scrambled eggs with vegetables Omelet with milk is known to everyone from the very childhood,its popularity does not decrease over time, its recipe is very simple, it is prepared quickly from natural products, tasty, healthy, nutritious. But for all the simplicity of the recipe, sometimes there are cases where instead of the expected "yummy" something is not very similar to what you expected to cook. Even this light recipe has its own cooking features, and if you take them into account, then an excellent result will not keep you waiting.

Features of preparation

Before considering the recipe itself, let us dwell on the important nuances:

  • The main secret is to observe the rightratio of eggs and milk. For each medium-sized egg, 2 tablespoons of milk should be taken. It is this ratio that gives the best result. To be more precise, then, given that eggs can be of different sizes, milk is added to one broken egg in an amount equal to half the shell of this egg.
  • Another point is that whiskproteins and yolks are better separated, and then combine these 2 masses. Then the omelet turns out to be more magnificent. But if you have time to spare, you can whip eggs and whole. The whipping process should only be done in one direction, since a change in direction can extinguish the lifting of the mass.
  • It is also important that the frying pan with the lid be preheated. Then the omelet will rise well and uniformly bake.

omelette with additives

Ingredients for cooking

The main products in the recipe for omelets are eggs and milk, the rest of the ingredients can vary depending on your tastes. One serving will need:

  • 2 eggs;
  • 4 tablespoons of milk;
  • 1 tablespoon of flour. It can be added if you want to get a more dense omelet, but in the classical version, flour is not required;
  • salt is added to taste;
  • sugar powder can be used if you want to cook a sweet omelet, its amount depends on how much you are a sweet tooth;
  • oil for lubrication pans can be vegetable (sunflower, olive or other), but to give the dish a noble taste is better to use creamy;
  • filler (if desired), which can be used as spices, vegetables, greens, bacon, olives, seafood, mushrooms, peppers, asparagus and any other products at your discretion.

simple omelet recipes with milk

Cooking process

So, having prepared the necessary ingredients, you can start preparing the omelet:

  • We break eggs into a chilled bowl and whisk thembefore obtaining a magnificent foam. If you have time and do not hurry, it is better to beat the yolks and whites separately, and then gently combine them and mix them. In this case, the milk can immediately be added to the yolks whilst whipping.
  • While you are doing these magical manipulations, to save time put a plate with a lid on the stove - let it warm up.
  • In the beaten eggs, add milk, if desired -flour (for a greater density). If you decide to make a sweet omelet, then add the powdered sugar, if not, then salt. The taste will be more interesting if you salt the omelette not at this stage, but at the end of cooking. The same applies to the filler. Vegetables and greens can be added now, you can top on the finished dish, and you can not add at all. Try differently and in the future will do as you like.
  • Once again, stir until a homogeneous mass is obtained.
  • On the preheated frying pan pouroil (or put, if it is creamy), let it be evenly distributed in a pan, pour out the resulting milk-egg mixture and cover with a lid. Fry for about 10 minutes, first on medium heat, and when the omelet rises, reduce the fire and let it fry. At the same time, we do not distract ourselves anywhere and make sure that the omelet does not burn.
  • We put the omelet on the dish, salt and add the desired products, if you did not do this at the mixing stage. If you make it sweet, then the surface can be decorated with jam.
  • That's the whole recipe. In order to succeed, it is necessary to take into account the features mentioned at the beginning, and otherwise you can experiment with it, especially with the addition of additional ingredients. If you did everything right and in a good mood, then the omelet you cooked with your whole appearance, aroma and taste will tell you: "Bon appetit!"

