noisy neighbors what to do Agree, a rather common situation: you have a good apartment, but the thought that you have to return to it after a day's work involuntarily makes you shudder. The whole trouble is that, being at home, you are completely deprived of the opportunity to rest peacefully. You have noisy neighbors - what if you are not so lucky? And no matter what noise they produce; the main thing is that by doing so they invade your personal space and do not allow you to take advantage of the right to rest, which seems to us to be guaranteed by law. But this law, as is known, is not written to everyone. Also what then to do? Is there any way to influence the troublemakers? What actions should be taken, where to go and what to demand?

When noise becomes a violation of the law

To begin with, one must soberly assess the situation, so thatto understand whether your neighbors are really violating the law. After all, it is he who determines the scope of permissible noise; but because someone and the squeak of a mosquito is acting on your nerves and does not let you fall asleep! And the situation can be different. It is not necessary that you are disturbed by noisy neighbors; it is quite possible that the construction is located near your house, the kiosk that sells music CDs with daily sound advertisement of the products sold, located on the ground floor of your house restaurant and so on. Well, let's sort it out in order. First of all, let's remember what the law says about noise. And he determines that from noon to three in the evening until seven o'clock in the morning nothing should disturb the peace of the citizens. The "Law on Silence" exception is made only for cases when noise is accompanied by works that are conducted to eliminate the consequences of accidents, various natural disasters, as well as actions aimed at preventing all sorts of offenses. In addition, the law allows violating the silence in case religious rites are sent (for example, the bells ringing of the Orthodox Church) or cultural events approved by the authorities are held. The strength of the noise produced is also important. So, the law provides for observance of sanitary norms (permissible noise limit) not only in the night, but also during the day. The level of noise produced can be measured, for this purpose there are special devices. "The law on noise" dictates the following conditions: in the interval from seven o'clock in the morning to twenty-three in the evening the noise level should not exceed forty decibels. And at night - that is, from twenty-three pm to seven o'clock in the morning - the permissible noise level is only thirty decibels. How do you know what a noise of this level really is? As they say, everything is learned in comparison. Let's compare, too! Here are simple examples: when talking, a person creates noise at about sixty-five decibels. Wake-up call is already eighty decibels. The alarm sound of the car parked under the windows is about one hundred decibels. Of course, it is unrealistic to expect that during the day all will steadfastly observe the established norms, trying not to break the law. And night does not always have to hope for complete silence. But one thing is if the noise occurs from time to time, and quite another - if on a regular basis. Particularly offensive when prevented to rest is noisy neighbors. And what to do in this case? noisy neighbors

Talk to neighbors

In general, there are often two types of reaction tonoisy neighbors. First, it is an angry reaction. I must say that anger has not yet helped anyone to solve these or other issues. The second type of reaction is to accept and tolerate the noise further. It seems to you that you can not do anything anyway, and even if there is a "Law on Silence", no one will rush to your aid and will not stand up for protection. In the end, if you tolerate the noise from neighbors long enough, even the most humble person eventually comes a reaction of the first type - he falls into anger. Both types of reaction are undesirable, because with their help you will not achieve anything. To avoid negative consequences, we advise you to resort to a simple and reliable method: try just to talk peacefully with your neighbors about the excessive noise that bothers you. If you do it calmly and politely, it may well be that you will easily and forever get rid of the problem. It may even show up that your neighbor did not know that he became a source of discomfort for you. For example, his music center is set to automatically turn on at the time when he is at work. I set up a man - and forgot! And the nobility does not know that every day the sounds coming from his apartment prevent you from getting enough sleep after a night shift. Or they will not be able to set up a constantly activated car alarm in any way, without realizing that it is perfectly audible on your ninth floor. Be that as it may, consciously your neighbor was hindering you or unconsciously - try to calmly bring your arguments that he is interfering with your rest. Remind him that the law provides for compliance with certain rules of silence, not only at night, but during the day. Often one has to face the fact that people only know about the need to observe silence at night, and that not everyone knows the law sets a certain framework for noise in the daytime. Talk about it with your neighbors and try to find a compromise solution.

Call the police

If your efforts to solve everything peacefully are notWorked, then seek help from law enforcement agencies. Law is the law, and its violation must be punished. You have to show the police that they have tried to solve the noise problem on their own. Tell me, how many times have you turned to neighbors and what solutions did you offer to get out of the situation? Tell us about the frequency with which noise occurs and what kind of power it is. It is desirable that your story is backed up by the testimony of someone else from the neighbors. It is best to call the police when the neighbors make a loud noise. This will serve as the best confirmation of the violation of your rights to rest, which the law guarantees to you. And the police will be able to personally assess the noise level. Just be prepared for the fact that then you have to wait until the relevant protocols are drawn up to sign for them. It must be assumed that this will not give you much pleasure, especially if it happens at night; but this is the order, and representatives of law enforcement agencies can not violate it. What threatens violators of the peace of citizens? The law provides for issuing a warning or imposing a fine. The amount of the fine is from one thousand to two thousand rubles in the event that the fine is imposed on citizens, from four to eight thousand - on officials, and from forty to eighty thousand - on legal entities. noisy neighbors law

Apply to the court

Appeal to court is the last resort. If the statements to the police have not yielded results, it is the application to the civil court that will help you decide what to do with noisy neighbors. Unfortunately, most citizens do not dare to take such a step, limiting themselves to applying to the police. People argue as follows: "If the police did not help me, then no one will help! Well, in fact, do not run around the courts because the neighbor's son loves music in the style of hard metal! Myself will be more expensive. " And very much in vain think so! The law is on your side, and you can always find a ruler for it. In addition, can you imagine that, from day to day experiencing noise attacks, do you put your health at serious risk? According to scientific research, the constant noise level of only eighty decibels (recall, a typical human speech is approximately sixty to sixty-five decibels) can cause a worsening of hearing rather quickly. Regular exposure to noise over a hundred decibels can lead to hearing loss, and a noise level of one hundred and ten decibels and higher causes concussion. And yet it is worth mentioning the shaky nervous system and disability due to constant lack of sleep. So do not neglect the opportunity to go to court. Your ultimate goal is to stop the noise, and for this you need to tap into all possible ways. You may be surprised how effectively able to calm your troubled neighbor by the fact of calling him to court! In order to win a case in court, you must provide evidence that you are a victim of constant excessive noise and that it is your neighbor who is the source of this noise. You will also need to show that you previously tried to solve the matter peacefully and asked your neighbor to take measures to limit noise. As evidence you can show copies of letters that you wrote to a neighbor, stories of witnesses, a record of noise made with the help of a dictaphone, and a chronicle of your calls to the police. Your own stories about the actions of noisy neighbors will also be taken into account. If you had to seek medical help because of the inability to maintain good performance, the reason for this was the lack of adequate rest, then documents from the clinic also need to be attached to the evidence. If your evidence is deemed sufficient, the court will rule in your favor. What exactly this decision will be depends on each specific situation. It can be all the same fine, compensation of moral or material (if, for example, from the repair initiated by neighbors from above, you have fallen off the plaster from the ceiling) harm. In some cases, even a decision was made to evict tenants who were violently violating the rules of the hostel. But if you do not want to communicate with your neighbors, then you will only have one thing - to make repairs in order to enhance the sound insulation in your apartment. True, this soundproofing will make a little smaller area of ​​rooms, but you will forget about noise and noisy neighbors forever!

