how to love your work "Work-work go to Fedot, with Fedot onJacob, from Jacob - to everyone. " How often do you think of this sentence? If she regularly comes to visit you, then obviously, work for you is just a way of making money. But it's up to you to change this, and we'll tell you how to love your job.

Top 7 reasons why we do not like our work

Of course, there are situations when it, inin general, and for nothing to love. The reasons for this, there may be a mass. If you want to change attitudes toward your career, it's definitely worth understanding what's preventing you from doing it. Therefore, you should read our list and figure out what specifically applies to you.

  • Low income If you interview ourcitizens for the purpose of why they do not like their work, then this reason will be in the first place. Which is not surprising, because earnings - this is the main thing that distinguishes the work even from the most interesting hobby. Unfortunately, almost always there is not enough money, and even the top manager, who receives a six-figure sum for his work, will tell you about it. At the heart of this dissatisfaction lies the inconsistency between the personal efforts, the salary and the income of other similar specialists. And in this case it is worthwhile to think: does your work give you something other than money, or do you need to orient yourself urgently to increase your earnings?
  • Lack of free time So it was,that if the money that you pay is enough, then you begin to feel an acute shortage of time for their spending. In the modern world, it has become the norm to work twelve hours a day, but this does not suit everyone. There are a lot of employment options with a way of lower income, but much greater freedom, and they should be considered if this story is about you.
  • The tyrannical boss Very often the bossesthere are very specific people. Taciturn, zakalivayuschaya requirements, rigidity and the ability to go on their heads - these qualities often help their carriers to take a "place under the sun," from which they begin to treat their subordinates. In this case, it is important to understand that the boss's requirements are often justified and are beneficial to the business. If you are very much affected by the style of communication chief, it may be worth thinking about problems with self-esteem and learn to find a common language with the "problem" people. In the end, every person can be useful for you, even a tyrant boss.
  • Bad team "Serpentarium" - this is whatCharacteristics can be heard from girls who are asked to talk about their workforce. This is especially true for departments where only women work. This is not surprising, because we are very inclined to compete with each other and "palace intrigues." Agree, a rather bleak picture emerges? But even in this situation you can find your advantages: you rather want to go home after a long day's work, and communication with colleagues will never replace communication with family or friends. Or you can treat this as a game - of course, if everything is not so bad that you just want to escape from there.
  • Lack of prospects for career growthSurely each of you wants to grow over time and raise your own status. And this can be a problem if your work does not provide for a particular career growth. Or your boss is very worried about his own chair and with all his might trying to keep you in lower positions. To get around this obstacle on a particular job can be difficult, and then it is worthwhile to think about ways of realizing one's own ambitions and even changing the workplace.
  • Constant stress Irritated customers,demanding boss, tough colleagues, constant time trouble and trouble - all of this just goes around the head! Sometimes you just want to crawl into a deep hole and do not get out until the next year. Stop! It is possible that the problem is not so much in the work as in you. It may be inability to plan your time, communicate with other people or a painful reaction to criticism - in any case, it is worthwhile to analyze in detail the origins of such experiences. Maybe you just need to learn to relax or disconnect from work problems for a while. And, of course, it is worth remembering that no work is worth the gray hair and professional burnout from constant stress.
  • Boredom Your work casts a longing for you? You are not alone, because very many employees feel alienated to their work: it seems to them senseless, useless and boring. Perhaps the fact is that this is simply not your occupation. For example, you are an active, energetic and sociable person who turns out to be an accountant, and monotonous work with figures sucks out of you all the juices. And it also happens that you just need to realize to whom and how useful your work is, and this completely changes everything.
  • how to love a job

    How to love your work

    So, you have clarified the whole complex of reasons thatprevent you every morning from going to work as a holiday. But do not rush to change your life and write a statement of resignation. You probably want to know how to love your job, and start to enjoy it from tomorrow. For starters, you can imagine in detail the ideal job: what do you do, work with, where your workplace is located, etc. ... Try after some time with a sober look to evaluate the resulting picture. It will be great if you discuss work with friends and acquaintances - they certainly will be able to tell you about the schedule, and about the boss, and about colleagues something out of the ordinary. Most likely, there are problems not only for you, and this makes it more and more mysterious. In addition, you have the opportunity to assess how realistic your ideal is and whether it is possible to achieve it. It is very important to understand the significance of your contribution to the common cause. It's no accident that some people even volunteer: this activity is not paid for, it takes a lot of time and effort, but they very clearly represent who and what benefit they bring with their work. Think about what you personally do for your colleagues, the boss and the company - money is simply not paid to anyone. So, you are a valuable employee - it's time to begin to understand this. In some cases, a business trip is very effective. Yes, do not be surprised, because changing the situation and looking, "as it happens to them," you get a new experience, which, perhaps, you just did not have enough. Maybe you will look at your "distant" colleagues for a way of organizing work or a new system of motivating the staff, and this is what will help you to love your work. The worst thing you can do is take the victim's position. "Ah, no one understands me, and everyone just thinks how to offend!" - if this thought has settled in your head, then it's time for you to change your attitude to your own life. Start to take the initiative and take responsibility for what is happening to you. Be active, think about solving professional problems, suggest ideas, because it usually happens that career failures are related to your own personal characteristics. And your active position will no longer allow other people to treat you like a dumb worker bee! To bring interest in the work can help the competitive moment. Agree, it is one thing to create something in proud solitude, and quite another - in competition with other workers. It is not necessary for anyone to talk about a small competition - even if you will know about it. But it is precisely it that can make the work a bit like a game, but when a child wakes up inside of us, boredom and longing pass by themselves. If you do not have any friendships at work, it's time to start them. It is always easier to face the hardships of working with someone, rather than one. Is there in the team at least one person who makes you glimpses of sympathy? Approach him and offer to drink coffee together. It is not necessary to talk about work - perhaps it will be much more interesting for you to discuss hobbies or men. Try to expand the circle of such people. The better you learn your colleagues, the easier it will be for you to prioritize your communication and find an individual approach to each of them. And then it will become much easier and more pleasant to work. It is worth mentioning about the appearance. As you know, a woman's health almost directly depends on how she looks. Therefore, we recommend that you creatively approach the process of choosing clothes for work (if you, of course, like this thing). Even if the office has a strict dress code, no one prevents you from expressing yourself and looking beautiful even within this framework. The main thing is to treat this with the same enthusiasm as if you were choosing a party outfit. A strict dress-case of "your" color, an elegant blouse, a pencil skirt, comfortable heels - and you will feel like a queen who wants to go to work. Here are some simple tips. Even if it seems to you that nothing will save your work, first try a month to do what you wrote above. And if it still does not help, then already with a clear conscience you can start looking for the work of your dreams. And it will be somewhere near - we guarantee it to you!

