A frozen pregnancy is understood as one of the speciesmiscarriage of the fetus. Such misfortune can happen more often in the early stages, but in some cases fading occurs in the second trimester of pregnancy - after 14 weeks.
Signs of a stiff pregnancy at the beginning of the first trimester
In this case, fetal development stopsvery early term and symptoms of pregnancy fading may not even be perceived by a woman. Most often, a pregnancy of up to 3 weeks is not yet diagnosed, and no one suspects it. Bloody discharge is perceived as a regular menstruation. In this case, there can be only one cautious - abundant in comparison with the usual, discharge, and longer bleeding. Fetal pregnancy in the early period is almost painless, a woman does not experience stress and depression about the loss of a child. This is the easiest case.
Signs of a frozen pregnancy at a later date
To establish that a woman is pregnant, more often succeeds after 4 weeks - due to the absence of menstruation. By this time, there are other signs that accompany pregnancy:
- increase and sensitivity of the breast,
- increase in basal temperature,
- strong manifestations of toxicosis.
But even when the fetus suddenly ceases to develop, these signs can persist and the first signs appear that indicate his death and the beginning of the rejection of the fetus:
- Stretching pain in the lower abdomen and in the lower back,
- bloody issues,
- a rise in temperature of more than 37.5 ° C.
If a woman simply does not experience nausea orpain in the mammary glands - this should not be cause for concern. Pregnancy at all proceeds differently. You have to start worrying if, in case of severe toxicosis, it suddenly goes away. The appearance of pulling pains in the lower abdomen at this time may not be a sign of trouble - in the early stages of pain, like pain in menstruation, may appear due to the fact that the uterus pours blood, stretches and swell the ligament of the uterus. These unpleasant feelings quickly pass, if you lie down and relax. And do not worry too much about this. Caution should be pain that does not go away even after taking medicines. If they are combined with the appearance of bloody discharge from the vagina - you need to call an ambulance. Self-determination of a frozen pregnancy, as follows from the above, is almost impossible. Therefore, it is necessary to observe the terms of visiting the women's consultation, which the doctor will determine. Only in this case he will be able to determine in time the symptoms and signs of a frozen pregnancy in the first trimester:
- Termination of the fetal heartbeat - using ultrasound;
- Stopping the growth of the embryo or an empty fetal egg will also show only ultrasound;
- Inconsistency of the size of the uterus to the expected duration of pregnancy - it is possible only with gynecological examination;
- The level of hCG - will determine only the blood test.
The final diagnosis can be established only on the complex result of all studies, so do not panic if it seemed that something is wrong. You just need to see a doctor.
Signs of pregnancy fading in the second trimester
After 16 weeks, the future mother may noticea slight stirring in the lower abdomen - it starts to move her baby. At first these are very light jerks, an unclear sense of touch from the inside. Such shocks are repeated up to 10 times a day. At this stage, the most obvious symptoms of pathology are the cessation of fetal movement during one day. In this case, you urgently need to visit your gynecologist. Other signs of impending disaster:
- The breast becomes soft, habitual alreadytension suddenly disappears and there are discharge in the form of colostrum. The formation of colostrum can be quite normal sign of pregnancy, but it will be superfluous to consult a doctor.
- Upon examination, the doctor will find that the size of the uterus is notcorrespond to the term of pregnancy. The symptom may indicate an incorrectly fixed term, but it may also indicate the fading of pregnancy. A doctor can make a more accurate diagnosis only in the next visit - in a week. If the uterus does not increase, this indicates that the fetus does not grow.
- To clarify the diagnosis will need to pass the test for hCG - at this time in the normal course of pregnancy, its level is the highest, and a decrease in its unmistakable points to pathology.
- Ultrasound will accurately confirm what happened.
Not visiting the doctor on time for suspicion ofa pregnant pregnancy, a woman puts herself in mortal danger. In some cases, rejection of the fetus occurs and the process ends with miscarriage. But sometimes the fetus may remain in the body for some time, provoking the development of intoxication. This is evidenced by fever, abdominal pain and growing weakness. These symptoms indicate the need for urgent hospitalization. Special drugs prescribed by a doctor will cause a contraction of the uterus, which will lead to miscarriage. Then the uterine cavity will be cleaned from the remains of the fetal site and the woman after a short treatment will be able to get pregnant again. Frozen pregnancy in the second trimester - a strong stress for women. But if the diagnosis is made on time, there is a hope to avoid the threat of miscarriage. Do not fall into depression and be afraid to get pregnant again - next time you will have to pay attention to your health before conception and during pregnancy.
A little bit about prevention
Among the frequent causes of pregnancy fadingFirst place is different infections. The protective forces of the body during pregnancy are significantly reduced, and even ordinary SARS can occur in severe form. Then the fetus is not threatened by the virus itself, but by the mother's reaction to it, as a result of which the fetus does not receive the necessary nutrients and oxygen. Typically frozen pregnancy with infection with toxoplasma, which can be infected from domestic animals; among the dangerous for a pregnant woman infections - chlamydia, cytomegalovirus and herpes. A few more frequent risk factors:
- The negative impact on the development of the fetus is alcohol and smoking, taking drugs.
- Frequent stress and taking antidepressants can lead to pregnancy fading.
- Hormonal disorders in the body - a lack of estrogen and progesterone, a violation of their balance affect the development of the fetus.
If the worst happened, there is no reasondespair - after going through the examination and treatment of diseases, getting rid of bad habits, a woman has the opportunity to become pregnant again, endure and give birth to a healthy baby. Take care of yourself and be happy!