Do you know that a mug of yogurt a day -is it an invaluable help for the health of your body? What is the use of drinking this fermented milk product is equivalent to taking a very necessary and valuable medicine, so necessary for your health? But this medicine, unlike the drugs sold in the pharmacy, is completely harmless, it has no side effects or serious contraindications. Drink a delicious, refreshing drink, improve your health and lose weight at the same time - how can you refuse such pleasure? Thanks to pleasant taste and surprising medical properties, kefir became the main component of many diets for weight loss. And there are many diets: someone chooses simple days of unloading on kefir, someone kefir mono-diet, and for someone the best option is a nine-day kefir diet. How can you lose weight with kefir? It's very simple: special yeast-like fungi increase the metabolism several times, and lactobacilli simply burn calories that enter our body together with food. It is for these two reasons that we feel the unusual lightness in the whole body after consuming kefir. But, despite all the useful properties, for most of us kefir is just an inexpensive sour-milk drink (by the way, another plus in favor of a kefir diet), sold in every grocery store. We are accustomed to consider it a purely Russian product and have long ceased to treat it with any kind of piety. Although believe me, it was not always so, and he received the title of "Russian" product due to an incredible, almost detective story.
About how Russia extracted the secret of kefir starter
Homeland of kefir is considered to be North Ossetia. According to an ancient legend, the first ferment (grains of kefir fungi) was brought by the Prophet Magomed in his staff. He gave the inhabitants of the Caucasus a source of health and longevity, forbidding the transfer of "magic grains" to strangers, and especially - to the gentiles. I must say that this order was executed very much, the owners of the secret of leaven carefully stored the kefir grains, not allowing them to spread beyond their land. You can smile as much as you like while listening to this legend, but the fact remains: in our days the only way to get real kefir is those grains that have spread from the territory of Ossetia. Well, scientists can not bring kefir ferment artificially: the output is any sour-milk product, not kefir! Ossetians continued to keep the secret of leaven, as the apple of their eye. Neither orders, nor persuasions could force the mountaineers to break the covenant of Mohammed and lose the pledge of health and longevity of their people. And here the most interesting begins. The All-Russian Society of Physicians asks the well-known dairymaker Blandov Nikolai Ivanovich to establish the process of making kefir in our country. Blandov, the owner of twelve cheese makers in the Kislovodsk area, sends his best specialist to the Caucasus, Irina Sakharov. Arriving in the Caucasus, she, without thinking twice, went with assistant Vasiliev to visit the largest supplier of dairy products to Russia - to Prince Bekmurze Baichorov. The prince and his son welcomed guests to all the laws of Caucasian hospitality, but they refused to give them kefir grains. But the beautiful Irina did not drop her hands and went with her assistant in the mountain villages, hoping to find out the secret of kefir from the local residents. It was there that the armed jigits stole it to the teeth. Frightened to death, Vasilyev rushes headlong to Kislovodsk and announces the alarm, the gendarmes are sent in search of a captive. Meanwhile, Irina discovers that she is in captivity with the son of the same prince, who did not give them the grain of kefir leaven. It turns out that the young man fell in love with the beautiful Sakharov, in which she immediately confessed and offered to become his wife. However, Irina did not share deep feelings and refused to marry, despite the mountain of flowers and gifts presented to her. Meanwhile, the gendarmes found the stolen Sakharov, freed her and brought to Kislovodsk. There she immediately filed a lawsuit against Baichorov's son. And I would sit behind the bars if it were not for Irina herself: "I agree to forgive everything and stop the business if the prince gives me ten pounds of kefir starter grains." The very next day Sakharova received a huge basket of flowers and long-awaited kefir grains. This is how the production of yogurt began on the territory of our Motherland. What other product can boast such a mysterious and romantic story? Is not this the reason for finding a diet for a better diet to turn your eyes to this blessed drink?
Principles of a nine-day kefir diet
I would have known the beautiful Sakharov that thanks to heringenuity and perseverance, thousands of women around the world will gain not only good health, but also a slim figure! And in fact, to date, it is the kefir diet is the most popular and most requested in the search engines of the Russian Internet. We will talk with you about a nine-day kefir diet, a variant for those who want to lose a maximum of excess weight in a short period of time. In fact, this diet is quite tough, albeit very effective. You need to have a lot of willpower to withstand the whole period and not eat up to the dump on the third day of fasting. On average, it allows you to throw off six to nine kilograms for nine days. However, everything is strictly individual: someone easily loses a kilogram per day, and someone's weight stands still, like a bewitched one. In any case, try to comply with the proposed diet - with proper nutrition, even the most "dead" weight eventually goes away. Kefir diet, lasting nine days, does not call you not to eat anything but kefir. In the end, this is not a mono-diet, where only one product is allowed. For nine days you will need both proteins, carbohydrates, and vitamins, so the diet is divided into three cycles - for three days. Of course, you can not call this diet 100% balanced, but it allows you not to starve and eat enough food. So, the diet menu:
- The first three days. Low fat kefir in any amount, one hundred grams of boiled rice. Rice should not be cooked slightly, it can not be salted either.
- Second three days. Low fat kefir in any amount, one hundred grams of white meat boiled chicken (also not salt).
- The last three days. Degreased kefir in any amount, green apples in any quantity.
During the diet, in addition to kefir, you should not drinkless than two liters of water. It can be simple non-carbonated water, green tea without sugar - your choice. It is equally important to choose the right yogurt. There is no doubt that it brings tremendous health benefits - and the intestines cleanse, and strengthens the cardiovascular system, and enriches all kinds of vitamins. That's just working it all, if your diet is perfectly balanced and you do not sit on almost only kefir for nine consecutive days. Believe me, even the best and most useful product in the world will harm the body if you do not know the measures when using it. To avoid any negative consequences, we learn to choose the right kefir for a diet. First of all, do not seek to buy one that is released today (on the day of purchase). Fresh kefir in large quantities can lead to excessive gas formation. Agree, not the most pleasant prospect for a woman who leads an active lifestyle. No less dangerous kefir, released three or more days ago - it can cause constipation. It is best to choose "yesterday" kefir, this is the most optimal option for a long diet. The fact that you are on a diet does not at all mean that you need to dramatically change the diet. Drink yogurt at the time you usually eat. Dinner at eleven? And then usually a couple of snacks before dinner? Well, it is during these hours that you should satisfy your hunger with products permitted by kefir diet. But if breakfast was never your habit - then you definitely should start it! Scientists have long ago proven that women who miss their breakfast during the day eat much more food than those who eat in the morning.
If you suddenly broke ...
Whatever it was, but nine days - the deadline is notsmall, and not all women are able to withstand food restrictions for such a long period. It happens that you suddenly broke off and ate a hefty piece of meat at dinner, and then they all drank it, for example, with red wine ... The first thought: "the diet failed", and you are attacking high-calorie food, torn apart simply by the torments of hell. Common situation? In fact, it happens quite often - women "stumble" and immediately give up, not giving a damn about their work (and sitting on a diet is also work, and considerable). It is for those who do not have the strongest will in the world, we will talk about products that can be consumed during the kefir diet. Of course, the effectiveness of the entire nine-day diet from this will decrease, but you will not lose weight halfway and achieve certain results. Do not forget that kefir is still a fermented milk product, and it is not combined with all products. So, if longing and hunger do not allow you to live peacefully, then along with kefir diet you can use the following products:
- Muesli (you can pour the same kefir);
- Any vegetables (try to exclude potatoes - after all, there are a lot of calories in it, as well as cucumbers - in combination with kefir they have laxative effect);
- Seafood (fish, even marine, kefir does not like, but shrimp, mussels, octopus and other - please, at your service);
By the way, you can easily have a biteokroshka on kefir. This is a perfectly balanced dish that will not harm your figure (just avoid the outlandish recipes - like "mushroom okroshka" and so on). But with fruit you have to be more careful: yogurt generally does not like anything sweet. The exception is all the same green apples that are included in the menu of the nine-day diet. Do not eat flour - especially cakes and cookies. The fact is that because of some properties of kefir, when you get into the stomach of sweet baking, fermentation starts, which will nullify all your attempts to lose weight a little. And, please, do not abuse "third-party" products, they can be eaten a couple of times in order to cheer yourself up, no more. Otherwise, the results of losing weight after nine days will leave much to be desired.
How to keep the result
So, that's over nine days of kefirdiet, and you proudly look at yourself in the mirror. Now you do not need to strictly restrict yourself to food, you can finally open the refrigerator and ... Stop! Think carefully, are you ready to settle for a one-day result, or do you want to remain so slender for a long time? If the second option suits you more, then it is worth ten times to think before you sweep the contents of the refrigerator clean. Any nutritionist will tell you how important it is to get out of the diet - especially, from a nine-day diet. Your stomach is already used to reduced portions, so do not stretch it again: you are not an enemy to yourself! The desire to eat up to the dump is not dictated by hunger, but by various psychological factors that affect our subconscious. And if you lose weight for a certain purpose, then you should overcome yourself and continue to eat right. There is a golden rule: how many days the diet lasted, as much of it you need to go out. This does not mean that the next nine days after a diet, you will need to follow the same diet. Just do not lean on flour and fat, and in no case stop eating sour-milk products. This is the trick of getting out of the kefir diet: the body continues to receive useful bacteria of fermented milk products, helping to quickly digest food. As a result, extra pounds will not appear on your body, and you will continue to feel airy and light. We advise you to read: