Regardless of what causesmoving to another city, this event, as a rule, in itself becomes stress. Everything is changed: you do not know the geography of new places, the orders established there, and you absolutely do not have anyone to find out. Life in the new city has, literally, to learn on its own. And this only strengthens the difficulties that have fallen on your head. Therefore, if you want to facilitate the process of moving and adapting, you will have to make friends in the new city.
Territory of acquaintances
Naturally, the first thing that comes to mind in connection withthis problem - but how do people get acquainted? In childhood, everything was so simple: you approach the person you like and offer your friendship, and then friends appear by themselves. And when you are faced with the need to initiate this process on your own, this is a very difficult task. However, there are places that in themselves have people for easy and pleasant communication:
How to start a conversation?
With places we figured out, and here's your view fallson the person with whom you would like to make acquaintance. But here you are faced with the complexity: and how do you start a conversation with someone you absolutely do not know? Do not be surprised, but it's pretty simple, if you know how to do it. The most important thing is to choose people who are open and ready to talk. With them you will not have problems related to acquaintance, because they are just like you, are interested in communication. Usually this is indicated by a smile and a look directed towards you, and a relaxed posture. You can non-verbally respond to these signs - and that's all, the contact is set. But what about verbalism? There are several variants of the topic for conversation, and, by and large, they can be divided into three groups:
- Situation;
- The interlocutor;
- I myself;
Regardless of the topic, the main goal for you should beremain the desire to interest the interlocutor. Therefore, you can start a conversation by stating a fact, expressing an opinion or asking a question. It is better to start with the latter, since there is always more energy in the question than in anything else. Although the statement of opinion also stimulates the conversation quite well, the partner is involved in contact, and it is much more difficult for him to remain passive. Of course, the easiest and most convenient way to start a conversation is to discuss the situation or the circumstances in which you are with the partner. He practically does not require special knowledge of the person opposite, so he can be used to contact a stranger. In addition, this topic almost does not provoke the emergence of anxiety in the interlocutor and much more involved in the conversation than the story about yourself. In order to start a conversation about the situation, carefully look around. It is best to find something interesting and amazing. It can be an object that the interlocutor will be happy to talk about, or a phenomenon that is important and evokes emotions in most people. Listen carefully to the partner responding to your cue. Strangely enough, you can talk about anything, for example, in a store you can ask the buyer who buys an unusual product, which can be prepared from it. Dale Carnegie also noticed that people like to talk about themselves more than anything in the world. That is why, if you ask the interlocutor about the question about him, he, most likely, will be happy to answer it. However, before you start a conversation, we recommend that you observe a little of the person interested in you - perhaps his appearance, habits and tastes will tell you a little about himself, and it will be easier for you to start a conversation. The story about himself, especially in the presence of a closed person, has little chance of continuation. Usually this is much more relevant for those cases when you already have something interested in the interlocutor and he wants to get to know you better. However, if you are a proud owner of unique and striking facts in your biography, then maybe your case will be an exception. Otherwise, do not talk much and persistently about yourself, if no one asks you.
Psychology of communication
Find interesting people and get to know themquite on forces. It does not require any special effort, and after a while it will generally become something like an automatic skill, and your circle of communication will expand substantially. You can accelerate this process by implementing the psychological recommendations described below:
Remember that there is no single scheme forto make friends in the new city. Despite the long existence of the science of psychology, the field of human relations still does not lend itself to complete imprisonment in a strict framework. That's why you should relax and just enjoy the process of communication. We advise you to read: