low-grade fever Do you have a thermometer again 25? Again the temperature is raised, but not too much - no more than 38 degrees, and it is holding on far not the first day? And the reason for such an increase is not known for certain? Most likely, you are faced with such a phenomenon as subfebrile temperature. It is in this issue and try to understand this article. However, before telling about the subfebrile temperature, it is necessary to have a precise idea of ​​which states characterized by an increase in body temperature are distinguished in medicine. Such conditions the doctors distinguish three:

  • Hyperthermia (fever) associated withthe presence of the patient's symptoms and manifestations of a disease. As a rule, because the symptoms of the disease are clearly expressed, the diagnosis of the disease, and the appointment of the necessary adequate treatment is not difficult for doctors. As soon as the illness that caused the fever, retreats, the hyperthermia disappears by itself.
  • Fever.Doctors call fever a high body temperature of unknown origin. In this condition, a person does not have any other symptoms of any disease other than high fever. With a fever of unknown etiology (origin), the human body temperature exceeds 38 and 5 degrees, and it lasts for two weeks or even longer. Unfortunately, physicians are far from always able to reliably determine the cause of the disease.
  • Subfebrile temperature.And, at last, subfebrile temperature. A subfebrile temperature is a rise in the body temperature of a person in which a person for a very long time - from two weeks or more - the column of the thermometer rises above 37 degrees, but does not exceed 38 and 3. As a rule, no other symptoms of the presence of a particular disease a person is not found.
  • Particular difficulty in diagnosing forphysicians represent the fact that the symptoms of other diseases are absent, and an increase in body temperature may be within the physiological norm. Below we will talk about an adequate assessment and methods for diagnosing subfebrile temperature, both in children and in adults. In order to understand the problem of subfebrile temperature, it is necessary to be able to correctly measure the temperature and interpret it. At first glance, there is nothing difficult in measuring body temperature. However, a person should check again whether the body temperature is measured correctly. First, the axilla in which the temperature is measured should be completely dry. If the sick person sweats, carefully remove sweat and allow the skin to dry properly. Only after this, you can begin to measure body temperature. In addition, there is another problem, enclosed directly in the thermometer itself. Almost all people are accustomed to believe the thermometer indefinitely. However, if you see figures on your thermometer that the body temperature is increased, and you do not experience any unusual sensations such as chills, try to change the thermometer first. Measure the temperature with another thermometer, and preferably with a fundamentally different design, for example, replace the mercury thermometer with an electronic thermometer, or vice versa. Sometimes this simple measure allows you to save a lot of nerves, and even the time spent on visiting a doctor.

    What is the temperature norm?

    It must also be remembered that body temperature is notis a constant. The temperature varies in different directions, and this is perfectly normal. But due to the fact that not everyone knows about this, any. Even physiological (within one degree) deviation from the norm in the direction of increase is regarded by a person as an increase in body temperature. However, this is not so. It is widely believed that the normal temperature of the human body is 36 and 6 degrees. However, this is not the case-as numerous studies have proved, and even practical observations of a huge number of physicians, the most common average body temperature is 37 degrees. However, this figure can change significantly, ranging from 35 to 37.5 degrees. These variations depend on several factors. For example, such as the physiological state of the organism of each individual person, the level of his physical load, the state of the hormonal background, time of day. In addition, the factor that plays a significant role in temperature measurement is the environment - the humidity level, the air temperature in the room. In any healthy person, diurnal temperature fluctuations of about half a degree are normal. As a rule, between 4 and 6 o'clock in the morning a person has the lowest body temperature for all days. This feature is well traced in a disease accompanied by a significant rise in body temperature - even the highest body temperature is greatly reduced in the early morning. But in the interval 16 - 22 hours the body temperature level reaches its maximum. In addition, remember that a woman's body temperature increase is possible because of those hormonal changes in the body that are associated with the course of the menstrual cycle. Typically, the highest temperature in a woman is noted between the 17th and 25th day of the menstrual cycle. Sometimes the numbers can reach 38 and 8 degrees. In addition, very often, such factors as strong emotional stress, increased physical activity lead to an increase in body temperature. And this applies equally to both adults and children. For example, body temperature can rise due to stress caused by problems in family life or work, due to physical stress. In children, the increase in body temperature can be caused by prolonged crying or overly active physical games. All these above-described variations are the physiological norm, and do not require any medical intervention in the human body by physicians. low-grade fever - treatment

    The causes of subfebrile fever

    So, as we have already explained, subfebriletemperature doctors call such a state of the human body, in which the body temperature for a long time is kept within 37, 5 - 38 degrees. In other words, the body temperature level is more physiological norm, but below the true fever. Of course, subfebrile temperature does not arise from nowhere, from scratch. There are a number of diseases that for a very long time only occur after the appearance of subfebrile temperature. However, sooner or later, these signs will certainly make themselves felt, after which it will be much easier for physicians to correctly diagnose the disease, which was the primary cause of subfebrile body temperature. Doctors distinguish two main groups of diseases that can cause subfebrile temperature:

  • Inflammatory diseases. And inflammatory diseases, in turn, are divided into infectious and non-infectious diseases. The first disease, which the doctor should exclude from a patient suffering from subfebrile body temperature for two or more weeks, is tuberculosis. Unfortunately, often tuberculosis can be asymptomatic without showing any other symptoms other than subfebrile temperature. The doctor, having carried out a number of necessary studies, either confirms or refutes the presence of tuberculosis in a sick person. Chronic focal infection. To chronic focal studies, doctors refer to chronic inflammatory processes, localized in one or another organ. These include diseases such as chronic androxitis, tonsillitis, prostatitis and the like. In most people, such diseases occur without an increase in body temperature, but in the event that human immunity is weakened, subfebrile body temperature may appear. Chronic infectious diseases. Some chronic diseases that are of an infectious origin, for example, such as toxoplasmosis, Lyme disease, brucellosis, are often accompanied by subfebrile temperature. By the way, very often subfebrile body temperature often remains the only manifestation of such diseases. Increase in body temperature after an infectious disease. Doctors have such a definition, as the so-called "temperature tail". This phenomenon consists in the following: the person who has transferred any infectious disease, can live with a subfebrile temperature even after convalescence. It can persist for a very long time - several weeks, and sometimes several months. In such cases, subfebrile fever is not required. However, it is necessary to take special care not to confuse the "temperature tail" with the relapse of the disease, which requires immediate treatment.
  • Not inflammatory diseases. The appearance of subfebrile temperature can accompany and some diseases that do not have an inflammatory nature of origin. Such diseases include endocrine and immune diseases, as well as diseases associated with disruption of the normal functioning of the circulatory system and direct blood diseases. Systemic lupus. In cases of systemic lupus erythematosus (chronic autoimmune disease), subfebrile temperature is the only external sign in the first few weeks. After this, the person is afflicted with internal organs and systems of the person, joints and skin. Iron-deficiency anemia. What is iron deficiency anemia, it is known, probably, to everyone - this is a low content of hemoglobin in the blood. Usually, if a person has a weakened immune system, this disease can lead to subfebrile temperature.
  • Diagnosis of the causes of subfebrile temperature

    Due to the fact that subfebrile temperaturecan be caused by a variety of diseases, there is no specific diagnostic method, and it can not be. However, unfortunately, sometimes the survey does not give any results. And in such cases, doctors are forced to diagnose primary hyperthermia. In any case, in order to find out the cause of the disease, a person should consult a therapist. The doctor will appoint a number of necessary studies - a general and biochemical blood test, urinalysis, ultrasound examination of all internal organs, a blood test for hormones. And based on the results of the study, the doctor will appoint the patient the necessary treatment. We advise you to read:

