Kalanchoe Kalandiva If you want to replenish your collection of roomflowers beautiful, but unpretentious specimen, then you should pay attention to the blossoming varieties of Kalanchoe. Not many people know that this medicinal plant is represented and very decorative varieties - such bunches in a pot. Among them, Kalanchoe Kalandhiva, which was derived from the Kalanchoe variety of Blohesfeld, is very popular. In many respects, these varieties are similar, but they also have some differences. Kalandiva is different from its progenitor, first of all, in miniature sizes. However, the specifics of this variety should be found in more detail.

Botanical portrait

Kalandiva is a member of the Tolstoyan family ofgroup of succulents. This largely determines the conditions for keeping Kalanchoe at home, and its requirements for care. In the wild, this variety does not grow, as it is the result of breeding. But its relatives live on almost all continents - in Africa, Australia, Southeast Asia and America. The variety of Kalandiva is notable for its unpretentiousness and special decorative features. Unlike the Kalanchoe of Blohesfeld, this variety blooms longer and more abundantly. This plant looks like a compact bush with thick stems and neat fleshy leaves that can be both smooth and velvety. The size of the bush does not exceed thirty centimeters in height. Peduncles short, flowers small, terry, collected in lush inflorescences. Coloring of flowers is represented by a wide warm palette: all shades of red, pink, yellow and salmon. Particularly impressive is Kalanchoe Kalandiva mix - a mixture of plants with flowers of different colors. Flowering Kalanchoe refers to plants of a short day and blossom only when strictly observing the light regime. But they bloom very abundantly and for a long time - up to six months. Flowering usually begins in January and lasts until summer. After flowering, there comes a period of rest, which is not pronounced in these plants. Therefore, a special care in this period the plant is not required. Kalanchoe Mix

Conditions of maintenance and care

Kalanchoe is considered an unpretentious plant,ideal for growing in indoor conditions. Virtually no hassle to their owners kalanchoe not deliver. The only difficulty is observing the light regime for bookmarking buds. This sort of Kalanchoe prefers well-lit rooms, but it easily tolerates penumbra. Do not recommend placing pots from Kalanchoe in shaded places, as well as on brightly lit windowsills. In any case, it is necessary to shade the plant from direct sunlight, which can cause burns to the leaves. Kalandiva perfectly tolerates dry air and does not need additional spraying. Room temperature in the range of 15 to 30 degrees is also quite comfortable for this plant. The only thing that this flower is afraid of is cold drafts, which can cause the appearance of gray mold on the leaves. A combination of high humidity and high temperature is considered unfavorable for the plant. In such conditions the Kalanchoe is affected by powdery mildew. Therefore, the main care for the plant is reduced to timely, but not very frequent watering and fertilizing the flower. Water the Kalanchoe with soft (settled or filtered) water as the earth coma dries up. Remember that all succulents carry a lack of moisture more easily than its excess. Therefore, after watering, it is necessary to dry the bottom of the pot and the pan dryly. Fertilize the Kalanchoe in summer and autumn - during the period of laying flower buds. For fertilizing use complex fertilizers or mixtures designed for succulents. Fertilizers are diluted in accordance with the instructions and added to the water for irrigation. Feed the plant about once or twice a month. During the flowering period, the plant does not require special care. However, to prolong this period, experienced flower growers recommend removing all fading flowers. And it is very important to make sure that during the spraying the water does not fall on the Kalanchoe flowers. For the cultivation of kalandiva, small flower pots and soil mix suitable for succulents are suitable. Frequent transplantation to the plant is not required, since it does not grow large. Therefore, the flower should be transplanted only after purchase, changing the temporary pot to a permanent one. It is also recommended to transplant in case of decay of roots and plant damage to pests. Propagation of the Kalanchoe by propagation of cuttings, rooting individual leaves or cut off shoots. You can propagate Kalandiva with leaf cuttings at any time. But it is convenient to take stem cuttings during the pruning, which is carried out after the flowering period is over. Crop the flower solely for decorative purposes to remove all peduncles and give the shrub a more compact form. Sometimes they cut off "on the stump." This procedure allows you to rejuvenate the plant and give it the opportunity to gain strength for flowering in the new season.


Often the newly-created Kalandiva owners do notcan wait for a second flowering of the plant, and therefore simply throw out the ornament that has lost its ornamentality. And it happens only because of the lack of information. After all, they acquire the plant as unpretentious, in full confidence that Kalandive does not require special care. All this is true, but only in part. For the flowering of the Kalanchoe a short light day is needed, the same as at home. And in the room conditions the plant is often kept at a long light day - after all the lamps burn until the night. For the plant to bloom repeatedly, it needs lighting no longer than ten hours a day. How to take care of calandine during this period? After nine o'clock in the evening it is necessary to close the window where the flower stands, with thick curtains. If a bright lantern shines outside the window or the room is not extinguished for a long time, then the flower pot can be cleaned in the closet until the morning. And you can cover the plant with a plastic bucket, because the compact size of the bush allows it to be done without difficulty. Such measures are necessary only before the appearance of the first peduncles. After that, the plant can be kept in the usual light mode. It is clear that all these efforts significantly complicate the care of the flower. But if you want your Kalandiva to blossom long and uninterrupted, then you can also get it. After all, no other features care for this succulent is not complicated. By the way, another reason for the lack of flowering in the due time may be an excess of fertilizers. So do not get carried away with top dressing. Kalanchoe calandiva mix


Let's sum up all the above. Do not be intimidated by the above features of the plant and possible difficulties in care. In fact, Kalandiva is a very unpretentious plant. It infects pests very seldom, and if it is properly looked after, it does not get sick at all. You just need to keep the plant in a well-lit room, do not fill it and feed it in time. This will be enough to make the flower feel quite comfortable. If you want to see it blossoming every new season, and that the flowering is abundant and lasting, then:

  • in cloudy weather, provide the plant with additional lighting - then the flowers on it will be large;
  • remove the flower pot in a dark place after it has been in the light for nine hours;
  • after flowering, prune and give the Kalandiva a rest, reducing watering and completely stopping feeding;
  • with the onset of autumn, begin to feed Kalanchoe fertilizers for cacti and succulents, and before flowering - fertilizers for flowering plants.

By following these simple rules, you will receivehealthy, green and compact bush, which in due time will turn into a real bouquet on the windowsill. Remember - what you sow, then reap. So do not skimp on caring for your Kalanchoe Kalandhiva! Room flowers are responsive and grateful. Good luck!

