Face mask for oily skin The skin protects us from negative effectsthe environment, it produces vitamin D, it provides natural thermoregulation, many harmful substances are released through the skin. Therefore, it is very important to look after the skin, as it is constantly exposed to such external influences as temperature changes, wind, rain, solar radiation, dust. Particular attention should be paid to facial skin care. In this article, we will look at how to properly care for oily skin, and also tell you about masks for oily skin in the face at home. After all, the beauty of the skin depends on the right care. Oily skin of the face is mainly in young people. Increased secretion of sebaceous glands of the skin in adolescence is associated with puberty. Also, increased salivation can be associated with impaired bowel and endocrine system. Fatty skin is characterized by such unpleasant symptoms as fatty shine, acne and pimples, a grayish shade of the face. Oily skin is always thick, it does not hold makeup. Of course, oily skin has its own merits - it perfectly protects against frost and wind, and also remains young and elastic for a long time. But under the influence of heat, the advantages become less noticeable than minuses. In summer, oily skin strongly adheres to the dust, which contributes to the development of various inflammations - acne, acne, comedones. In addition, excess fat clogs the pores, which prevents the skin from breathing. That is why it is important to take care of the skin, both in the morning and in the evening. In addition, very effective mask for oily skin of the face - they help to achieve an almost perfect appearance. mask for oily skin

General Information on Oily Skin Care

So, let's first consider the common pointshow to take care of oily skin of the face. People with oily skin should not wash themselves with hot water more than 2 times a week, since the secretion of the sebaceous glands only increases from high temperatures. For washing it is better to use cold water, which perfectly tones up the skin, narrows the pores and improves skin nutrition. It is very useful to wipe the skin with ice in the morning. It is better if the ice is made from the herbal infusion - calendula, St. John's wort, the root of the coil, mint and leaves of mountain ash in equal parts. The basis for caring for oily skin is thorough cleansing twice a day, especially if the skin is prone to inflammation. When choosing care products for oily skin, remember that such cosmetics should not clog pores and it should not contain fats. It is better if the cleanser will simultaneously take off a greasy sheen and keep the moisture in the skin. Any cosmetics for the face should be selected specifically for oily skin, including a foundation. And during the day the skin should be damped several times with a napkin and powder. Choosing soap for washing, give preference to the one that is intended specifically for oily skin. To wash it is better with a special brush for the face, and during washing alternate cold and warm water. After washing, it is best not to wipe the skin, but let it dry out in the air. For oily skin, steam baths are very useful, which should be done 2-4 times a month. Before you start taking a steam bath, you should apply the cream on your eyelids, and thoroughly clean your face skin. In the dishes for the bath should throw a handful of dried chamomile flowers or sage and pour boiling water there. Then you need to tilt your head to the dishes with water, put a towel on your head and stand over the steam for 10 minutes with your eyes closed. After that, you need to get wet with napkins, rinse with cool (but not cold!) Boiled water, adding a little lemon juice to it. If the skin has inflamed areas, then after cleansing it should get soaked with toilet water, which contains alcohol - this disinfects the skin. It is useful to use lotions, which contain zinc oxide and salicylic acid. Zinc oxide helps to narrow the pores, and also removes excess fat from the surface of the skin, and salicylic acid accelerates the healing of pimples and makes the skin softer. Two or three times a week you should use exfoliating products - scrubs and peels - this will prevent clogging of the pores, as well as the appearance of acne, acne. In addition, such funds perfectly stimulate blood supply to the skin. The best are peeling gels with nettle extract. Instead of a cream for oily skin, it is better to choose a light emulsion from a series of anti-inflammatory cosmetics. This emulsion perfectly saturates the skin with moisture and heals acne. Also with acne, tea tree oil perfectly handles: its 5% solution is applied several times a day to acne and acne. Two or three times a week should be done at home facials for oily skin. They cleanse the skin well and help reduce the pores, as well as relieve inflammation, improve skin color.

Care for oily skin

In the morning, the face should be washed with warm water and soap,after which it should be rinsed with water at room temperature and wiped with a towel. Remember that oily skin is not afraid of soap, water, alcohol-containing cosmetics and rubbing with a towel, so you can safely use tonics and lotions containing alcohol. After washing, a light day cream for oily skin of the face is applied to the skin, after which it is possible to start make-up. In the evening, more thorough cleansing of oily skin is required. For the night from the skin, one should remove the dust, powder, decorative cosmetics accumulated during the day. For skin cleansing, it is better to prepare a special cosmetic soap. To make this soap, grate or knead 100 grams of baby soap, pour 0.5 l. boiling water, stir until the soapy crumb is completely dissolved. The resulting soapy solution should be heated for 2-3 minutes, adding to it during heating 2 tsp. boric acid. After heating the solution, add 1 tsp. ammonia and 1 tbsp. l. 3% hydrogen peroxide. Then beat the foam from the soap solution, apply it on the face on the skin lines in circular motions. To enhance the cleansing effect on the sponge or tampon, which is applied foam, you can pour a little bit of salt or soda, but too often this should not be done. After that, the foam should be washed off, rinsed face with cool water and wiped with a towel. useful face mask for oily skin

Care for oily dehydrated skin

It happens that oily skin can look likedry and peel off. This is due to the fact that with a large amount of fat, there is very little moisture in the skin, and therefore all fat is absorbed into the stratum corneum. Externally, the skin looks just like the usual fat one. For such a skin you need a special care, which is a bit different from how caring for oily skin of the face, which has no shortage of moisture. For such a skin should be selected means that reduce fat, while moisturizing the skin. Cosmeticians are advised to take care of the skin as follows:

  • In the morning you should wash with cool waterusing a gel or foam for washing for oily skin. To cleanse and soothe the skin, it should be wiped with a tonic or lotion, which does not contain alcohol, because alcohol dries the skin drastically. After that, the skin should be applied moisturizing cream, pretreating the acne or acne with a means containing salicylic acid, 5-10% benzene peroxide and 5% tea tree oil. It is good to choose such a face cream, which will contain a sunscreen filter SPF 15-30. In the composition of sunscreen for oily skin should be at least 2 names from the following: titanium dioxide, zinc oxide, Mexoryl SX, Tinosorb, auto benzon.
  • In the evening, the skin should be cleaned in the same way as the fatskin with a sufficient amount of moisture, only after cleansing on the face should be applied night cream for oily skin. It is especially good if the composition of night cream contains retinol, which slows down the appearance of wrinkles. It is not superfluous to use and vitaminized serums for oily skin.

Folk recipes for oily skin

As we have already said, a face mask for oilyskin can not only deeply clean the skin of excess fat and dirt, but also saturates it with useful substances, moisturizes and improves blood supply. Folk recipes offer us a huge selection of different masks, the effect of which varies. So, the tightening mask for oily skin of the face means that you can not help laughing or talking during its application, since there will not be a useful effect from such a mask in this case. Softening masks, respectively, soften the skin, and nutritious - saturate the skin with useful substances. So, let's look at several recipes for masks for oily skin of each face. Tightening Masks

  • Protein

One egg white whisk, apply with a cotton swabor brush on the face, allow to dry, then apply a second layer and also allow to dry, after which the third layer is applied. After that, the mask is kept on the face for 15-20 minutes, rinsed with warm water, then rinse your face with cold water.

  • Protein-alum

Protein one chicken egg whisk, then addin it 1 tsp. 5% alum solution and apply the mixture on the face and wash off after the mask has completely dried. The mask is not suitable for those who have oily skin suffers from a lack of moisture, as it dries the skin.

  • Protein-lemon

In the whipped protein gradually pour 1 tsp. lemon juice, apply on a face with a thick layer and after 15-20 minutes rinse with warm water. Softening Mask

  • Lemon-quince

Lemon and quince finely chop and pour 1 tbsp. of vodka. Leave to stand for 8-10 days, then strain. Saturate this infusion with a thin layer of cotton wool and put it on your face, avoiding the eyes, mouth and nostrils. To sustain this mask should be within 15-20 minutes. It is not necessary to wash off.

  • Paraffinic

Melt in a water bath 50-100 grams of paraffin. On a dry skin apply a few layers of paraffin wax, avoiding eyes, mouth and nostrils, and remove after 15-20 minutes from the bottom upwards behind the edges of the frozen mask.

  • Mask from calendula

1 tbsp. l. Calendula alcohol solution diluted 0.5 st. water, moisten a thin layer of cotton in the solution and put it on your face for 15-20 minutes. Wadding should be constantly wetted. After the face mask you need to get wet with a napkin. Nourishing Masks

  • Apple

Grate 1 apple on a fine grater and add a little bit of fiber, then apply weight for 15-20 minutes on the neck and face, then wash off with cool water.

  • Yeast

Yeast stir to the consistency of sour cream in juicelemon or 5% solution of hydrogen peroxide, then apply the mask on the face for 15-20 minutes. Wash the mask with a cotton swab dipped in cool water. After such a mask, no excess fats on your skin will remain.

  • Almond-herbal

2 tbsp. l. mixture of herbs - lime blossom, chamomile, pine tips, elderberry flowers - pour 0.2 l. boiling water. Boil for 10-15 minutes over a low heat, then add 1 tbsp to the broth. l. crushed almonds, 0.5 tsp. honey and 1 tsp. lt; / RTI & gt; Warm the mass to put on your face and stand for 30 minutes, then rinse your face with a warm decoction of herbs. We hope that we have revealed to you all the secrets of proper care for oily skin. We wish you always to remain beautiful and attractive! We advise you to read:

