hromchenko evelina adviceA renowned journalist and aspiring writer,host of numerous TV shows and editor-in-chief of the popular Russian edition of the magazine called "L'Officiel". Surely you have already guessed who we are talking about - of course, about Evelina Khromchenko: the advice of this stylish and elegant woman regarding the selection of a wardrobe helps the representatives of the fair half of humanity to become even more charming. Following her recommendations, even a gray mouse can turn into a real queen, the main thing is to learn how to create harmonious images, correctly combining things, accessories and shoes. Not every person has an innate taste and sense of style, but, as you know, by putting in maximum effort, you can master any skill, and the ability to wear clothes is no exception. Following the advice of Evelina Khromchenko and putting the acquired knowledge into practice, you will learn how to buy high-quality things, combine them with each other, and as a result, always, despite the weather outside, your mood and other circumstances, you will look elegant and fashionable.

Portrait of Evelina Khromchenko

Agree, you only have to listen toсоветам состоявшегося и успешного человека, иначе они не представляют никакой ценности. Поэтому, прежде чем начинать следовать рекомендациям женщины, которая сегодня по праву считается иконой стиля, давайте сначала узнаем, что же это за человек. Итак, Эвелина Хромченко — жена владельца одного из российских пиар-агентств и женщина, удачно совмещающая работу и личную жизнь. В семнадцатилетнем возрасте она поступила на факультет журналистики в Московский государственный университет, и уже через год впервые попробовала себя на телевидении, попав в штат Всесоюзного комитета по ТВ и радиовещанию. Хромченко начинала с обычной должности референта и за три года упорного труда заняла место обозревателя. Позже ей доверили вести авторские передачи о молодежной моде на радио, однако, являясь человеком умным, энергичным и амбициозным, юная Эвелина не собиралась останавливаться на достигнутом. Делая все возможное для своего развития, она много трудилась, читала, занималась самообучением, и все это вскоре дало свои плоды. Девушка стала публиковаться в «Известиях», «Огоньке», ее материалы появились в «Cosmopolitan», «Elle», «Комсомольской правде», «Собеседнике» и других изданиях, известных не только в России, но и далеко за ее пределами. Двадцатидвухлетняя Хромченко уже руководила своим самым первым журнальным проектом, а через два года стала владелицей собственного бизнеса. В 25 лет девушка устроилась в журнал «L’Officiel», который за довольно короткий срок из незаметного глянца превратился в очень популярное, читаемое и интеллектуальное модное издание. Будучи его главным редактором, Эвелина Леонидовна патронирует показы известных российских дизайнеров и принимает активное участие в культурной жизни страны. Она открыла такие дарования, как Алена Ахмадулина, модельер Игорь Чапурин, Денис Симачев, Лилия Пустовит и много других талантов. Кроме того, что Хромченко — настоящий профессионал своего дела, она прежде всего женщина. Как отмечает сама Эвелина, даже будучи умной и сильной, необходимо умело притворяться, играя роль слабой девушки. «Если бы в свое время я пользовалась девичьими приемами и инструментами, я была бы еще богаче, чем сегодня. Многие дамы, делая карьеру, сосредотачиваются на своих профессиональных способностях, отметая маленькие женские хитрости. Но не стоит презирать и отказываться от них, ведь это очень действенное оружие! К сожалению, нашим миром правят мужчины, однако ты замечаешь это, лишь дойдя до определенного уровня, где сильная половина человечества начинает с тобой соревноваться», — говорит умудренная опытом Хромченко. Эвелина советует делать ставку не только на свой ум и способности, но и врожденную красоту, использовать ее как оружие в борьбе за место под солнцем. «Мужчины помогают только до того момента, пока вы не являетесь для них конкурентом. Когда же слабая девушка превращается в женщину с четкими целями и задачами, она начинает представлять опасность», — отмечает редактор «L’Officiel». — «С возрастом понимаешь, что могла бы добиться большего, если бы пользовалась своей женственностью, которая порой отворяет даже плотно закрытые двери. Мужчины все равно будут тюкать вас за то, что вы женщины, так дайте им под дых своим умело нанесенным макияжем». К советам столь мудрой, образованной и успешной дамы наверняка стоит прислушаться! evelina hromchenko advice

We dress stylishly with Evelina Khromchenko

Evelina Khromchenko has an innate taste andsense of style, thanks to which she not only looks stunning herself, but also helps Russian women dress correctly. As the fashion critic has repeatedly noted, "an unkempt girl will never get a raise." Therefore, if you want to earn good money, make an impression and simply feel confident, study several recommendations from the editor-in-chief of "L’Officiel", following which you will always be in the spotlight:

  • The first rule of a stylish wardrobe - things shouldbe of high quality. It is not necessary to buy insanely expensive clothes, because domestic firms can also produce good quality products. In addition, do not pursue the forgeries of well-known brands. Shoes under the "Labuten", made by the Chinese in the underground factory, will look tasteless.
  • Buying fashionable things, wear them, not putting off onthen, otherwise, what is popular this season, the next will lose its relevance. At least once a year, clean the wardrobe of old worn things, which only clutter up your wardrobe. The main rule: if you have not once worn a sweater, dress, skirt, trousers and so on for twelve months, you can safely get rid of them.
  • Do not blindly follow fashion trends,buying up all of the latest collections. Such things quickly go into circulation, but the classic is eternal. Therefore, try to acquire elegant clothes of calm tones, which in time does not lose its relevance, but turns into a "vintage", thereby becoming even more valuable and refined.
  • Forever forget about ruches, artificial stones,beads, embroideries, lace, fringes and rhinestones on things of classic cut. Such elements look too defiant and tasteless. The only exception is expensive designer clothes, but even such an exclusive must be worn skillfully. So, for example, if you wear jeans with an unusual bright pattern or rhinestones, then the rest of the wardrobe items should be restrained.
  • Things may not be too expensive, but that's whatAs for shoes, in this case this rule does not work. Good quality and, most importantly, comfortable shoes, sandals and boots are often quite expensive, but this price justifies itself with a long toe. Cheap shoes, first, looks ugly, and secondly, affects your health: an uncomfortable shoe and unstable heel injures your leg, lead to varicose veins.
  • Always buy things, given the type of your figureand the color scheme that suits you. After all, even the most beautiful dress, but incorrectly selected, can emphasize the shortcomings of appearance. The main task of clothing - to cover where necessary, and draw attention to the virtues that a woman has.
  • Choosing the trend of the season, try to make it not too fashionable, that is moderately. Otherwise, a new sweater or boots will have to change the entire wardrobe.

When buying clothes, some women forget,how old are they. Keep in mind that youth clothes are intended for young girls, so they look harmonious in them, and adult ladies often look comical. Being at Balzac's age, you should pay attention to stylish classic things that will emphasize your status, position and job. A woman should look young, but in no case rejuvenated, and this is exactly the effect that is obtained if you follow teenage fashion. A stylish wardrobe excludes the presence of flashy vulgar and tasteless things, such as pink sweaters, leopard leggings, golden bags. Evelina Khromchenko, who knows everything about fashion and even a little more, strongly recommends forgetting about tops, T-shirts and T-shirts that expose the stomach, about shoes with long socks, about belts with a massive buckle. Lurex, glitter, mother-of-pearl, patent leather thigh-high boots, fishnet tights and animal prints also have no place in an elegant girl’s closet.advice from Evelina Khromchenko

Tips for selecting a basic wardrobe

As mentioned above, classic clothingnever goes out of fashion, while it is ideally combined with any items in style and cut, thereby creating an elegant image. As a professional and simply an elegant fashionista, Evelina Khromchenko knows what a girl's wardrobe should be like. Certain items form its base, and by choosing the appropriate accessories for them, you can create a trendy ensemble that is suitable for any occasion. So, let's take a closer look at what, according to the expert's recommendations, should hang in the closet of every fashionista:

  • "Regardless of his age and occupationpositions a stylish woman must buy the right jeans "- assures Khromchenko. This means that they should be dark, solid and tailored according to the classical style. No rhinestones and stones, embroidery and excessive fittings - this is a strict clothing, which must be selected, based on the type of your figure. For example, narrow jeans look great on slim tall girls, and hide full hips allow models that are slightly flared down.
  • Must have from Evelina - a white shirt with a deepV-neck. It is suitable for any occasion: negotiations, work, a hike with friends in a cafe. With the onset of cold weather on top of her, you can put on a cream or light beige jumper.
  • Another indispensable thing in the wardrobe is a stylishlady - a dark turtleneck. It can be worn as with trousers or jeans, and with sarafans, skirts. If you want to give the image a "twist", pick up the original little silk scarf and tie it around your neck, beautiful beads will also suit you.
  • In the arsenal of every fashionista should beclassic black trousers - the presence of rhinestones, stripes, artificial stones and other shiny elements is prohibited. The ideal length is the one at which the half-panties hide your shoe's heel, and to visually lengthen your legs, buy a model just below the ankle. These clothes fit well with light blouses or shirts, jackets and shortened jackets.
  • Do not forget about the small elegant black dress that every girl should have. After all, this is an eternal trend since the time of the great Chanel!
  • As for shoes, Khromchenko recommendsbuy classic boats on an average heel or on a hairpin. In addition, another must have - beige shoes. Going on a trip, shopping or on a picnic, choose more convenient options: moccasins, ballet flats or sneakers.
  • Cream and beige shades go to almost everyonewomen, so the fashion guru advises to purchase a classic cashmere coat of the same name. Combining it with dark trousers, slipper-boats and appropriate accessories, you will create an elegant and memorable image of a confident girl.
  • Jewelry of a stylish lady must meet the principlesminimalism. No plastic bracelets and pseudo-precious stones in your ears! The ideal option - a thin thread of natural pearls, elegant gold or silver earrings. Do not forget about shawls and scarves, learn how to tie them beautifully, and you will always look exquisite.

At social events, the editor"L’Officiel" often appears with miniature clutches, which she recommends other women to buy. "I don't understand girls who carry huge bags of unnecessary things," says the expert. "The ideal bag should be small and made of genuine leather." Having studied fashion tips from Evelina Khromchenko and following them, you will eventually learn to "feel" things and combine them. Remember that not only the right wardrobe, but also self-love make a woman truly attractive. We recommend reading:

