nasal bleeding causes Parents often encounter such aa problem, like a nosebleed. And the blood loss during this bleeding can be quite large - frightened not only by the child himself, but also by his parents. In addition, fear also arises from the fact that almost none of the parents understand what is behind the nosebleeds. This is exactly what will be discussed later.

Causes of nasal bleeding

Whatever provoked bleeding from the nose,all the same it is due to two factors - either a violation of the integrity of the wall of blood vessels, or due to a violation of normal blood clotting. Nasal bleeding can be either spontaneous, arising independently, or provoked by any injuries. Doctors distinguish two types of causes that cause bleeding - local and general. So, nosebleeds, causes:

  • Local causes

Most often bleeding is caused bydamage to the vessel wall - in about 90% of all cases. Especially often this happens in cases where the vascular plexus is located close to the slime - in this case, the slightest effect on the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity can lead to severe bleeding. And the injuries that cause nasal bleeding can be very different - severe trauma to the nose and nasal septum, for example, as a result of a ball hit or a child's fall. And sometimes quite innocuous enough, at first eye, a child's habit of picking his nose with his finger. Also, often nasal bleeding is provoked by the presence of foreign bodies in the nasal cavity. This problem is most relevant for young children, who quite often put various foreign bodies into the spout - buttons, beads and others. And children often enough or do not talk about this to adults, fearing punishment, or simply simply forget about it. And the slightest influence on the spout of crumbs leads to trauma to the nasal mucosa and, as a consequence, nosebleeds. In addition, this phenomenon is fraught with other complications. In the event that the foreign body is in the nasal cavity for a long time, the inflammatory process of the nasal mucosa develops. In a few hours from the nose of the child there will be unpronounced bloody discharge from the nose, with a purulent admixture and accompanied by an unpleasant odor. Also, various nasal tumors can cause nasal bleeding. In children, to great happiness, almost in all cases there are benign tumors that are removed, in principle, without much difficulty and without any consequences for the child's organism and his health in general. In the event that the child has abnormal anomalies of the anatomical structure of the nose, nosebleeds often occur, in addition to the difficulty of nasal breathing. Very often bleeding from the nose leads to such anomalies as the curvature of the nasal septum, or the pathology of the development of the vascular system of the nasal mucosa. Also, there is often a change in the structure of the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity, resulting from prolonged exposure to the organism of pathogens such as syphilis, tuberculosis or diphtheria, as well as chronic colds. And sometimes even the usual dry air in the room can become the cause of nosebleeds. The mucous membrane of the nasal cavity dries up, adheres to the walls of the blood vessels, which largely lose their strength and elasticity. And the slightest impact - sneezing, blowing, leads to the fact that the vessel bursts.

  • Common causes

In addition to local reasons, there is enougha large number of diseases that cause nasal bleeding of a general nature. These diseases, one way or another, are associated with a violation of blood coagulability or the permeability of the walls of blood vessels. The causes may be blood diseases, for example, such as hemophilia. In a person who has hemophilia, blood coagulates much worse than a healthy person. This is due to the fact that the blood lacks special enzymes responsible for blood clotting. By the way, only boys suffer from hemophilia, whereas girls are only carriers of a defective gene. And infectious diseases such as influenza, measles, or rubella significantly increase the permeability of the walls of the vessels and cause their inflammation. Approximately the same result can lead to a lack of vitamin C, or in the presence of hereditary diseases, leading to a violation of the normal structure of the vascular wall. Also, very often, nosebleeds are caused by the presence of chronic liver diseases in a child. Such diseases include all types of hepatitis, as well as cirrhosis of the liver. Also bleeding can provoke chronic inflammatory processes that occur in the paranasal sinuses and the nasal cavity itself. Very often, an increase in blood pressure results in the occurrence of nasal bleeding in a child. The reasons for this very increase in pressure are numerous. These include renal hypertension, and physical stress, and overheating of the child, and kidney diseases.

Stopping nasal bleeding in children

In children, nosebleeds can beginsuddenly, very often in a dream. Parents in the morning can find blood stains on the child's pillow. Sometimes bleeding is one-sided, but it can also be from both nostrils. The intensity of these bleedings can also be different - both weak and strong enough. It can very quickly stop on its own, and can continue uninterruptedly, and to stop it, certain efforts are needed.

  • Fresh air supply

It is necessary to undo clothes as quickly as possiblechild, if necessary, open the window. Make sure that the baby breathes through the mouth, not the nose. Put something cold on your nose - a piece of ice wrapped in a shawl, or water soaked in cold cloth. But the child's legs, on the contrary, should be warm. Due to this, the inflow of blood to the nose decreases, and the bleeding stops much faster.

  • Vasoconstrictor drops

In the event that bleeding in the child is repeated often, the doctor will appoint special drops that narrow the blood vessels. This will help stop the bleeding faster.

  • Foreign body

In the event that the bleeding is provokedthe presence of a foreign body in the nasal cavity, in no case is it inadmissible to try to extract it independently. It is necessary as soon as possible to turn to a specialist who quickly and safely extracts a foreign body from the nasal cavity. In the event that nasal bleeding is uninvolved, the above measures will be sufficient to stop it. In the same case, if it is abundant, it is necessary as soon as possible to call an ambulance brigade. Before the arrival of the brigade, it is necessary to carefully monitor the pulse and breathing of the child, and also to ensure that the child does not choke with blood. After stopping bleeding, the child's nasal cavity should be carefully lubricated with a cotton swab with vaseline oil. This will help to prevent the mucous membrane from drying out. In addition, within the next 24 hours, it is necessary to strictly limit any physical activity of the child, so as not to provoke a repeated bleeding. In the event that the child's bleeding is provoked by excessively dry air, it must be regularly moistened. You can buy special moisturizers, and you can do with improvised means, for example. Weigh wet sheets or towels in the child's room. In the nose, the child can instill drugs made on sea water. In the event that the nosebleeds are of a general nature, the doctor will give the child a number of necessary examinations - blood tests, consultations of the hematologist and others. In no case is it unacceptable to ignore the systematic bleeding from the nose. In the event that nosebleeds in children will be repeated regularly, the child's body will slowly deplete, he may have chronic iron deficiency anemia. As a consequence of anemia, there will be a disruption in the functioning of the body's immune system, resistance to pathogens of various diseases and an aggressive environment will be significantly reduced. In addition, with anemia, chronic hypoxia inevitably arises. A constant oxygen starvation, in turn, can cause an irreversible pathological change in vital organs. Therefore, if the child had nosebleeds more than twice in a row, the cause should be established as soon as possible. In time, the measures taken significantly reduce the risk of complications. We advise you to read:

