effective masks against oily hair It is known that oily hair delivers a lothassle. Their owners know that in this case the head has to be washed almost every day. Repeated exposure to shampoo adversely affects both the scalp and hair. What to do? How to get rid of the problem of fatty hair without damaging their structure? Your attention is offered a mask for oily hair, which can be prepared at home. The main components of these products are natural ingredients that help to effectively nourish the scalp, eliminate excess fat.

Masks from food

Next, various masks will be proposed thatare prepared on a kefir basis, with the addition of mustard or exclusively from bread. The first one is called "Khlebnaya". This mask can be prepared always when rye bread is at hand. For preparation it is desirable to use fresh black bread, since it is such a product that well nourishes the hair and scalp. Method of cooking: slice the bread, mix thoroughly with warm water, preferably boiled. The resulting product is rubbed into the roots, but if the mass is too much, it must be spread over the entire length. The main concentration should be at the roots. The mask is maintained for about 15 minutes, can be slightly less, then rinse with warm water. With the application of the hair become soft, the amount of fat decreases with each application. The next mask is made from kefir. It is recommended to apply on oily hair. It is important to know that sour-milk products have the property of drying hair and scalp. They are used to make some shampoos and balms. In the cosmetic shop you can often find masks with the addition of kefir. Any sour-milk liquid, kefir, whey or curdled milk is applied and smoothly distributed along the entire length. The mask is left for 30 minutes, then washed off. It is not necessary to use shampoo. Mustard masks for oily hair also serve as an effective means for frequent contamination of the scalp. To use it, you only need mustard and water. 150 ml mustard must be diluted in 500 ml of cooled boiled water. After this, add more water. The resulting solution washes the hair without the use of shampoo. Mustard mask is one of the most useful means, because it has a strong effect. A mask of honey helps to strengthen the structure of the hair, make it light, pleasant to the touch, and also remove excess fat from the scalp. Preparation: 50 g of honey mixed with 50 g of castor oil, add the same amount of aloe juice. The mass is rubbed into the scalp, spreading over the roots, washed off after 15-20 minutes. mustard mask against oily hair

Masks for oily hair with the addition of lemon juice

Lemon has the property of drying. A careless, incorrectly dosed amount of lemon juice can cause drying of the scalp. When using masks with the addition of lemon, you should be careful, and in the preparation process, observe proportions. 40-50 ml of lemon juice is dissolved in 200 ml of vodka. The liquid must be applied to the roots. Do not rinse. This is a powerful way to eliminate fat. Lemon juice diluted with warm water. It is highly recommended to use cooled boiled water. Rinse hair once every three days after washing. Honey mask for oily hair with lemon. For preparation use honey, garlic, lemon juice and aloe in equal proportions. The components are mixed, applied and spread over the entire length. Allow to stand for about 30 minutes, then wash off. It is important to note that after using this mask, a garlic smell may remain. It can be removed with shampoo or use a solution of water and mustard. Lemon juice in the fight against fatty hair

Vegetables and fruits against fat content

Help to remove fat helps fresh fruits and vegetables. Mask of quince. The core should be removed and cooked for 10-15 minutes. The solution should be cooled, rubbed into the scalp, distributed to the roots. Do not rinse. Decoction of mountain ash is used for rinsing. For cooking 150 grams of mountain ash and half a liter of boiled water are required. The infusion is cooked for about 15 minutes. To eliminate greasiness, a potato mixture is also prepared. Potato juice is mixed with kefir. The mask is distributed along the length. It is necessary to soak for about 40 minutes, then rinse and rinse with warm water. Instead of potatoes, you can include cucumber or pumpkin flesh. essential oils for the treatment of oily hair

Herbal decoctions, essential oils

In the fight against hairiness of hair will help the followingherbs: chamomile, mint, thyme, calamus, nettle, bark of oak, plantain. For application on the hair, prepare a decoction from any of the above. First, the herbs are cooked. 500 ml of water are added to the resulting slurry and boiled for another 20 minutes. Similar means are used for rinsing. Herbal products from lime or birch leaves. Shredded dry herbs are poured with boiling water. This solution needs to be rinsed at least 2 times a week. To eliminate fatty gloss it is useful to use the following essential oils: calendula, cedar oil, chamomile, eucalyptus, lavender, rosemary, orange, sage. Oil in small amounts should be added to the shampoo. In addition to the effectiveness, oils have the property of giving a delightful fragrance. In this topic, we gave examples of hair masks, which can be prepared and used at home. Hair products from natural products are always effective. They well nourish the hair, prevent brittleness and loss, reduce fat content. When buying balsams and masks for oily hair, it is recommended to pay attention to the composition. Means with the addition of kefir and citrus juice are the most effective. However, with regular use of home masks your hair will become strong, soft and radiant.

