Nowadays, at the first signs of catarrhaldiseases, we usually begin to absorb tablets - antipyretic, analgesic, soothing. Unfortunately, most of them not only do not help to heal, but also cause irreparable harm to health. Kidneys, stomach, heart - these organs suffer in the first place. But this does not mean that you have to endure and wait until the condition worsens. Warn and eliminate many diseases can be with the help of ordinary mint. The magic properties of this plant are legendary. Our mums and grandmothers used this herb in folk medicine, in cooking, and even in some witchcraft rituals. It was believed that mint and lovage help attract the attention of men. If a newborn is bathed in herbal decoction, then the girl will never have problems with boyfriends.
Applying mint
Peppermint has received very wide application in the most various branches.
- In medicine
Mint is used in folk medicine as a powerfulantiseptic and analgesic. Concentrated broth is recommended to rinse your mouth if your throat hurts or your teeth aches. This herb relieves pain, spasms in the stomach. It helps to get rid of a cough that has appeared because of a cold or flu. When anemia, when there is no opportunity to buy expensive drugs, doctors advise eating leaves in raw form. Also long-leaved mint has found its application in neurology. People suffering from hysteria, nervous disorders, aggression, prescribe special therapeutic baths. Once a week, enough to soak in warm water with fragrant herbs to forget about all the problems at work and at home.
- In cooking
This herb will help you to add sweetishbitterness and piquancy to anyone, even the simplest dish. Try next time to put a leaf of this plant in soup, borsch or salad, and you will notice how dramatically the taste will change. Also mint is added to meat dishes and fancy foods. Those who are familiar with oriental cuisine know how much this spice is appreciated.
- In perfumery
The Greeks mint was considered a powerful aphrodisiac,so it was used everywhere. Wreaths were woven from her, she washed the room, swam in it. Nowadays, this herb has found application in the perfume industry. Aromatic oils, for example, can be used both for the treatment of headaches and for the removal of unpleasant odors.
Mint treatment: folk recipes
Menthol, mentofuran, pinene, ethers are just a smallA list of what mint is useful for. But, in order not to harm your health, you need to be able to use this plant for treatment. So, for example, a concentrated tincture can cause heart problems. But too weak tea will be useless for colds. Therefore, when preparing this or that medicine, always follow the recipe and do not experiment with the ingredients.
- Stomach
You have a disorder, gastritis or loweredappetite? Mint in a matter of seconds will save all problems. So, brew 2 tsp. mint (in dry form is sold in a pharmacy) 200 ml. boiling water. Leave to stand for at least half an hour, then strain through gauze, folded in two or three layers. Take a broth of 60 ml on an empty stomach in the morning and in the evening (about fifteen minutes before breakfast and dinner).
- Inflammatory processes
With bronchitis, runny nose, sore throat, drink herbal teawith honey and lemon. Mint (1 tablespoon) is boiled with boiling water. The tincture is used as ordinary welding. It is advisable to not go out after the reception, do not swim, or drink cold water. Lie under the blanket and try to sleep. That from this tool was useful, it is necessary to sweat properly. After half an hour or hour, see the wet bed and clothes. It is also permissible to use essential oils, in which mint is present, when inhaled. So, for example, if you catch a cold and can not get rid of a strong cough, add a few drops into the water. If you do procedures at home, take extra care not to burn yourself with steam.
- Hypertension
For prevention and to avoid relapseHypertension also uses mint, the beneficial properties of which help reduce blood pressure. Brew in a glass vessel 3 spoons of this herb, three spoons of chamomile and one and a half spoons of valerian leaves. Keep the mixture in a dry, cool and dark place, away from children and animals. Take recommended for 50 ml. per day for one month.
- Climax
During this period in the body, women usuallythere is a hormonal boom. There are often mood swings, tantrums, dissatisfaction with life. Mint will help to remove all unpleasant symptoms, improve your well-being and give a boost of vivacity. Pour a couple of teaspoons of herbs with hot water (0.5-1 liters), boil on a small fire for ten minutes. Eat like regular tea.
- Diabetes
The root of a dandelion (1 tsp) and mint (3 tsp.) - an explosive mixture that will help you improve the performance of the pancreas. Pour the herbs 200 ml. filtered water and cook the mixture for about 7 minutes. Leave to infuse in a ceramic vessel, then strain through gauze. As in the previous cases, the broth is drunk to 50 ml. on an empty stomach. It is permissible to use a well-fed stomach, but in this case the effectiveness is reduced by several tens of times.
- Fungus
If you have a fungus on your nails, startmake lotions of herbs. Mint rubs on the blender or grinded in a meat grinder, poured over with boiling water. Swollen gruel is wrapped in cloth or gauze, then applied to problem areas. After five minutes, rinse the treated skin with plenty of water and dry with a paper towel. Repeat two times a day until the problem is completely eliminated.
- Migraine, constant headache
In this case, mint (1 h.l) is poured 70% with alcohol (20 tsp) and infused for about a week. Take 15 drops every morning on a glass of mineral or filtered water. After a few days, there is a heaviness in the nape and pain in the temples.
- Acne
Mint, chamomile, oak bark, yarrow,mother-and-stepmother is mixed in a proportion of 1 to 1, filled with boiling water and insisted a day. It is recommended to use the obtained tincture, as well as the usual tonic for the face. After you wash off the makeup and wash yourself, wipe with the cotton swab the problem areas.
Who should not use mint?
Mint is contraindicated in children under three years of age,pregnant women and people who have an allergy to it. It is not recommended to use it for girls with low blood pressure, and also for people who plan to spend the next 1.5-2 hours driving a car. This herb causes drowsiness. In any case, it is advisable to consult a doctor beforehand to avoid adverse reactions. Do not buy products in transit or in the market. Such raw materials can be collected in ecologically polluted terrain or off the track. It can contain toxins and hazardous substances.