Wheat germ oil, which is used onfor several centuries, receive from the germs of wheat grain. It has nutritional properties, many useful substances, microelements and vitamins. This is a real natural concentrate of biologically active substances and vitamins, which is incorporated in the grain. Apply oil for various purposes, it is distinguished by therapeutic, restoring functions. Wheat germ oil for hair is used for alopecia, if necessary to restore their elasticity, natural shine, strength. For this purpose, masks, special means for washing the head are used.
Useful properties of oil
The wheat germ contains a uniquea complex of 18 amino acids, vitamins and microelements, which are necessary for the normal, correct development of any organism. Oil is used not only for hair, it activates the work of the brain, provides muscle tissue energy. When using this substance, the absorption of fats, carbohydrates is slowed down, metabolism, nutrition of cells improves. Often it is the oil from wheat germ used to treat small wounds, with urolithiasis, pulmonary and many other diseases. Amazing properties of this product are used for eczema, oncology, stomach ulcer and intestines. Oil from germinated sprouts - this is a real panacea for any diseases! These plain corn kernels also contain B vitamins, vitamin E, which are necessary for the scalp for proper nutrition. When using oil, rejuvenation occurs, all slags are removed, all metabolic processes are activated. The tonic effect of oil from wheat germ can be used for all types of hair. Selenium and carotene, contained in the embryos, can provide antioxidant effects. It is considered effective not only to use one oil, but also mixtures with honey. This greatly improves the condition of the curls, makes them more shiny, light, fluffy. Similar masks, which can be easily done at home, have an effect in a few weeks after the start of use. The benefit and effect of oil for hair is as follows:
- the scalp becomes healthy, supple, dandruff disappears;
- tightness and dryness disappear;
- The curls become very elastic, evendamaged strands acquire health and beauty. After using such products, hair is much easier to pack, they are perfectly combed, they cease to be very confused. Their appearance is much better and healthier.
After washing off the masks, it is recommended to rinse the hair in cool water so that all pores are closed, that is, their surface will become smooth and silky, and this is the first step to returning the glitter of the strands.
How to apply embryonic hair oil?
The use of wheat germ oil in domesticconditions is quite simple. We present some recipes that can be easily made by hand, restoring the health of the hair, its brilliance, elasticity. To prevent hair loss, it is necessary to use oil from wheat sprouts in this way: by light massaging movements of the fingers, we begin to rub the product into the scalp. Such massage itself is useful, but together with oil it has a significant effect. After a while you will notice that the hair has stopped falling out, they become thicker, more attractive. The use of a mask against hair loss makes the strands stronger, more elastic, the scalp becomes well, the hair follicles begin to receive proper nutrition, without which they are greatly weakened. It is recommended to carry out a course of two weeks, the oil is used for every wash. Usually, after a week, the first result is noticeable, but it usually takes about three weeks for the hair to stop falling out. Mask for courtship for curly hair This mask includes one ripe banana, one soft avocado, a full tablespoon of wheat germ oil, two drops of lavender essential oil. Avocado and banana are crushed, combined with oils and thoroughly mixed. After this, it is necessary to apply the resulting mixture to clean hair for about fifteen to twenty minutes, it is advisable to cover your head with a tissue for this time. If you have dry hair, then the mask is recommended to be washed off with plain water, but for fatty ones you will need to use shampoo. Your hair will look after these masks more elastic, it will be easier to comb. Special masks for dry hair For care ofdry hair it is necessary to prepare the flesh of one banana, two full tablespoons of wheat germ oil, four full tablespoons of low-fat yogurt. Banana is crushed, after which it is thoroughly mixed with yoghurt and butter. The mask is applied to the surface of the head for 30 minutes, then washed off. Hair, thanks to such care, will become shiny, will cease to look overdried and untidy. Nourishing masks for oily hair and split ends. Oily hair often looks very untidy, which requires constant care. To make a special nutritious mask, you need to prepare three tablespoons full spoons of ordinary kefir, a teaspoon of lemon juice, a teaspoon of oil from germs of wheat germ. All the ingredients are mixed, after which they are applied for 15 minutes to the hair, evenly distributing it. If possible, the time can be significantly increased, up to about 1-1.5 hours. In order to achieve the desired result, use a nourishing mask before each washing of the head for two to three weeks. Many unpleasant moments can be delivered and split ends of hair, this makes the hairstyle unkempt and unattractive. To get rid of this moment, it is necessary to prepare a mask from one tablespoon of honey and two full tablespoons of oil from the embryos. Ingredients are combined and applied to the hair, with a great deal of attention paid to the damaged tips. Keep the mask is recommended from 15 minutes to 1.5 hours, it all depends on the degree of damage. The recovery period can take about two to three weeks. Means for shine of hair Often because of a lack of food curls become dim, therefore it is necessary to provide them with due care. For such a mask, you need to take one egg, a full tablespoon of wheat germ oil, two tablespoons of regular milk powder. Ingredients are thoroughly mixed, after which the mask is applied to the hair for up to one hour, you can additionally cover the head with a film and a shower cap. After that, the mask is washed off. With constant use, you will notice that the curls have become more elastic and elastic, attractive, shiny. Today, a variety of cosmetics are used for hair care, but one of the most effective is oil, the source of which is wheat. This remedy is rich in vitamins, various trace elements and nutrients, with the help of oil you can even make the most dull hair very attractive and shiny. At home, various masks are used for this, to ensure proper, proper hair care. To make such a remedy is very simple, the ingredients for this are applied the simplest and most affordable, apply masks before washing your head. After a while, the condition of the curls improves, shine and firmness returns.