No one will argue that the thick and shinyhair has always been a sign of good health and real beauty. And, note, not only for women, hair has always been and continues to be a kind of measure of beauty. The state of hair in men also affects the respectability of their appearance. And for hair to remain radiant and dense throughout life, they need to be taken care of. And not only in time to wash, cut and comb, but also nourish and strengthen. Modern pharmacology offers all kinds of medications, and cosmetology - balms and masks for strengthening hair. But it turns out that even from ancient times all the peoples were known and successfully used natural masks for nutrition and hair strengthening. Such strengthening masks give hair strength, contribute to their recovery, growth and prevent loss. However, people's recipes are not recommended indiscriminately, and in order for the effect to be maximum, masks for nutrition and strengthening hair at home should be selected competently and individually.
Types of hair
The amount of hair on the head of a person reaches from100 thousand - from red to 150 thousand - from blondes. And the daily loss of hair is normally 30-100 pieces per day, so in such cases, you should not worry. The situation is worse, if there is a lot of hair left on the hairbrush each time. This suggests that we must urgently take care of them. But before choosing and using strengthening masks, you should determine the type of hair, according to which hair can be normal, dry and fat. You can say that the hair is normal, if:
- they were not subjected to painting or chemical perm;
- they perfectly keep in shape;
- they look shiny and healthy;
- they are not excessively dry or do not become fat for a long time.
For this type in the mask to strengthen the roots of hair as a basis, it is better to add kefir. Hair is bold if:
- after washing their head they are quickly greased;
- they do not hold shape after styling;
- they stick together;
- they look droopy, and they lack the volume.
For this type of hair in the mask is good to add ground parsley or rye bread. Dry hair can be called if:
- they are dry and tough to the touch;
- easy to get confused and difficult to comb;
- they look dull;
- they were subjected to a chemical attack.
Such hair like masks with burdock oil,which will revitalize and improve their structure. The main advantage of masks using folk recipes is their availability and utility, as well as the speed of cooking. In the recipes of masks for strengthening hair, you can use different products: raw eggs, vegetables and fruits, honey and dairy products, pepper, vinegar and gelatin. It is advisable to add medicinal herbs and various oils to them. And if you have a little understanding of the therapeutic effect of these products, you can easily make yourself a simple, but effective mask for your hair type. Masks to strengthen the roots of hair should be applied for half an hour or hour before washing your hair. After applying the mask, the scalp should be gently massaged with your fingertips for better penetration of the composition into the roots of the hair. After the time has elapsed, the mask is washed off with shampoo.
Masks based on oils
In the most effective and best masks forStrengthen the hair using basic or essential oils. They promote the expansion of blood vessels and improve the blood supply to the roots, accelerate the growth of the follicles and intensively nourish the hair. Masks with a base of oils perfectly restore the scalp, which has a favorable effect on the overall condition of the hair and the rate of their growth. The experiment with the use of masks to strengthen the roots of hair on the basis of oils was conducted by American scientists. The essence of it was that half of the participants used hair masks with essential oils, and the rest were given masks with oil without medicinal additives. Within half a year, the participants in the experiment in the first group each day rubbed the composition into the scalp, while doing a small massage. Those who used masks with essential oils, the condition of the hair has improved significantly. Especially it was noticeable to owners of dry and thin hair. The second group of participants, who simply applied a mask of ordinary oil, the results were more modest. Therefore, experts advise that in addition to using masks to strengthen hair at home, be sure to perform head massage before applying the mask. This will allow beneficial substances to penetrate deep layers of the skin and enhance their therapeutic effect. The use of masks to strengthen hair with burdock oil has been tested not by one generation of women. Their action quite effectively stops hair loss and excellently promotes their active growth, and the masks themselves are very easy to prepare. Before use, burdock oil should be heated on a steam bath. Ingredients:
- 3 tablespoons burdock oil;
- 1 teaspoon of cocoa powder;
- 2 yolks.
Mask for strengthening the roots of hair evenlyis distributed on the scalp, after which it is recommended to wrap the hair with a film and a terry towel. To better absorb the oil, towel should be heated. Keep the mask for an hour, and then rinse with water with the addition of vinegar at a rate of one liter of water - a tablespoon of vinegar. This mask is recommended to be done once for one to two weeks.
Natural Hair Masks
Folk recipes for hair strengtheningThey were very popular, because the ingredients used in them are natural and harmless. The following recipes for hair strengthening masks are easy to prepare and the availability of products that form the basis.
- Vitamin Balsam
For its preparation, take one at a timea teaspoon of lemon, bulbous, garlic juices and as much mayonnaise and honey. After mixing, the mask is rubbed into the scalp, and then wrapped in hair with a plastic wrap and a terry towel. After a couple of hours, you can wash your head with shampoo. Rinse hair in an aqueous solution of dry mustard to remove unpleasant odor from onions and garlic.
- Mask from peach and cabbage juice
This is a vitamin mask that will help strengthenhair growth and improve their structure. To make poppies, you need to take two tablespoons of each of the juices, a raw egg yolk, twenty grams of honey and cognac. The mixture should be evenly distributed on the scalp and hair with a comb with rare teeth, then wrap the head with a plastic wrap and wrap with a towel. After two hours, the mixture can be washed off with shampoo. This procedure is recommended once a week for two to three months.
- Carrot Shampoo
For its preparation, mix one raw yolk,twenty grams of vegetable oil, twenty grams of lemon juice and four tablespoons of carrot juice. The resulting mixture is good to wash your hair, since the hair after this wash is soft and silky.
- Henna and yogurt
To simple folk remedies for strengthening hairand colorless Henna, divorced in warm kefir, also applies. You can do this mask twice a week. Over time, the hair becomes strong and shiny.
Strengthening masks for different types of hair
Folk masks for nutrition, recovery andThe strengthening of the hair is divided into groups, depending on the type of hair for which they will be used. For example, masks for dry hair nourish and moisturize them, prevent the emergence of split ends and improve the structure of the hair.
- Mask for dry hair based on yogurt
To do this, use thisA rustic curdled milk, which contains many useful substances. In it you can add milled leaves of plantain. Keep the mask for thirty minutes and apply it twice a week. This recipe in ancient times used urban and rural beauties, who aspired (and not without success!) To have thick and shiny hair.
- Nourishing mask-compress
Mix two tablespoons of castor oil,one teaspoon of glycerin, one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar and one raw egg. Apply the mixture not only to the roots of the hair, but also to their full length, then wrapping the head with a terry polyethylene film and towel. Half an hour later, you can wash your head with egg shampoo. We suggest you also try out effective masks for nourishment and strengthening of fatty hair. It can be a mask from beets or carrots, which will allow hair to stay longer clean, as well as a mask of parsley and rye bread.
- Carrot mask
Large peeled carrots should be rubbed ona small grater and add to it one teaspoon of lemon juice or a tablespoon of finely chopped lemon and one tablespoon of oatmeal. The mask is applied over the entire length of the hair and holds for half an hour. After that, the hair can be washed with shampoo.
- Mask of rye bread
Pulp of bread to a thick slurry in brothfrom a peel of a bulb or a bark of an oak. For two glasses of water, use one tablespoon of bark or bulbous shell. All these masks for strengthening hair are only a small part of the huge number of folk remedies tested by more than one generation of women. But even a single mask chosen by you can perform miracles provided it is constantly and permanently applied. Episodic procedures performed in attacks of the caring about beauty of hair, the desired effect will not give. So be consistent and persevering, do not be lazy and do not forget that beauty requires, first of all, systematic procedures. Remain beautiful always and against all odds! We advise you to read: