face mask narrowing pores Any woman dreams of a smooth velvety skin. After all, this is not only an indicator of beauty. Looking at the person's face, one can also judge about the state of his health. Many women are concerned about dry skin, loss of elasticity, the appearance of premature wrinkles. It is believed that one of the most common problems inherent in most of the fairer sex of any age are the enlarged pores.

Why do we need pores?

If you do not go into the anatomy and featuresthe structure of the human skin and speak in simple public language, the pores are the channels for the removal of fat and sweat on the surface of the dermis. Everyone knows that they have every person. However, in some people, the pores can be seen only with a very close and careful examination, while in others these canals are so wide that they are visible even at a sufficiently distant distance. Because of this, the person loses his attractiveness. The width of the pores depends on the degree of sebum production. With excessive work of the sebaceous glands, the channels increase and, under the influence of external factors, for example, dust and cosmetics, become dirty. This gives rise to unpleasant black dots, which often become inflamed. On the spot of contaminated pores appear pimples. Do not forget that through the pores, the skin breathes and gets rid of toxins, and also moisturizes. Through these small tubules, thermoregulation takes place in the dermis. Therefore, healthy pores play a very important role for the health and beauty of any woman. It is believed that the owners of fatty skin less likely to face problems of dryness of the face and the appearance of early wrinkles. To some extent this is so. However, these women often have enlarged pores. Therefore, their face needs special care. It seems to many that the problem of extended pores is more typical of adolescent girls. Indeed, it is in adolescence that the sebaceous glands, due to hormonal reorganization of the body, work in an enhanced mode. But this opinion is erroneous. From extended pores, for various reasons, women of all ages suffer from both fatty and dry skin types. facial masks for narrowing the pores

Why appear enlarged pores?

  • Hereditary predispositionto the faces of their close relatives. If the pores of them are wide enough and noticeable, it is possible that the propensity to this problem will be inherited.
  • Influence of ultraviolet Avoid excessively longbeing under the open rays of the sun and in the solarium. Even minor burns disrupt the upper layer of the skin. On it formed keratinized particles, which linger on the surface of the epidermis and contribute to the disruption of the sebaceous glands. Under the influence of ultraviolet degradation and production of collagen, a substance that plays an important role in controlling the healthy state of pores.
  • Wrong way of life As you know,the consequences of improper functioning of the internal organs are immediately visible on the person's face. Particularly adversely affect the health of smoking and drinking. Eliminate from your diet acute and fatty foods, part with bad habits, lead a healthy lifestyle. In a couple of weeks, the skin will look more fresh and attractive.
  • Hormonal disorders The problem of dilated poreswell known to young girls in the period of maturation and women in menopause. At this time, the work of the sebaceous glands is disrupted. However, hormonal imbalances can occur in women of any age. From this no one is immune.
  • Weakening the immune system Due to stress,reception of some medical preparations, and also owing to other reasons our immunity quite often suffers. And with its normal activity, the basic functions of the skin are also related. Weakening of immunity is often a problem of excessive production of sebum.
  • Use of substandard cosmetics Buycosmetics only in trusted stores. But keep in mind that the cost of goods is not always a testament to high quality. Some types of cosmetics prevent the skin from breathing, clogging the pores. Especially it concerns tonal creams. Do not also use decorative cosmetics too often. It often includes synthetic components that do not contribute to the normal functioning of the skin and sebaceous glands.
  • Improper skin cleansing Do not neglectthe procedure for daily skin cleansing. During the day, dust accumulates on it, which gets into the pores and pollutes them. Do not forget to wash the foundation and all makeup before going to bed. At night the skin should rest and be saturated with oxygen. Regularly use scrubs and masks.
  • Knowing the main reasons for the emergence of extendedit is much easier to cope with this problem. Speaking frankly, it may not be possible to achieve the ideal smoothness of the skin. However, to make the pores less visible and normalize the work of the sebaceous glands under the power of any woman.

    How to deal with this problem?

    Many women prefer to mask thisproblem, as the expanded pores. First, it gives definite results. Expensive tonal creams and powders successfully hide small skin imperfections. However, as mentioned above, excessive use of cosmetics does not contribute to the health of the dermis and disrupts its supply of oxygen. Therefore, the expanded pores should not be masked, but treated. Improving the condition of the skin is facilitated by various procedures that can be carried out both in the salon, using the services of a cosmetologist, and at home on their own.

  • Salon procedures for narrowing the pores Experiencedexperts will offer you various ways to improve the appearance of the skin. In the fight against enlarged pores, procedures such as cryotherapy and laser facial cleansing have been particularly recommended. However, the most popular salon method is microdermabrasion. This procedure deeply cleanses the skin and pores from contaminants, and stimulates the production of collagen, which contributes to the normalization of the sebaceous glands.
  • Peelings and scrubs These cosmetics can beuse both in the cabin and at home. To solve the problem of excessive fat content of skin and narrowing of pores, cosmetic means for deep cleaning based on glycolic and ANA acids are used, as well as enzyme peeling, which accelerates the metabolism in the upper layers of the skin. Cosmetic means for carrying out the peeling procedure can be purchased in the shops of the city, and also by referring to the help of specialized Internet resources.
  • Masks for narrowing the pores Masks areuniversal remedy for skin care for any problems. Extended pores are no exception. The advantage of masks for narrowing the pores is that they can easily be made at home, without resorting to the services of specialists. In addition, such procedures, in contrast to deep cleaning, can be done several times a week. They have virtually no contraindications, except for allergic reactions to individual mask components.
  • How to do face masks, narrowing the pores?

    Learn to make a mask for narrowing yourselfpores can each. Before the procedure, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the skin of contaminants. It is better to use some kind of light scrub, purchased in the store or made by yourself. Choose it in accordance with the type of skin. Thanks to the scrub, the mask components penetrate deep layers of the skin and, therefore, will produce a more effective effect. After cleaning, blot the face with a towel and apply a mask to narrow the pores. Keep it on your face in accordance with the recommendations on the packaging or in the recipe (in case the mask is made by yourself). Rinse the cosmetics with cool water. Warm water expands the pores. After the procedure, wipe the face with a special tonic pore taper, suitable for your skin type. You can lubricate your face with a piece of ice from the decoction of the oak bark. This will double the positive effect of the mask.

    What narrowing pores face masks are better?

    Narrowing pores face masks, like any othercosmetics, you can easily buy at any point of sale. You do not need to trouble yourself with the selection of suitable components and the preparation of the composition. You just go to the store and buy a suitable face mask. However, not everyone can afford expensive cosmetics from world famous manufacturers. And cheap money is often not of good quality. Therefore, we recommend the use of narrowing pores face masks made at home. Only in this way you can be sure of the naturalness and quality of the cosmetic. facial mask narrowing the pores

    Recipes for making masks to fix this problem

  • Orange mask for any type of skinFruit acids, which are part of citrus, are quite effective substances that contribute to the narrowing of pores. But for making masks it is better to use not a lemon, but an orange. It acts on the skin less aggressively and at the same time nicely narrows the pores. So, peeled slices of orange cut and mash to the state of gruel. If you have oily skin, add egg white. Apply the orange mixture on your face for 20 minutes. The mask is quite liquid. So cover your face with a napkin so that the citrus juice does not hit your eyes. After you smyete composition, smear your face with tonic and nourishing cream.
  • Honey - oat mask with apple cider vinegarThis mask is ideal for combination skin. The main components effectively narrow the pores. Honey works as an excellent moisturizer and prevents dryness and peeling of the skin. In 4 tablespoons of oatmeal, add 2 tablespoons of vinegar and a little honey. Stir until smooth. It should get thick enough. Apply the mask to your face for a quarter of an hour. Then rinse with cold water and apply a nourishing cream to the skin.
  • Mask of tomatoes for oily skin Tomatoesperfectly proved themselves as a means of combating the expanded pores. These vegetables include substances that have tightening properties. It is not by chance that professional masks, narrowing pores, many world famous manufacturers are made on the basis of tomatoes. We can prepare an effective cosmetic product right in our own kitchen. The recipe is simple. Cut the necessary quantity of tomatoes into thin circles and place on the face. Wait 20 minutes, then remove the vegetables and rinse your face with cool water. Do not forget to use a tonic after the mask to narrow the pores.
  • Mask of quince for mature skin This mask does notonly helps to narrow the pores, but also smoothes fine wrinkles. Pre-peeled peel from the rind on a shallow grater. Mix fruit pulp with protein. Apply the compound to the face. After 20 minutes, wash off the mask.
  • As you can see, recipes for face masks, whichhelp to narrow the pores, very simple and accessible. They can cook any woman. But remember that you need to take care of your skin regularly. After all, with age, maintaining the beauty becomes more difficult and difficult. Take very little time yourself, and your beauty will shine in a new way!

