how to learn to draw arrows in front of eyes On what only we go, women, to doyour face more perfect! We pluck out eyebrows, do tattooing, increase eyelashes, remove the first age changes with the help of magic beauty injections, try not to wrinkle our forehead and so on. Therefore, we try to master such a trifle as arrows, to perfection. And not in vain, because by drawing the contour you can increase the eyes, make them slightly "catlike" or surprised open. In general, adjust what we do not like, and highlight the virtues that we possess. That's why makeup artists also pay much attention to our "mirror of the soul", coming up with more and more techniques of make-up. And do you know that the arrowheads that appeared in ancient Egypt and were actively portrayed by both women and men, originally served not to give more expression to the eyes? They were painted for religious purposes, in order to add to people similarities with sacred animals, revered by Egyptians, with representatives of the cat family. The paint for arrows was made both from lead ore, and by mixing henna, silt and clay. The Egyptians were blinded by special sticks. As you can see, people have always sought beauty. In general, little has changed since then, unless the means for make-up have been improved and the technologies for applying it have become more complicated. It must be said that the Hollywood movie stars of the 60-70's brought special popularity to the eyes, brought in by black paint. Among such famous beauties as Marilyn Monroe, Twiggy and Audrey Hepben, the arrow was the hallmark of the image. They gave the beautiful eyes of famous actresses great expressiveness and enchanting mystery, and served as a small cunning, hiding wrinkles. Now it is impossible to imagine any famous beauty in the retro style without such makeup features. how to learn to draw arrows in front of a beautiful

Means for drawing arrows

So, we hope you came to the conclusion that you wantmake your eyes brighter and more expressive with the help of contouring. To do this, you go to the store with a huge assortment of cosmetics and stand in confusion, looking from one means to another, not knowing what to give preference. A classic situation, which many newcomers are likely to familiar with in the unfamiliar techniques of make-up, and not just in front of them. Let's try to solve the problem and understand what types of liner are available today and why it is better to begin to practice a person without experience in order to learn all the subtleties faster. Classical means for drawing arrows are pencils. It should be noted that they can be both matte and pearly, have different colors and differ in hardness. The right choice depends on what kind of effect you want to achieve as a result. So, for example, the hardest pencil is most convenient for drawing thin, precise arrows, which also last longer for the eyes. But it's not easy for newcomers to handle it. Therefore, to begin with, it is worth buying a soft pencil. Thanks to its creamy texture, you can draw a saturated line and paint the inner side of the century. As for color, the classic was and remains black, although now some types of make-up are performed using other shades. It depends on many nuances, for example, on the color of the eyes, their shape and so on. In the store, you will surely catch liquid eyeliner. It is much more resistant than a pencil, and is more intense and bright color. But this tool has its drawbacks. They are associated with the ability of the piping to dry quickly, so the wrong line drawn by her eyes is always hard to adjust. If you still decide to buy it, then pay attention to the brush. In one case, it can be soft and thin, and in the other it will resemble the tip of a felt-tip pen. The opinions of women who tried to work on the image with each of the described types of podvodki, were divided. Someone says that a hard applicator is easier to use, but someone liked the brush more. But all women agreed on one thing: drawing arrows by any kind of described means is better after you master the basics of technique with a pencil, that is, learn to draw the correct lines of the necessary thickness. There is also a creamy eyeliner. It is convenient for those cases when you make a make-up, for example, a friend or a sister, as it is very difficult to paint skillfully by yourself, according to many girls. As a means for pointing the shooters, eyes are used and shadows. In this case, the line is better to draw using a flat applicator-brush with a bevelled edge. Previously, it is wetted with water, so that the shadows lie evenly and delicately on the eyelid.

Small secrets for beginners

Secret one: Drawing arrows, do not look at your reflection in the mirror from the side. It would seem that it's more convenient, and the line can get smoother. But in practice, everything looks different: most often when you look directly in front of you, you will be disappointed by how the final result turned out, although on the side the line seemed almost ideal. Therefore, it is best to learn how to draw arrows in front of your eyes, looking directly at your reflection. This is the most correct foreshortening, because your face will also be seen by your interlocutor. The second secret: start arrows from the ciliary series. This is exactly what you need to do if the technology of eye-dropping is still new for you. This method will greatly simplify the problem at first. In the future, when you practice and "punch" your hand, you can draw a beautifully curved curve and from the corner of your eye. In the meantime, try an easier way to draw arrows and make sure to connect two dashes easier than to draw the entire line in one go and immediately. Secret three: try to draw the tail of the arrow as an extension of the mucous membrane of the eye, and not along the ciliary series. Yes, make-up artists do the opposite, but then they are professionals and to do everything clearly and correctly. But at first you can get that the arrow improbably will change the shape of the eye, as it creates an illusion of either too elevated its corner, or, conversely, sadly omitted. So stick to the edge of the century, and then the line will be right. Secret four: pick up shadows in the tone of the future arrow and shade them between the cilia. Only after such a preliminary procedure you can proceed to the piping of the contour before your eyes. This method will help you avoid the appearance of gaps along the edge of the century. It often happens that the arrows seem to be smooth and beautiful, and the gaps between them and eyelashes make them unfinished, and you start to correct the situation, often worsening the hard-won result. The secret of the fifth: Before drawing arrows, choose the correct thickness, taking into account the shape of your eyes. After all, the contouring should emphasize the advantages and hide the shortcomings. This is especially true for owners of deep-set eyes with overhanging eyelids. In this case, it is important to remember that the line should be thin - a wide version of it will make your look drowsy and heavy. how to learn to draw arrows on the eyes correctly

How to draw arrows with a pencil?

What the makeup professionals do beforedraw arrows on the eyes? Correctly, perform the preliminary preparation of the person: tint, powder, drop eyebrows. Then put the shadows on the eyelids. As for their color, then his choice is determined by the type of makeup. For the daytime it is better to use muted pastel shades, the evening requires more vivid tones, and in the festive often the shine of mother-of-pearl is appropriate. In any case, we'll have to use the shadows: it's on top of them that we draw the arrows, because that's how the pencil is applied easier and lasts longer. By the way, in this variant it is easier to fix errors, removing unnecessary. Therefore, prepare the wadding sticks and water in advance, because quite unexpectedly for you, a hand with a pencil can jerk from tension, and the arrows turn out to be curves. And this can be prevented if you first take care of a comfortable place for applying makeup. It should be well lit from the side you need. Well, if you have a magnifying mirror, because in front of him you can conveniently sit at a table. Hand, which will draw arrows in front of the eyes, do not hold weight - it needs a comfortable support. After all, working with make-up takes time, care and tension, and the slightest wrong movement instantly spoils everything. That's why support for the hand is just necessary. In order to quickly learn the art of drawing arrows in front of the eyes, the first few times you can make a preliminary markup in the form of barely noticeable dashes on the eyelids along the line of the eyelashes. It is also better to immediately put the points where, as you think, there should be an end to each arrow. This will help to give them symmetry. After marking, accurately connect the resulting points in one line and evaluate the result. You can do otherwise. Visually determine the middle of the century and draw from it a line to the inner corner of the eye, and then one more - to the outer one. Having mastered any of the described methods, try a more complicated variant: draw the arrow at once with one movement, in a direction from a nose to a temple. Try to have her tail slightly protruding beyond the contour of the eye, as if lifting it. If you saw that the arrows turned out with small irregularities, then try to carefully remove them with a damp cotton swab. Perhaps the lines will seem too thin to you. It can be fixed quite easily: just go through the already existing contour in pencil once or twice.

Select the arrows under the shape and size of the eyes

If your eyes are wide apart,Draw arrows better from the inner corner, carefully selecting it. At the same time, they should be made immediately thick and expressive. The end of the line should be above the outer corner, be raised upward, but not protrude too far. Do not be discouraged if your eyes are too close to the bridge of your nose. This feature is easy to fix, visually "parting" them with the help of correctly traced arrows. Lines in the eyes should be conducted not from their inner corner, but from the middle of the century. At the same time, they must first be thin, and then gradually thicken and gradually rise to the temple. Owners of small eyes need to know that a clearly outlined contour will visually make them even smaller. Also, do not draw thick arrows, which will be discordant with a general view of the face. In this case, it is better to give preference to thin lines starting from the middle of the century and gradually rising upwards. Be sure to draw the arrows in such a way that their end goes beyond the natural contour of the eyes, thereby expanding them. Girls, whom nature generously endowed with large expressive eyes of a rounded shape, should be directed along the whole contour of the century, that is, from one corner to the other. Lines should not be thin, and their edges should be taken out to the temple. This you visually "pull out" the eyes. Perhaps in time you will learn how to give them an amygdala shape, like that of oriental beauties. As for the narrow eyes, they will be made more rounded with the help of arrows of medium thickness drawn along the entire length, making additional strokes in the middle, intending to compact the lines in these places. To get a glance "with a drag" or, as they say, smoky, the arrows are drawn like this: you need to draw a contour of the lower eyelid, but do it neatly and only along the inner edge. It is important to remember that this method will be an effective find only for the owners of large and symmetrical eyes. Otherwise, the additional arrows only underline the drawbacks or features you have. For greater expressiveness, you can try this option: draw arrows on the upper and lower eyelids, but do not connect them in corners, but leave them parallel to each other. The resulting gap should be emphasized by lighter shadows or pencil. So you can achieve the effect of "wide open" eyes. It is necessary to take into account some peculiarities of applying the arrows. Remember that very small eyes can not be traced by black eyeliner. In this case, a pencil of golden or silver shade will help out, with the help of which they are visually made larger. According to stylists, the now popular retro-image can be created with the help of thin arrows combined with a lipstick of juicy colors, for example, scarlet or ripe cherries. But the wide lines of eyeliner should correspond to the pastel shades of the lips. To give your eyes expressiveness, be sure to learn how to draw arrows. After all, today they are again at the peak of popularity. At the show of the autumn-winter fashion, the models of many modern designers were deformed in make-up with arrows. And therefore, if you want to be in a trend, rather master the technique, which is designed to make the eyes of any woman or girl especially mysterious and attractive. It should be noted that this spring will be fashionable wide black and extravagant white hands. Do you always want to look fashionable? Then already today it's time to learn how to draw such arrows, as in Donna Karan or as in models on the show Roberto Cavalli. Dare, and you will necessarily succeed. We advise you to read:

