How to increase the immunity of a child The birth of crumbs is the happiest event inlife of each person. Young father and mother learn a new, previously inaccessible to them world. The world of the first teardrop and first smile, a world of endless happiness, care and love. This love and care parents will carry through many years. The most important thing that parents always follow closely is the health of the baby. And this is absolutely correct, because the foundation of health, which is laid down in childhood, will largely determine how healthy an adult will be. That is why strengthening immunity in children and knowing how to properly support the immunity of a child is one of the primary tasks of parents, because weakened immunity is the cause of frequent diseases of your crumbs and brings many sorrows and hassle.

What is immunity?

In order to find out how to develop immunitychild and answer the question of how to improve it, it is necessary to understand the nature of the appearance of the immunity itself and the mechanism of its operation. With this information, it will be easier for you to choose the way how to strengthen the immunity of your child. Immunity refers to the body's ability to fight infectious agents that carry foreign genetic information. Typically, carriers of this information are viruses, bacteria and fungi. That is why one can not judge the level of immunity in terms of the number of colds that do not flow into the inflammatory processes. Immunity is divided into several subspecies:

  • Immunity is specific. Specific immunity is produced after a person has transferred a disease, for example, chickenpox or rubella. Depending on what disease was transferred, the immunity can be for life, and maybe only for a certain period of time.
  • Nonspecific is called congenital immunity, which begins to form in the fetus during pregnancy.

These two types of immunity, in turn, are divided into:

  • Antimicrobial immunity. The effect of this immunity is directed directly to the causative agent of the disease in order to destroy it.
  • Antitoxic immunity fights with toxic products of vital activity and the decay of the deceased pathogen.

In addition, scientists - immunologists, all of the above types of immunity are further subdivided into two parameters:

  • Natural immunity is produced exclusively by the body after contact with the pathogens of the disease.
  • Artificial immunity is produced as a result of vaccination.

The role of vaccination in the formation of immunity

how to increase the immunity of a child with folk remedies The question of how to improve immunity in a child withusing vaccines, we asked the doctor - an immunologist with many years of experience. Below we give the answer of the doctor. "Recently, there are constant discussions about whether or not the child should be vaccinated. Despite the newfangled trends promoting the refusal of vaccinations, according to the statistics of the Ministry of Health, vaccinated children are sick much less often. In recent years, unfortunately, there has been a growing trend of cases of diseases such as diphtheria and poliomyelitis. This can be explained by the fact that infected people come to Russia in large numbers coming from epidemiologically disadvantaged countries. If the child falls ill, the treatment will bring much more harm to the body than the vaccination. In the same case, if the child is vaccinated, he will develop artificial immunity, which will protect your baby from dangerous diseases. "That is why before you think about how to increase the immunity of the baby, you must first do all the prescribed vaccinations.

Signs of weakened immunity

However, before zealously begin to raiseimmunity of the child, parents should be firmly convinced that the child is really weak immunity. After all, the fact that the child is periodically ill does not in any way indicate that the child has weakened immunity. Moreover, it is the diseases that stimulate the functioning of your child's immunity. After all, during the illness the organism learns to react correctly to the pathogens (viruses and bacteria) that enter the body. A child who has catarrhal diseases 3 to 4 times a year absolutely does not need to interfere with the natural development of his immune system. However, this line is very thin. And the main task of parents - in time to understand when it is really necessary to strengthen immunity in children. To do this, each parent must clearly know in which cases it is necessary to restore immunity in children, as well as how to maintain the immunity of the child.

  • If the child is ill with such colds as ARD, SARS, influenza, bronchitis, more than 5 times a year.
  • The flow of these diseases without temperature -a very terrible symptom, which indicates a serious disruption in the immune system. In this case, the immune system is so weakened that it can not resist viruses and bacteria.
  • Increased fatigue and paleness of the child,the presence of blue circles under the eyes may also indicate a violation of the immune system. However, this symptom may indicate the presence of various anemias and other blood diseases in the child, and therefore requires immediate consultation of a hematologist.
  • Pay attention to the condition of the lymph nodes of the child. If a child has weak immunity, cervical and axillary nodes, as a rule, are constantly enlarged. These lymph nodes to the touch are soft, completely painless.
  • In some children, who have decreased immunity, there is a significant increase in spleen.
  • Very often, allergic reactions to food also indicate a decrease in immunity in a child.
  • Also for weakened immunity is characteristicpresence of a dysbacteriosis. Dysbacteriosis is characterized by the presence of such signs as a decrease in appetite, rumbling in the abdomen, increased gas production, constipation and diarrhea, which are not associated with intestinal infections, weight loss.

The first thing parents should do when they suspectthe fact that there is a decrease in immunity in children is to consult a doctor - an immunologist or your local pediatrician. Do not try to cope with this problem yourself: vitamins for children will not raise immunity, and drugs that increase immunity in children, strong enough and serious medications, treatment that can be carried out only under the strict supervision of a doctor. Features of immunity in children of different ages are different. Below we will talk separately about all age categories of children.

Features of the immune system of infants

how to increase immunity in a child Unfortunately, almost from the first birthdaymany mothers are concerned about the question of how to strengthen the immunity of a baby. However, this is a fundamentally incorrect view of immunity in infants. In most cases, an increase in immunity in children of the first year of life leads to an absolutely opposite result. Features of immunity in infants are that the child has a so-called maternal immunity, due to the presence in the body of maternal antibodies, which he received during pregnancy. This explains the fact that rubella or chickenpox disease practically does not occur in children in the first year of life. However, colds, on the other hand, are quite frequent. Own immunity in babies is produced precisely during such diseases. However, if your baby was born with certain problems, such as asphyxia, congenital pneumonia or bronchitis and others, the question of how to improve the immunity of the baby, unfortunately, will be very relevant for you. After all, these children are more likely than their healthy peers to be affected by various diseases. In no case yourself, without the appointment of a doctor, do not use any drugs that increase immunity in children. The use of these drugs is unacceptable for children of the first year of life. The exact answer to the question on how to strengthen the immunity of a baby can be given only by your pediatrician who observes the baby from the very birth and knows all the features of his health. However, you can give several universal tips on how to improve the immunity of the baby, which will benefit all children.

  • Prolonged breastfeeding guaranteessignificant increase in immunity in children. Feed your baby for as long as possible. Perhaps in the first month of breastfeeding will seem to you quite a difficult and uncomfortable occupation. This is due to the fact that in the first month, the normal lactation process was not established and regulated by the mother.

You may think that there is very little milk, oron the contrary, the baby can choke on it. Do not give up when the first difficulties occur and transfer the baby to artificial mixtures. Very soon your body will fully meet all the needs of the baby. You will appreciate all the advantages of breastfeeding. A decrease in immunity in infants who are breastfed, is much less common.

  • Hardening is another way of howto develop immunity in the child. Hardening can begin from the first day of life crumbs. However, do not go to fanaticism and take the baby to the cold undressed, or bathe it in cold water. Hardening should be reasonable and gradual. Otherwise, the weakened immunity of the child is guaranteed to you. For hardening, it is enough to hold air baths and do not over-feed the child unnecessarily. After you have been discharged from the hospital, you can begin to carry out the hardening procedures. At each diapering and changing the diaper, leave the baby undressed for 5 to 10 minutes. Pay attention to the temperature in the room. It should not be less than 18 degrees. Each day, add one minute, bringing the duration of air baths to 30 minutes. Pay attention to how you dress the baby. It is not necessary at a temperature of plus 20 to wrap a child in a few warm blouses, and even wear a warm hat. Remember the simple formula: put the baby on one layer of clothes, than put on you. In addition to hardening, it helps to avoid sweating the child and, as a consequence, his illnesses.
  • In the people there is an opinion that the newbornthe child does not have immunity at all, and therefore needs to create sterile conditions. As already mentioned above, this opinion is fundamentally not true. If you are worried about immunity, increasing it in children should be stimulated in completely different ways. Of course, to observe basic hygiene rules is necessary. But do not be afraid to kiss your child once again or go out with him for a walk, also absolutely nothing to boil children's dishes and iron children's clothes for half an hour in a row. After all, the bacteria that the child encounters are the main catalysts for the development of immunity.

We strengthen immunity in front of the garden

Time goes by, and now your baby has grown. When it's time to go to kindergarten, all parents ask the same question about how to strengthen the immunity of the child in front of the kindergarten. Surely everyone has heard stories that the child goes to the kindergarten for three days, and then a week at home the patient. And parents start frantically searching for ways how to raise a baby's immunity. That's why you need to think in advance, before the kindergarten, how to strengthen the immunity of your baby. After all, the restoration of immunity in children is a long and difficult process. That is why information on how to strengthen the immunity of the child is very relevant. However, the question of how to improve immunity, it is necessary to approach very responsibly. Below are the tips of a doctor - an immunologist about how to strengthen the immunity of a child before a garden and reduce the chances of the occurrence of various diseases to zero.

  • Pay attention to the diet of your baby. All foods must contain useful vitamins for children. After all, the immunity of the good can never be achieved if the baby's body is not provided with all the necessary for the full functioning of the growing organism.
  • It is not out of place that the child will also regularly take multivitamin complexes for children.
  • Strictly observe the regime of the day. Preliminarily find out which mode of the day is in the garden where your baby will go. Gradually accustom your crumb to a similar regime of the day. This, it would seem, simple advice, will help stimulate the raising of immunity in children. In addition, it eliminates the need to use drugs to improve immunity for children, which are often abused by many parents. It is explained very very simply. Going to a kindergarten in itself is a stressful situation for the child's psyche, but a sharp change in the daily routine is a strong stress factor for the child's body, resulting in an inevitable decrease in the protective properties of the immune system and, as a result, frequent illnesses. It is for the exclusion of such situations that it is so important to know how to strengthen the immunity in front of the kindergarten.
  • Prepare the child for a hike in the kindergarten psychologically. Accustom it to the children's society, lead to children's playgrounds. This, by the way, is also an excellent training for children's immunity, which learns to resist infections and a good option for resolving the issue of how to strengthen immunity in front of the kindergarten.

Restoration and strengthening of immunity after disease

how to improve immunity to the child Unfortunately, after severe illnesses, eithersurgical interventions, often there is a significant weakening of the defenses of the body. And all parents are wondering how to strengthen the immunity of their treasure after the illness. In this situation, your faithful ally should be a pediatrician who treated a child during illness. He knows exactly how to improve immunity to your crumb, taking into account the transferred disease. Well, parents can use the age-old knowledge of how to raise immunity by popular means. Very often, folk remedies help raise immunity in a matter of days. The following describes in more detail how to strengthen the immunity of a child with folk remedies.

Nature protects children's immunity

Looking for ways to strengthen immunity to a child,parents sooner or later come across advice on how to strengthen the immunity of the child folk remedies. Folk remedies for immunity for children very often act much more effectively than pharmacological drugs. In addition, most often they are absolutely devoid of side effects and act on the body much softer than medicines to improve immunity for children. After all, medications for immunity for children are often negative for the condition and functioning of the digestive tract and urinary system. In addition, those parents who, when deciding on how to improve immunity, decided to use drugs for immunity, intended for children, if the exact dosage is exceeded, can significantly worsen the state of the immune system of the child. That is why it is unacceptable to engage in self-medication with the use of such drugs. Next, we will consider how to strengthen the immunity of the child folk remedies, practically step by step:

  • First of all, revise the children's dietnutrition, otherwise all information on how to strengthen children's immunity by popular means will be absolutely useless. Exclude from the diet of the baby all products containing preservatives and dyes. Chips, chewing gum and lemonade are nothing but harm, they do not bring the baby. A child should receive healthy, full-fledged food.
  • Rosehip is the answer to the question of how to strengthenand improve immunity. Replace all drinks of the child, except milk, with a rose hips decoction. For its preparation, you need 200 grams of fresh hips, or 300 grams of dried berries, 100 grams of sugar and a liter of water. Fill the rose hips with water and put on fire. Cook for several hours until the berries completely boil. Then add sugar, boil for about two minutes. Pour the saucepan tightly with a towel and leave to stand until the broth cools. After that, strain the broth, using a gauze napkin. A child can drink a decoction in unlimited quantities, but not less than 100 grams for every 10 kilograms of weight. The use of this decoction can cause a slight increase in urination. This is an absolutely normal process that should not scare parents. However, in the event that the child suffers from kidney disease, a preliminary medical consultation is necessary.
  • There is a significant restoration of immunitychildren who often walk barefoot. On the base of a person there is a large number of biologically active points, stimulation of which significantly increases immunity. It is very useful to walk barefoot on the sand, on the sea pebbles. In winter, walking barefoot at home. To prevent colds, you just need to put on your baby's socks.
  • Older children (10 - 14 years)the next folk remedy for raising the immunity will help. You will need a head of garlic and 100 grams of lime honey. Purified garlic is passed through a meat grinder, and then thoroughly mixed with honey. Give this mixture a week, then give the baby one teaspoon directly during meals, at least three times a day. Please note that if the child has a propensity for food allergies, this means can not be used.
  • The simplest, but at the same time one of the mostEffective means is a trip to the sea. As a rule, several weeks spent in the environment of the sea, sun and water, give the child a charge for the whole year and remarkably strengthen immunity.

We hope that this information will be useful to you, but we wish that your child's immunity has always been strong, and never needed to be restored. We advise you to read:

