anorexia nervosa Anorexia nervosa is a disease,which manifests itself in a conscious refusal of food. The main goal of girls is weight loss. Against this background, various dystrophic changes in the body develop, which lead to hormonal failures. So, to begin with, one must understand that anorexia nervosa is a psychosomatic disorder. This disease requires specialized care. This disease is inextricably linked with bulimia nervosa, which is characterized by a constant feeling of hunger, prompting women to absorb very large amounts of food with subsequent artificial vomiting. Most often from this disease young girls suffer, trying to lose weight significantly. And young beauties want to get rid of extra pounds as quickly as possible, without any effort. It is much less common for anorexia in young men. And if you do not pay attention to changes in time, such experiments on your body can lead to sad consequences. Up to a lethal outcome. Therefore, it is so important to know about what anorexia, its symptoms and the most common methods of treatment are.

The causes of the appearance of anorexia nervosa

  • Genetic predisposition

As it was established, many mentaldiseases are transmitted to us by inheritance. Unfortunately, anorexia is no exception. Usually it manifests itself as a result of some emotional impact: stress, trouble at work, problems with the family, etc.

  • Personal factors

If a woman has low self-esteem, problems withthe opposite sex, there is a slight overweight, in which case the risk of anorexia will be high enough. Worse, when family members do not support a woman, they begin to morally or physically mock her.

  • mass media

In fact, in the 21st century, the problem of anorexia isespecially acute. The fact is that the media is not just promoting thinness, but imposing dystrophy on women. And even one extra kilogram is perceived by modern society as a disease, which should be eliminated. Remember the film "The Devil Wears Prada", where the main character was reproached by her sixth size. In fact, the girl was a normal body. But in the fashion world, where the painfully thin ladies are valued, it was hard for her. Anorexia nervosa

Anorexia: Symptoms and Consequences

Initially, patients deliberately limit themselves tofood, and then it becomes a habit, from which it is not so easy to get rid of. At some point, there is a breakdown in the work of the organism of a sick woman. Often in the initial stages there is an unquenchable hunger, which forces everyone to eat everything. Usually, the food you eat is not absorbed, and then vomiting occurs. If this does not happen, some girls are artificially trying to clean the stomach of the freshly eaten. Despite the widespread prevalence, the causes of the development of this disease have not been fully established. It is proved that excessive accuracy, excessive desire to be the first, excessive attachment to the mother, etc., play a big role in the appearance of anorexia nervosa. If any member of your family abruptly stops eating properly, constantly follows the weight and worries for every kilogram, contact a psychologist. And do not be ridiculous to treat such a person. The disease is a serious danger to human life, as it can lead to death. Gradually, the body is exhausted, the work of the stomach, cardiovascular system is disrupted. By the way, until death, patients remain able-bodied and active. Therefore, the mobility of the sick should not be confusing.

How to recognize anorexia nervosa

As a rule, anorexia nervosa develops inthe result of dysmorphomania, that is, negative perception of one's own body. Sick people consider themselves too fat, almost the most fat on this planet. This idea does not give them peace. They try hard to lose weight, even if their body weight is below normal. Thought gradually becomes obtrusive. In addition, it is supported by the ridicule of girlfriends, boys, acquaintances. These comments are very painful, sometimes up to the time of panic. Often people who suffer from anorexia nervosa have some kind of full-fledged problems in their childhood. However, at that time they were not embarrassed, even if they had to listen to the children's ridicule. But at pubertal age these statements begin to be very painfully perceived. And when a fair-sex woman reaches the age when she should already have a boyfriend, and he does not, blame the lady starts her figure. As a result, all life's troubles are written off to excess weight. This causes such people to give up food in order to achieve ideal forms. However, they try to hide such behavior. Ladies in every way reduce the amount of food eaten, but they do it imperceptibly for others. For example, anorexic girls shift the dish to a neighbor's plate, into a bowl of a dog or cat, washed into the toilet bowl. By the way, they start a pet with the same goal. Thus, they get rid of food, while justifying this behavior with their love for the pet. Representatives of the weaker sex, suffering from anorexia nervosa, carefully study the calorie table of dishes. They know it almost by heart. All the so-called harmful products of women are excluded from their diet. They eat only salads, low-fat dairy products. Meat, flour products and other high-calorie ingredients for them are unacceptable. By the way, to lose weight faster, these ladies not only refuse food. These people are intensively beginning to engage in physical exercises, take laxatives and diuretics, which can lead to stomach upset, exhaustion. Starvation and dehydration are a double blow to our health. Many people make mistakes when they think that a sick person will criticize the diet of other people. The most interesting thing is that a typical feature of anorexic drugs is the desire to feed all the surrounding people. To do this, they study cooking books, cuisines from different countries of the world, learn to prepare various dishes that they themselves do not eat. For people suffering from anorexia nervosa, only their overweight is problematic. He is like a red rag for a bull. Therefore, after a meal, if the ladies could not resist, they try to induce vomiting. It seems to them that such a method is very effective. In severe cases, women resort to very strange and dangerous methods and methods. It looks creepy when young beauties independently insert a probe into the digestive tract (for "deep cleansing"). Such measures are taken to ensure that nothing remains in the stomach. After all, the main task is to get rid of that which could absorb, assimilate and cause an increase in weight.

What is the danger of anorexia for a woman?

Losing sex women are veryquickly get rid of excess body weight. However, despite everything, the result of the lady is not satisfied. Even if their weight falls below the accepted model standards, they still try to lose weight. Over time, this becomes pathological in nature. As already mentioned, all this affects not only the nervous system, but also the internal organs. The first responds to the intestine. Inadequate food intake leads to its atrophy. Against the background of complete inactivity develops atony of the intestine, which manifests itself as constipation. In addition, if initially there were some diseases of the digestive tract, they become aggravated. This leads to additional weight loss. Gastritis, enteritis and colitis are accompanied by pain, nausea, vomiting. In the future, an ulcer may develop, which sometimes develops into a cancerous tumor. Dystrophic processes that are observed throughout the body lead to the development of cardiac, renal and hepatic insufficiency. That sharply exacerbates the patient's condition, creating a real threat to life. A person should be immediately hospitalized, otherwise he may just die in a matter of seconds. In the hospital, the first thing to do is administer a dropper to normalize the metabolism and cope with dehydration. And only after the crisis passes, begin a full-fledged treatment. Anorexia nervosa treatment

Clinical stages of anorexia nervosa

The course of anorexia nervosa can be conditionally dividedon three stages, which differ from each other by the prevailing symptoms. Only a specialist can determine what the patient is on. Each has its own functional or organic manifestations. So, the dysmorphomanic stage, anorectic, cachectic stage is distinguished.

  • Dysmorphomanic

The dysmorphic stage is mainly manifesteddiscontent with their own body, which leads to a panicky desire to lose weight. In a sick person, the mood becomes depressed, almost depressed. Any remark can cause tears, tantrums.

  • Anorectic

At the second stage, changes inorganism of the patient. And both on the psychoemotional level, and on the physical. It is during this period that a sharp reduction in weight, a deterioration in well-being begins. By the way, the first signs of anorexia nervosa are the unnatural pallor of the skin, bruises under the eyes. Next are the following symptoms: the cycle is broken, until the termination of menstruation, there is a malfunction in the adrenal glands. At the same time, the lady does not stop at what has been achieved, but tries to exclude from the diet all the harmful (as she thinks) products. Sometimes women switch to bread and water, and in the literal sense of the word.

  • Cachectic

There comes the third stage somewhere in a year and a half. Because of constant starvation, exhausting diets, physical exertion, a woman loses about 50 percent of her weight. But even such "achievements" do not suit, it seems to the sick that even a little bit - and the ideal will be achieved. At the third stage (cachectic), there are somatoendocrine disorders and a malfunctioning of the internal organs. It is in such cases about girls saying "just skin and bones." If the representative of the weaker sex has brought herself to complete exhaustion, without the help of doctors in this case can not do. Unfortunately, mortality at this stage is quite high. It is very rare to save patients. But even if a woman survives, it will be quite difficult for her to continue eating normally, working hard. After all, almost all organs either cease to function or work for a third.

Diagnosis and treatment of anorexia nervosa

In fact, the diagnosis of anorexia nervosa is notcauses difficulties even at the initial stages. It is based on a thorough analysis of symptoms, examination of the patient, a conversation with a psychologist. The main thing is to notice the manifestation of the problem in time and turn to the doctors for help. Do this urgently, if the weight of the girl fell sharply or is 15 percent less than the norm. When a losing person ceases to eat any food, and after eating causes vomiting. If a lady can not adequately perceive her body. And also when serious changes occur: sleep is disturbed, frequent mood swings occur, sexual attraction disappears, etc. In advanced cases will have to undergo a comprehensive examination. It will also be necessary to do ultrasound of internal organs to diagnose changes in these. Often with anorexia, the fair sex can not even eat well - the body will just stop taking food. Even drenching water leads to vomiting. In this case, you will gradually enter into the diet of small portions of liquid dishes, starting somewhere with a teaspoon of broth. In this case, do not engage in self-medication, forcing the patient to eat. Only a specialist can figure out how to persuade a girl to reconsider her diet. In most cases, this behavior will only hurt, triggering an inner protest of a slimming woman. At the first stage of the disease, treatment is performed on an outpatient basis. Ie the patient is under observation, visits a psychologist and other doctors, but at the same time he sleeps at home. However, in the second and third stages, when there is a banal exhaustion and a violation in the work of organs, only inpatient treatment is indicated. In this case, it is recommended to conduct psychotherapy and correction of the disturbed somatoendocrine function. Cardiovascular, metabolic and vitamin preparations are prescribed, which increase the overall tone of the sick person's body. Well-established carnitine, which helps to cope with many organs with dystrophic changes. A large role in the treatment is given to the normalization of nutrition. It should be balanced in proteins, fats, carbohydrates, micro- and macro elements. Food should be taken 6-7 times a day, as more frequent methods can cause the appearance of spasmodic pains. Plus, this will not promote the normal absorption of nutrients. What usually results in anorexia nervosa? There are three options. First, the girl completely recovers, begins to lead a healthy lifestyle, eat right and visits a specialist once a quarter. The other two are less optimistic. Either the woman repeatedly breaks down, stops eating and continues to lose weight, or she is not treated at all, and her condition only worsens. In both cases, the worst is expected - death. Therefore, all women before losing weight are recommended to visit dieticians. Experts will help to calculate the excess weight (if any), and also develop a safe way to deal with the problem. Plus, they will control and watch you. And if something goes wrong, then it will immediately come to light. Even the smallest symptoms will not be ignored. With self-weight loss, you will hardly understand if there is a problem.

