tasty lecho Perch, tomatoes, onions and carrots - what is itdelicious! And especially if all this is found in one delicious dish. It's about how to cook a king of snacks - lecho! Lecho - Hungarian dish, which due to its excellent taste qualities was loved in many countries of the world. After all, it's easy to cook, and the taste is simply amazing, and most importantly - lecho is perfectly combined with any garnish and meat. And its irreplaceable quality - eating as a snack - made the food even more popular. But the most settled in our life are recipes in which no fat is added, and as the main ingredients there are only peppers, tomatoes and spices. After the conservation, the housewives began to prepare lecho for the winter, in order to preserve the useful substances of vegetables, which are abundant in pepper and tomatoes. The pepper is rich in phosphorus, fluorine, iron, magnesium and potassium, and it contains a lot of vitamins - it's vitamins B, and vitamin A, and C, even E and PP. All this complex of useful vitamins and microelements influences rather favorably the appearance of any young lady, strengthening hair, skin, and they also improve vision and increase immunity. Sweet pepper is also a personal psychologist, because it perfectly helps to deal with stress, depression, memory impairment. "Doctor" of pepper is excellent - it supports the functions of the gastrointestinal tract, is shown in diabetes, reduces blood pressure and prevents the formation of blood clots. With regard to tomatoes, the kaleidoscope of vitamins in them is also rather big: C, PP, A, B, K. Tomatoes are rich in glucose, fructose, iodine, magnesium, zinc and manganese. Tomatoes have truly healing properties - they establish metabolism, stimulate the process of hematopoiesis and positively influence the blood vessels, strengthening their walls. And the main "chip" of tomato is the antioxidant lycopene, which contributes to the production of serotonin, also known as the "hormone of happiness." It is not surprising that these fruits were intertwined in a single tandem, in the end, and it turned out a tasty and useful dish - lecho. Many housewives want to independently prepare this delicacy in their kitchen, but often can not decide on a recipe. We will give you the best recipes of lecho in the home, among which any hostess, both pros and beginners, will choose to their liking. tomato lecho

Tomato Lecho

For a tomato lecho you will need:

  • 1,5 kg of Bulgarian pepper.
  • 6 cloves of garlic.
  • Tomatoes - 3 kg.
  • On a tablespoon of salt and sugar.
  • For preservation - 1 tablespoon of vinegar.

Pepper, garlic and half of tomatoes are necessarycut into strips and boil for 10-25 minutes. For cooking, it is best to use enamel cookware. After that you need to add salt, sugar and the rest half of tomatoes and to protuse for another half an hour. Serve lecho on the table better chilled. If you plan to preserve, then at the end of cooking, you need to add vinegar, arrange lecho on the banks and roll up.

Classical Bulgarian Lecho

The Bulgarian lecho is prepared somewhat differently than in theprevious recipe. Here it is necessary to fulfill the following condition - to make a puree of tomatoes. This lecho is more sweet to the taste. What is needed? For a kilogram of tomatoes and pepper, as well as salt and sugar. To the dish was not only tasty, but also cute, it is better to take peppers of different colors - yellow, red and green. If the puree from tomato is homemade, then it must be boiled to the necessary consistency, and if it is purchased, it should be diluted. In any case, the mashed potatoes should be boiled. In boiling puree neatly laid out strips of pepper and immediately added salt and sugar. Boil lecho also up to 30 minutes. Even in lecho you can add a drop of vegetable oil, but not more than one tablespoon.

Peach lecho

Very original lecho recipe with an addition inhis zucchini. Russian hostesses love this dish most of all, because the courgette is a real storehouse of health. In this lecho a lot of oil is added, which makes the stock very satisfying, high-calorie and, most importantly, delicious. Ingredients: 1,5 kg zucchini and pepper, slightly less tomato - 1 kg, 6 bulbs, oil, 130/100 vinegar, sugar and salt. Vegetables can be cut as you like - even with asterisks, because conservation in some moments allows a flight of fantasy. Salt, sugar, vinegar and oil are mixed in enameled pots (saucepan or basin) - all this is brought to a boil, after which it is necessary to add zucchini. Withstanding the short intervals of time, the rest of the vegetables are poured, everything boils down to 10 minutes. Tomatoes should be placed at the very end, after which boiling should last 10-15 minutes. An important condition - after the lecho is spread out in a container and rolled up, it must be covered with a blanket. If lecho is interesting for you as an appetizer, and you are not going to roll it under the lid, vinegar is replaced with liquid tomato puree, and the cooking time for vegetables is slightly increased. pepper lecho

Pepper lecho

Recipe for piquant pepper lecho especiallylovers of this juicy vegetable will be pleased. As is clear from the title, the main condition is a large amount of pepper. For cooking, you need: 5 kg of pepper and 3 kg of tomatoes, a glass of sugar sand, salt, garlic - enough 2 heads, a glass of oil (vegetable), spices. If the goal is conservation, then another glass of vinegar will be needed. Tomatoes to grind to a consistency of mashed potatoes, only the cuticle must be removed. Add to the mash oil, salt and sugar, and then boil for about 15 minutes. After that, carefully insert the peppers into the mixture, pre-cut them into strips or cubes. Cooking is still a third of an hour. Garlic and spices should be added only 10 minutes before cooked. Subject to the fulfillment of all the items of the recipe, the dish promises to be very tasty indeed at home.

Eggplant lecho

One of the most delicious variations of lecho we will considerin this recipe, although with cooking, of course, have to tinker, but the result promises to be excellent. For lecho of eggplant will be needed: 10 pieces of eggplant, tomato, pepper and onions, 3 carrots and 3 tablespoons of vinegar, sugar, salt and spices. Wash the vegetables thoroughly and dry them. Eggplant is preferably cut into strips, but can also be made with circles. Cut the eggplants into a saline solution (1 tbsp salt + 1 l water) for 5 minutes, after which the water is drained. Carrots - on a grater, tomatoes - cubes, a pepper and an onions - semirings. Carrots, onions and peppers are stewed in vegetable oil until cooked, each vegetable separately. Tomatoes are poured into a separate pan and boiled, after which they can be pestled with a pistil and add greens, other vegetables, sugar and salt. Mix everything neatly, but thoroughly and boil for a quarter of an hour. At the very end, add spices and vinegar.

Beetroot Lecho

Perhaps, the most unusual recipe is lecho home-style, the main ingredient of which is beet. In accordance with the recipe, prepare:

  • Beetroot - 3 kg.
  • Carrots - 2 kg.
  • Sweet pepper - 2 kg.
  • Fresh tomato juice - 1,5 l
  • Tomatoes - 3 kg.
  • 0.5 liters of oil.
  • Spices, salt, lavrushechka and sugar - only to taste.

Beets and carrots are washed, dried, cleaned andrub on the grater. Then extinguish minutes 15. Pepper cut into strips, and grind tomatoes in a meat grinder or with a blender. In a mixture of carrots and beets, peppers and tomatoes, spices and salt are added. Stew it all for about an hour, but do not let the lecho burned out. After an hour, add sugar. Such lecho can not just be used as a snack and self-serving dish, but also applied as a dressing in borsch. And tasty, and useful, and multifunctional. As you can see, at home you can cook anything, if you approach the process with love and inspiration. And the workpieces made with a light hand and a cheerful song are rumored, they never even explode, and nothing tastes better. Bon Appetit everyone!

