beautiful thick hair Masks for the density of hair is very important to anyoneman, because the condition of the hairline has a huge impact on the appearance of man. Thin, brittle, split hair looks bad, because they do not decorate a person. Especially often the condition of the hairstyle worsens in the autumn-winter period. This is due to the seasonal weakening of immunity, in addition, central heating and temperature changes that occur when moving from street to room, adversely affect the condition of the head of hear. Improve this position can be through intensive care, using masks for the density of hair. Depending on the type of hair, there are different masks, Their action is aimed at solving specific problems with the hair. However, more often than not, masks solve several problems at once. It should be understood that the amount of hair in humans is genetically determined. However, with the help of masks, it is possible to make the head of hair thick, because the use of masks helps to reduce hair loss, and also makes them more dense, which makes them look more dense. We can conditionally distinguish three categories of masks: for fatty, for dry, for normal hair. bread mask for hair

Masks for oily hair

Usually, the products for oily hair containdrying components, for example, such as decoction of sage grass, oak bark and pomegranate skin. From the oat-lemon mixture To prepare it, you will need:

  • half a glass of oatmeal
  • one large lemon
  • hot water

Oat flour can be prepared by grinding incoffee mill oatmeal. The flour must be brewed with hot water, adding about the same amount of water, so that the consistency of the resulting mass resembled a very thick sour cream. Then in the resulting gruel you need to add grated on a fine grater. Stir well and then apply to damp clean hair for 15 minutes, then rinse with water. From blue clay with broth of an oak bark For this mask such ingredients are necessary:

  • decoction
  • blue clay
  • warm water
  • tablespoon kefir or curdled milk

First you need to prepare a decoction of the bark of oak. To do this, you need to pour a tablespoon of chopped bark with a glass of water, bring to a boil and boil for five minutes. After this, insist a quarter of an hour and strain into a separate bowl. Then in the broth you need to add kefir or curdled milk, stir. Then add a little blue clay in small portions to obtain a mushy consistency. The resulting remedy is applied to damp, pre-washed hair. Wait 15-20 minutes, then rinse the head with water. kefir mask for hair growth

Masks for dry hair

  • Linen

For preparation, you need to prepare the following components:

  • decoction of flaxseed
  • a tablespoon of sesame oil
  • colorless henna
  • water

To prepare a linen broth you need to poura tablespoon of seeds with a glass of water, then cook over low heat for 10 minutes. Then the resulting broth should be filtered and added water, so that the volume of liquid was equal to one glass. In the resulting broth add sesame oil, henna and mix thoroughly. According to the consistency, the mass should resemble liquid sour cream. The mass is applied for half an hour to dry hair. Through this time, you need to wash your hair with a shampoo.

  • Honey

For it you will need:

  • two tablespoons of honey
  • a tablespoon of sour cream
  • teaspoon of starch

Mix all ingredients thoroughly until smooth, apply to pre-moistened hair for 20 minutes, then wash the head with shampoo.

Masks for normal hair

  • Bread

To make such a mask, you only needany bread, preferably black, and hot water. Bread should be filled with water. When he gets soaked, the resulting gruel should be applied to clean damp hair, rub into the scalp. Leave for 10 minutes, then rinse thoroughly with water.

  • From white clay

This procedure requires white clay and warmcream. Clay should be mixed with cream until the consistency of liquid sour cream. The resulting mixture is applied to dry hair for 15 minutes. Then wash your hair. The technology of applying masks is the same. First, the agent is applied to the hair, then put on the head cap and wrap the head with a towel. The only difference is that some masks are applied to dry hair, some to wet hair. In addition, the fact that after some masks a head needs to be washed, and after others - only to rinse can differ. Accordingly, the nutrient mass is applied to clean or dirty hair. The frequency of application of masks is usually 2-3 times a week, unless otherwise specified. When applying a mask, you should focus on your own feelings. If it is suitable, then in a few weeks you can see that the condition of the hair has improved. If this does not happen, you need to try another recipe, since the effectiveness first of all depends on the individual reaction of the organism to the components that make up the mask. Masks for hair from natural ingredients will help to significantly improve their condition and appearance. Since such masks contain available components and their preparation takes quite a bit of time, making them is not difficult.

