.

    • Cucumber mask

    1 medium cucumber grate on medium grater,add to it 20 grams of sour cream. Cucumber - sour cream mixture on the face and neck for about 20 minutes. Mask rinse with cool water and then wipe the face with a swab dipped in cold milk.

    Masks for normal skin

    With normal skin the situation is the easiest - it is suitable for almost any mask. We offer you the most effective of them.

    • Cottage cheese mask

    In a tablespoon of fat-free cottage cheese pour in 1a teaspoon of brewed black tea and half a teaspoon of fish oil. The mask is kept on the face for about 15 minutes. To wash off a mask it is necessary cold water, and the face to wipe it is impossible - the skin should dry up naturally.

    • Egg mask

    1 egg white whisk in the foam, add there 3-5drops of lemon juice. All stir and evenly apply to the face. When the first layer of the mask dries, you need to apply a second layer. Hold for 15 minutes, then rinse with plenty of water. Do not forget to apply your usual moisturizing cream.

    • Mask of flakes

    2 tablespoons chopped oatmealstir in 3 tablespoons of milk, add 1 tablespoon of any vegetable oil and 1 dessert spoon of honey. Leave on the face for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with warm water. This mask not only perfectly moisturizes the skin, but also deeply cleanses it. This mask can not be done more than once a week.

    Masks for oily skin of the face

    It would seem that oily skin does not need anywhat kind of moisturizing. However, this opinion is extremely erroneous - in fact oily skin is characterized by an excessive amount of sebum, but not water. And the need for moisture in oily skin is no less than that for dry skin. We offer you several types of masks that not only moisturize the skin, but also improve its condition. They will make it possible to achieve a truly stunning effect at home.

    • Mask of yolk

    1 egg yolk mix with 0.5 lemon juice and 5grams of vegetable oil. The resulting mask should be applied to the pre-cleaned skin, keep for 10 minutes. After this, rinse very thoroughly with cold water.

    • Protein mask

    1 egg whites mixed with 1 dessert spoonolive oil, add to them grated on a fine grater half a carrot and a pinch of starch. The mask should be applied to the face and held for 20 minutes. After this mask, it is also necessary to apply a moisturizing cream intended especially for oily skin.

    • Apple mask

    The use of apples is difficult to overestimate. They at times improve the condition of any skin without exception. Practically a beauty salon at home. 1 average apple peel, cut into small cubes and boil in 0.5 cup of milk until a thick slurry is obtained. Warm the gruel to put on your face and wait 20 minutes. how to moisturize the face skin at home

    Anti-aging masks

    Cosmetologists say that the older it becomesa woman, the more moisture is required for her skin. So why not combine the pleasant with the useful - moisturizing with rejuvenation? We offer you masks prepared at home, which have these properties.

    • Sour cream mask

    Lubricate the face with slightly warmed vegetable oil. Then, with your fingers moistened in aloe juice, apply a thin layer on the face with sour cream. Keep the mask on your face for 20 minutes. This mask should be done at least twice a month.

    • Lemon mask

    5-7 grams of any fat cream mixed with ½ teaspoonfulspoons of lemon juice and ½ teaspoon of sour cream. Prepared mask to put on face for 15-20 minutes. This mask is best for a greasy skin type. But the owner of dry skin is better to refuse it.

    Lotions for face

    However, in order to achieve a fullmoisturizing the skin, it is necessary to resort to special lotions, which can also be prepared at home. Just wipe your face with a swab dipped in such a lotion, at least once a day.

    • Tea lotion

    Bring to a boil 0.5 liters of still mineral water, pour into it 1 teaspoon of green tea. Cool and add a few drops of lemon juice.

    • Lotion of calendula and chamomile

    20 grams of chamomile flowers and the same amountCalendula pour 1 cup of boiling water. Infuse for half an hour, then strain through a fine strainer and add 20 grams of camphor alcohol. Choosing for yourself a mask suitable for your skin type and making them 2 times a week, you will provide your face with youth, healthy radiance, and your skin will gain elasticity and elasticity. We advise you to read:

