It is rare to find a person who is notloved the sweet - much more sweet tooth. Home-made pastries have an undeniable advantage over the purchase. First, you have the opportunity to fantasize and create masterpieces of culinary art. Secondly, unlike the purchased, the home cooking is exclusively natural. And if on ordinary days we can easily pamper ourselves with pies and cakes, then what to do during the fast? Really give up so much favorite goodies? Everyone knows that during the fast, you can not eat products of animal origin, which are part of virtually any baking. Such products include eggs, cow's milk, butter. Sometimes it seems that without these products to cook pastries is unlikely to work, because they are so indispensable in cooking. It is difficult to imagine a dough for baking without eggs and milk. Is it possible to replace these products with something and make the baking delicious without them? One of the varieties of baking during fasting is a lean cookie. Unlike pies, cookies are much faster prepared and, as a rule, do not require the use of a large number of ingredients. It can be prepared quickly and without much trouble. So, what are the recipes for making lean cookies? Preparation of lean baking is somewhat different from the usual cooking.
Recipe for banana lean cookies
This recipe does not require the use of thoseproducts that are unacceptable to use during a fast post. The number of cookies turned out can not but rejoice - it will be very much, and enough for the whole family. To prepare such a cookie we need the following ingredients:
- flour - 3-4 glasses;
- baking soda - 2 teaspoons;
- granulated sugar - 1,5-2 cups;
- honey - 4 tablespoons;
- bananas - 2 pieces.
The cooking process is quite simple. It is necessary to knead two bananas in a homogeneous gruel, after which it is necessary to mix them with honey and sugar. Next, you need to put the finished mixture in a water bath and keep until all the sugar has dissolved and turned into a syrup. After the mass becomes homogeneous, you can add baking soda into it, mix everything thoroughly. The mixture should become lighter and increase in volume by a factor of two. After you need to remove it from the heat and cool it to room temperature. Constantly stirring the mass, you must gradually pour in the flour and knead the dough. The flour is poured in until the dough becomes soft, but it will stick to the hands a little more. The finished dough is rolled into a layer, and figurines are cut from it using molds or a glass. On slightly greased with a sunflower oil baking sheet should put the cookies and send it to the oven for an average of 10 minutes, after which it must be reached and sprinkled with powdered sugar. The Lenten cookie is ready.
The recipe for a lean honey biscuit
Immediately it is worth saying that to make this cookieit was aromatic and spicy to taste, in the dough you can add a gingerbread mixture made from ground cinnamon, cloves, ginger and nutmeg. For the preparation of honey lean cookies we will need the following products:
- flour - about 2 cups;
- honey - half a glass;
- sugar - 50 g;
- baking soda - 1 teaspoon;
- gingerbread mixture - 1 teaspoon;
- salt - pinch.
Preparation begins with mixing honey andsugar, which must be heated in a water bath. After the sugar has completely dissolved, the mass can be removed from the fire and add baking soda to it. The signal that the soda is extinguished will be a change in the color of the mass (it should go white) and its increase in volume. After that, it is necessary to add salt and a gingerbread mixture to the mixture and then gradually pour in the flour. The consistency of the dough should be plastic and should not stick to your hands. The procedure is the same as in the previous recipe. The dough is rolled into a layer, from which various figures are squeezed out. After the figures are laid out on the baking tray, you can send them to the oven. Bake the biscuits no more than 10 minutes, otherwise it can just become hard. The temperature in the oven should be 160 degrees. After the time has elapsed, the cookies are removed, and you can start drinking tea.
The recipe for lean cookies
To make an assorted cookie,to divide the finished dough into several parts, into which it is necessary to add nuts, dried fruits, cocoa, various spices and other, if desired. To prepare this cookie, you will need to use the following ingredients:
- corn starch or potato starch - 1 glass;
- flour - 3 cups;
- vegetable oil - 2/3 cup;
- drinking water - 2/3 cup;
- sugar - 1 cup;
- soda - 1/2 teaspoon (must be extinguished with vinegar);
- salt - pinch.
The algorithm of preparation is as follows: The flour must be mixed with the starch, after which all this is sieved. This mixture adds salt and sugar, then poured warm water, sunflower oil and soda, which is extinguished with vinegar. The dough is quickly mixed. It turns out to be quite steep. Next, the finished dough is divided into several parts, into each of which the desired additive interferes. We give the test a little time to soften it, and then roll it into a thin layer and use the same molds to cut out the desired figures. Next, the biscuit is sent to the oven and baked for 10-12 minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees. Baking is ready.
The recipe for lean fruit biscuits
This recipe is perfect ifyou have left unused berries and fruit from compote or juice or syrup from under canned fruit. This recipe implies the use of the following products:
- sugar-4 tablespoons;
- flour - 2,5-3 cups;
- vegetable oil - 1/4 cup;
- compote or fruit juice - 1 glass;
- orange or lemon peel - 1 tablespoon;
- pear or apple - 2 pieces;
- baking soda - 1 teaspoon (must be extinguished with vinegar).
Preparation begins with sifting flour,which then must be mixed with sugar. Apples or pears (at your discretion) are peeled, finely chopped. In deep dishes you need to pour out compote (or juice), sunflower oil, add zest (optional), sliced fruit, soda, slaked with vinegar. All is thoroughly mixed, after which flour with sugar is added. Next we knead the dough, which, by the way, turns out to be quite steep. Tearing off the dough, we roll small balls out of it and put them on a baking tray. Cookies are baked in the oven at a temperature of 180-200 degrees for about 15-20 minutes.
The recipe for lean oatmeal cookies
To prepare this cookie you will need only 3 ingredients, which can not but interest. So, we will need:
- oat flakes - 1 glass;
- banana - 2 pieces;
- raisins - 2 tablespoons.
The cooking process begins with mixingoatmeal with bananas. To do this, you need to pour a glass of oatmeal into the bowl, add the previously cleaned and broken into pieces bananas. Use oatmeal flakes can be any - like the usual "Hercules", and flakes for quick preparation. Differences are not special, only the structure of the cookie will change. With a fork, bananas are kneaded and mixed with flakes until a thick mushy mass is obtained. Raisins should be washed beforehand (you can burn with boiling water) and dry. Then it is added to the finished mass, everything is thoroughly mixed. On a sheet of parchment paper with a spoon, it is necessary to lay out the finished mass, giving it a rounded shape. The pan is sent to a preheated oven to 180 degrees, in which it is baked for about 15 minutes. After the cookie is browned, it can be removed and removed from the parchment leaf. To taste this lean cookie is slightly different from the traditional. Its consistency is slightly viscous, but it turns out very tasty and fits perfectly to tea. Do not forget about the benefits of this batch, which contains a lot of vitamins, useful to children.
The recipe for lean carrot cookies
This recipe allows you to experiment withincluded in the ingredients, include imagination and add something new. For example, seeds, nuts, dried fruits are excellent as an additive in dough. So, for cooking you need:
- carrots - 2-3 pieces (depending on the size);
- granulated sugar - 100 g;
- vegetable oil (odorless) - 100 g;
- flour - about 5 tablespoons;
- oat flakes - 5 tablespoons;
- sugar vanilla - 2 sachets.
The recipe is very simple, cooking takesminimum time, and the result is sure to please. The first thing to do is to peel and grate the carrot on a large grater. After that, the carrot mixes with all the remaining ingredients. The mass should be homogeneous, if desired, you can add nuts, dried fruits, candied fruits, sunflower seeds and other ingredients. On the baking sheet covered with parchment paper, the balls rolled from the resulting mass are laid out (if desired, you can make a flat cookie). In the oven heated to 200-250 degrees, the pan is sent for 20-30 minutes. After the time has elapsed, the cookies can be taken out and started drinking tea.
The recipe for lean cookies on brine
For the preparation of this baking is usefulabsolutely any brine - as from cucumbers and tomatoes rolled up for the winter, and freshly prepared light-salted cucumbers. The recipe includes the following products:
- any brine - 250 g;
- sugar-1 cup;
- vegetable oil - half a glass;
- food soda - 1 teaspoon;
- flour - to knead is not very steep dough.
If desired, it is possible to add crushedpeanut. The procedure for preparing the following: mix sugar, brine, vegetable oil and baking soda in a bowl. All carefully mix the whisk, then add the sifted flour and mix not very steep dough. The dough should be such that it can easily be rolled out and that it does not stick to the hands. The finished dough is rolled into a layer (0.5-1 cm thick) and with the help of molds we cut figurines. On a baking sheet lubricated with sunflower oil, we put out the resulting figures. Bake should be at a temperature of 180-200 degrees to the golden color of both sides. The dessert is ready.
So, as it became clear, lean bakerycan be not only useful, but also delicious. Due to its taste qualities, it can not be inferior to baking on the basis of products of animal origin. It is prepared quickly enough, forces take away at a minimum, and the result brings to the maximum. Such baking is sure to please your home and guests. To huge pluses it is possible to carry an opportunity to dream and experiment, to bring something new. This is not all recipes for lean cookies, there are many others: orange, sesame, poppy, berry and others. Everything depends on your preferences. Everyone can choose what is more to his liking, and please himself and his loved ones with tasty and useful concoctions. you have the opportunity to choose from the proposed recipes, and you can also bring something of your own. We wish you success in culinary arts. Enjoy your meal.