how to sew a magnificent skirt from a grid Modern fashion democratically refers to anyFashion clothing and allows you to use even the most daring types of fabrics. So, the basis of a fashionable outfit, there may very well be quite unexpected material, for example, a grid. Things made of mesh came to us from the Middle Ages. Legislators of the then fashion - Frenchwomen and Englishwomen - used a lower skirt in order to get a more lush upper. Typically, for this under the brocade skirt put on a few lower products from the mesh. In general, if you analyze the history of fashion, then after its appearance in the Middle Ages, the skirt of the grid has always remained popular. Only in periods of fashion for tight-fitting dresses did the net go to the background, but after a while the fashion again returned, and with it the relevance to the magnificent skirt. Now the skirt of the grid is used for various purposes. It can become an additional element of the outfit, designed for giving splendor, and an independent product.


Of course, you can get a similar outfit inshop, but you will agree, sew a magnificent skirt from a grid independently, where it is more interesting. The sewing technology depends on what the product is intended for. If you are going to sew a normal lower skirt, then you will not need special skills. Take the cut tulle, the width of which is 2-3 cm longer than the length of the skirt, and the length is 2-4 times larger than the volume of your hips (depending on how magnificent the product you are going to get). Fold the upper edge of the fabric and sew, so that there is enough space between the seam and the top edge to pass through the gum. That's why you needed a material of greater width. Instead of a rubber band, you can use a tape. If you want to get a more luxurious skirt, you need to sew them a few pieces and connect with each other. In France, the lower skirts were called crinoline (the name is formed from two components - horse hair and dense flax). The base of the crinoline consists of two wedges of a skirt-half-sun and two details of a belt. Usually crinolines use special hoops. There are three of them. And if you want to sew a magnificent skirt with hoops, it will be necessary to master, at least elementary skills of sewing.

  • First we sew the details of the belt. Their length should be equal to the waist circumference, the width is 3-4 centimeters. It is necessary to cut two identical blanks, strand along the length from the wrong side, turn them to the front side.
  • Now proceed to the main part of the skirt. To do this, you need to fold the mesh cut in half, mark the waist line and measure the length of the product. The details are cut taking into account the allowances for seams. Grid better to sweep, then sew the workpieces and attach them to the belt. If the skirt is supposed to be lightning, then do not forget to sew it.
  • The product is turned inside out. Hoops on the skirt are distributed as follows: the smallest - at a distance of one-third the length of the skirt, the second - two-thirds the length, and the last, the largest hoop, is attached at the very bottom, and along the perimeter should coincide with the length of the hem. The hoops are fixed with a wide ribbon, which is attached over the part and under it.
  • To get an even more magnificent skirt and create an even rounded silhouette, then on each tier, in the area of ​​the hoop, ruffles of one-third the length of the skirt are sewn.
  • With a similar product from the grid, you can change the outera kind of almost any outfit. After all, if from under the upper skirt, sewn thick fabric, a skirt from the net looks out - it looks mysterious and romantic. In such a thing, you will look more elegant, erotic. A skirt designed for this purpose can be sewn from one layer of tulle and make it longer than the main product. how to sew a skirt from a net

    Upper skirt

    A spectacular lush skirt can be obtained if the meshto start not from under the skirt, but from above. Sew such beauty from a thin grid, which is designed for the upper tier. The middle tier is made of crepe satin or satin, and the bottom is made of a rigid mesh. Prepare also a secret lightning length of about 15 centimeters.

  • To begin, we calculate the required quantityfabric and determine the length of the middle skirt. Suppose we sew a lush skirt 32 centimeters long. Necessarily we add on 1,5 centimeters on processing of the top section and a bottom. We get 35 centimeters. Since the skirt consists of two cloths, then all you need is 70 centimeters.
  • The upper skirt is made shorter by 5 centimeters. Therefore it is necessary to take 27 cm of a thin grid for it. To process the top cut, add a half centimeter, and the bottom of the skirt is left untreated. Therefore, a fine grid will be needed - 28.5 * 2 = 57. If the width of the rigid mesh is 160-180, then the lower skirt is better to sew from one piece, it is longer than the middle one by 5 cm, so the calculation will be as follows: 35 + 5 + 1.5 = 39.5.
  • I sewed not so magnificent thing, therefore on averageskirt was enough satin width of 250 centimeters. Each cloth is 125. But if you want to sew a more magnificent skirt, then increase the width of each piece. Product details are rectangles of a predetermined length. They need to be sewn with each other along the lateral seams. On the left side of each skirt we leave 16 centimeters for the lock. Do not forget to process the bottom edge of the middle skirt. It can be edged with oblique tack or swept and, having tucked, stitch it.
  • Further in each of our workpiece, the uppercut the two parallel lines in a wide stitch at a distance of 0.5 centimeter and 1 centimeter. Skirts pull together at the width of the waist and overlap each other.
  • The top of the skirts must be swept to each other. Stick in the zipper.
  • It will look beautiful if the finished product is not on the elastic band, but on the belt. This skirt is perfect for a teenage girl. In this case, you can use any color gamut.

    Skirt for baby

    If you want to sew a lush skirt for a smallgirls, then sew the product only from a soft mesh. To sew a similar thing, you will need a net for the bottom skirt and a light organza for the top. The coquette is made of organza, measuring 20 by 150 centimeters. For the first tier of shuttlecocks, 3 pieces for the top, 10 by 150 cm in size, and the same details from the net for the bottom, will be needed. For the second tier: 6 pieces of organza, and the same number of mesh. Also for the ruches it is necessary to prepare 18 details measuring 8 by 150 centimeters for each skirt, that is, only 36 parts.

  • We sew a magnificent skirt, starting with a ruche. We sew 18 stripes of a grid on the short side (the strip in length of 27 meters should turn out). Then, in the middle of the tape, we make a line, so that the tape is assembled in relation to 1 to 3. For this, we always put the assembly in sewing. Finished ruches should be about 9 meters long. The product is enclosed in a circle.
  • We proceed to manufacture the second tier. Six strips of a grid need to be sewn by the short sides and to be closed in a circle. On one side we sew the ruche. The seam should pass through its middle. The second side of the material is collected with a thread in a ratio of 1 to 3. We sew the three strips of the grid of the first tier with short sides. We close in a circle, and to one of the sides sew the finished second tier. The second side is again collected in relation to 1 to 3.
  • Similarly, the upper skirt is made, but inher ruches are made of mesh, and the main part of the skirt is made of organza. The skirt of the skirt is executed as follows. Fold the detail in half facing out, lay a line at a distance of 5 cm from the edge, insert the rubber band and close the part in the ring. We received two cuts at the bottom of the detail, we sew one skirt to one, and the second skirt to the top skirt.
  • As you can see, sew a magnificent skirt from the net quiteit is possible and independently. The main thing is to put a little effort and patience. As a small girls, and adult women such a thing does not hurt in the wardrobe. We advise you to read:

