styling of short hair There is an opinion that a short haircut iscertainly convenient, very simple and not troublesome. Long hair requires careful care, long-term styling, special clamps. And only after making a trendy haircut, you begin to understand that all this is only partly true. A short hairstyle has a strict geometric shape. Depending on its type, it suits both lovers of sports style, and romantic people. In everyday life, laying on short hair is almost unnecessary. It is enough to fulfill the only golden rule for any hair - they must be clean. But a woman by nature is changeable - she always wants something new, to match her mood. Today, she is a strict boss, tomorrow is a freaky "little girl", and the day after tomorrow she is a secular lioness. How to put all these images in one single haircut? The answer is simple - use beautiful and fashionable styling on short hair.

Means for styling on short hair

Like any other hairstyle, a small haircutlength requires a competent approach. First of all, you need to use the right shampoo and conditioner. If you plan to create a volume, then the tools with a dual effect are desirable. Do not zealous with balms, especially in the radical zone. And on the contrary - if in the plans laying short hair in retro style (smooth or even "licked") - use the means to make the volume illogical. When choosing the main means of fixation, the original hair color should be taken into account. For the brown-haired woman, absolutely everything is suitable. Brunettes are not recommended to get very involved with wax, because even with a small excess, it makes the hair dirty. For blondes, taboo is a gel that glues delicate hair into icicles, making the hairstyle very untidy. Lacquer is the final stage, the final touch in a work of art, regardless of the length of the hair. His choice should also be justified. On the hairs we need a varnish with a strong fixation, and you should not be afraid of the "cement" effect. For romantic curls and vintage images, an invisibility varnish is needed. styling on short hair

Choosing a haircut

Thinking about how to lay a short hair,Do not forget about the basic principles of matching the hair style to natural characteristics. Naturally, with the initial selection, these criteria were taken into account, but fashionable laying on short hair can change them drastically. Making fashionable in this season, smooth hair, take into account the proportionality of the head and body. If before this haircut you went to 100%, then after a sensation of a very small head on a large body may appear. And it does not matter that in fact it is not so - optical illusion will do its job. But the chaos (shaggy hair) will suit absolutely everything. The only exception is the variety of stitches for short hair, when they are stretched out to the sides. In this case, the face is very wide, which is dangerous for round and square type. short hair styling

How to Arrange Short Hair

Question about styling on short hair risesbefore their owner every day. Every single life event requires a special approach. Let's consider the basic ways of packing of hair of small length which can be used both day-to-day, and in case of an output in light.

  • Business style is a smooth hairstylewith oblique or straight parting, with a beautifully laid, very modest bangs. Quickly to achieve effect it is possible by means of gel which is put or rendered on dry hair. Stacking does not involve the use of additional appliances, including a hair dryer. With the same gel or wax, strands can be textured. The main thing is not to overdo it;
  • Sports hedgehog - for a very short length Effectis achieved through the use of wax. To fix a hairdo with a varnish is not necessary, especially wax gives an excellent opportunity with simple combing to make a smooth hairstyle. It is important not to apply too much material. Preheat the wax with a hair dryer, apply a few drops on the palm, rub and create;
  • "Très romantiques" It is considered that to thisThe category includes fashionable festive laying on short hair. A romantic person can afford small whims at any time of the day. Do you want to feel like a regular at Parisian houses? Then beautiful, elastic curls on the ends and ideally straightened at the roots - this is your style. Do not forget to experiment with the bangs. Any length, oblique, straight, torn, thick - you can fantasize endlessly! Do not skimp on the means for styling. Fixation of short hair in the evening version should be resistant;
  • As evening styling for short hair, andeveryday can complement fashion accessories Select them according to the features of the face. For large - invisible and small objects, for elegant and small - shiny, decorated with large stones, large enough. You can use diadems;
  • A win-win option for hair of any length is a barrette, picking up a bang, fixed on the temporal part. The bangs under it can be tightened or, on the contrary, gracefully and beautifully excited;
  • For short haircuts with a long bang, the back of the hair will fit well, with a light roller of bangs and a large barrette emitting a diadem;
  • Everyday laying should correspond to twocriteria - fast and practical In the daily bustle of spending time simply unacceptable. Apply to hair any styling product that is right for you, use a hair dryer and a round comb to lift the roots. Select individual strands, including on a bang - the most elementary everyday laying is ready;
  • There is an even simpler option - to use chemical long-term stowage (carving), which will create strands and volume for up to two months. In this case, it is enough to simply wash and dry your head;
  • Interesting and at the same time fast everydayoption can be styling with a wet effect. All its essence is reduced to the allocation of strands. For textured hair, it is enough to walk on them with gel. For ordinary short - you can use a diffuser.

Regardless of the style chosen,remember that short hair, while more simple to handle, but still require that they are given time. Select 15 minutes for daily styling is easy. Yes, I'll have to wake up earlier, but believe me, the result will surpass all expectations. We advise you to read:

