divorce For people who lived together, they made plans forfuture, established a common life, parting becomes a serious test. If the relationship has ceased to bring joy and satisfaction to the spouses, they decide to start a new life separately from each other. We have to think about how to survive the divorce, get rid of the experience and start living in a new way. think more about good

Experiences to be coped with

The severance of relations is a loss, after which a personfeels alone and unwanted. He or she experiences stress, accompanied by a feeling of emptiness and depression, anger at the spouse, who did not live up to his hopes. How to survive the divorce after the betrayal of a loved one? This issue is especially acute for women who are more susceptible to depressive conditions. The reason for the divorce is that each pair has its own way and how to survive the divorce, too. The reason for parting in most cases can serve as:

  • the betrayal of one of the spouses;
  • sexual incompatibility;
  • different views on life;
  • too young and unprepared for family life;
  • addiction to alcohol or to narcotic substances;
  • lack of financial stability and much more.

To understand how to survive a divorce, you needremember that this phenomenon is quite common and is not the end of the world. On the contrary, this is the beginning of a new life cycle, the opportunity to meet one's person and be happy. Emotional mood for anger, denial, depression is gradually becoming a thing of the past. Time for finding a psychological balance for each his own. The initiator of a divorce will take heart quicker than an abandoned party. communication with girlfriends

How to get rid of negative emotions faster

Experiences associated with parting -A natural phenomenon that needs to be overcome. On average, to stop digging into past relationships and find out the reasons for their unsuccessful completion, it takes about 8-12 months. A person who does not say goodbye to the past can not build his life in the future. Psychologists on the question of how to survive the divorce, give the following tips:

  • Because of the divorce to the daily business andduties will be added new: the change of housing, job search, arrangement in a new place and so on. It is necessary to make a list of all the cases and structure it in importance. Step by step implementation of the necessary actions will help to feel your control over the situation, and hence - to gain a sense of confidence.
  • The next step on the way to spiritual balance will be getting rid of all things in the house that remind of a past life, including the pages of the former in social networks.
  • Use the opportunity to speak out. If in the immediate environment there is no person who is able to share experiences, you can turn to specialists. You can write about your problem on Internet forums and get support. It helps to maintain a diary.
  • From unpleasant memories and negativethinking should be distracted by hikes in the theater, meetings with friends, reading books and other pursuits on interests. It is necessary to relax more often, delivering to itself small pleasures.
  • Try to be interested in everything new, because divorce is an excuse to change jobs, find a new hobby, make more interesting acquaintances, discover the previously hidden potential.
  • You can not drink your grief with alcohol. You need to stop thinking about your ex-wife, communicate more with other people and do not make serious decisions until the previous fears and emotions abate.

