how to get rid of warts Nowadays, to remove a wart on the body is a mattertroublesome, but not expensive, because it is done even in ordinary free clinics with the help of liquid nitrogen, electrocoagulation, laser, etc. And yet some half a century ago our grandmothers and mothers coped with this problem on their own, without resorting to the help of doctors. Unfortunately, we have already forgotten about many effective and useful folk beauty recipes, since it is much easier to turn to a specialist who will remove the papilloma surgically, than to mess with the preparation of this or that remedy. So, let's try to figure out how to get rid of warts?

What does the build-up on the skin say?

To begin with, it should be understood that similareducation on the body is not only an aesthetic, but also a medical problem. If you start to develop warts, then you have caught the infection. To get infected with a virus of a papilloma you could either by contact with the sick person, or if you took advantage of his things. That's why after visiting public places it is recommended to wash your hands with soap, which has an antibacterial effect. The incubation period can be up to three months, but in some cases it lasts up to three years. Most often, the diseased after a certain time self-cure. By the way, such growths usually appear in those cases when a serious failure occurs in the body and immunity decreases. Therefore, if you or your family members have developed a disease, reconsider your lifestyle, start eating properly and give up harmful habits. how to get rid of warts

Folk recipes of beauty

Removal of warts with improvised means -the procedure is serious and dangerous, so it is recommended that you consult with a specialist and undergo a complete examination. If no other diseases are found, you can safely embark on self-medication. In the event that after a month the warts do not pass or the skin deteriorates, you should immediately go to your doctor.

  • Celandine

In villages in Russia, virtually all ruralthe inhabitants brought out such growths on the body with the help of an ordinary celandine. It is enough twice a day (in the morning and in the evening) to smear the formations on the skin until they fall off. Usually this happens on the third or fourth day, not later. Please note, use only fresh juice. The full course of treatment is approximately two weeks, but it can be extended after a seven-day break.

  • Garlic

In winter, when it is impossible to get fragrant herbs,you can make masks from garlic. It is necessary to grind one tooth into a homogeneous mush and apply it for two or three minutes, then rinse the skin with a copious amount of water. The most lazy person can simply cut one piece in half and wipe the growth with the juice that came out. Do not do this procedure for more than 10 days - otherwise you risk damaging your skin.

  • Magnesia

There is a more modern way, how to deducewarts quickly and without pain - this is a daily intake of magnesia. Take medication in the morning and evening before eating. Be careful and control the amount of powder - even an adult person of average builds a little (measure at the tip of the knife). Be sure to remember that the full course of treatment for warts should not last longer than one week. Prolong it is just dangerous for your health. And in general - before starting such treatment it would be nice to consult your doctor. It is unlikely, but in some cases there may be contraindications to taking magnesia.

  • Acetic essence

Second in terms of effectiveness in combatingbuild-up after the celandine is the usual home-made vinegar, which is in the kitchen of any mistress. Every evening after taking a bath or shower, drip one drop of this product on the education. To do this, you can use an eyedropper or cotton swabs to lubricate the wart head. In most cases, warts begin to disappear after a few days, but treatment can be stopped only after 7 to 10 days.

  • Kalanchoe

This plant is used to treat practicallyall diseases, ranging from the common cold, ending with burns and bruises. Due to its magical properties, Kalanchoe will also cope well with warts. During the week, every evening before bedtime, apply to the skin, where there are formations, a bandage soaked in juice. To enhance the effect, you can also add finely chopped or grounded leaves on the blender. Most likely, even the largest warts will disappear.

  • Bow

Fresh onion marinate for three to four hours invinegar, then chop. Cut out waterproof fabric circles (four centimeters in diameter), in the middle of which make holes, the size of a wart. This is necessary in order to remove the build-up and not burn the skin. After you paste a foundation with the help of a patch, put the resulting gruel onto the problem area. This procedure should be done at night. The course of treatment should be continued for approximately 10 days.

  • Copper sulfate

It is most difficult to remove warts on the face, sincethin and delicate skin is very easy to damage aggressive and corrosive substances. Therefore, it is worth choosing more loyal, but no less effective methods of treatment. So, for example, to eliminate such defects, you can use copper sulphate, which must first be mixed with butter. At first, the formations are lubricated with ordinary salicylic ointment (it is sold in pharmacies without prescriptions and will be affordable for every resident of our country). On top, a thin layer is applied to the resulting mixture, which dries the wart. During the procedure, you can feel a slight burning and tingling caused by copper sulfate. If the sensations are unpleasant, but no more, then you need to wait a little. But if the discomfort is too strong, immediately wash the skin with plenty of water and brush with baby cream. More experimenting is not necessary - most likely this method does not suit you. Unconditional plus of this method is that after its application on the skin there are no scars left. The first time on the spot of a fallen wart can be a small depression, redness, inflammation and swelling. Wipe this area with special disinfectant tinctures and healing ointments. And after the end of treatment, be sure to visit a dermatologist! He will assess the condition of your skin and, if necessary, adjust the restoring treatment.

  • Dry ice

If flat warts began to appear on the skin,try to remove them with dry ice. Wrap the cube in gauze (two or three layers) or a regular cloth napkin, and apply it to the problem site for about forty seconds. If you can endure longer, keep to the limit. It will take not many sessions to cope with this problem, as a rule, 5-7. Longer treatment should not continue. But strictly watch that ice does not get on healthy sites of a skin - otherwise there will be a danger to damage or injure; hurt integuments.

  • Baths with soda

Legs on the sole of the foot can causepain and discomfort, so they should be removed immediately, without waiting for the size to increase. So, first you need to get your feet in hot water (one liter of boiling water - two tablespoons of soda). After half an hour, try using special forceps to cut out the softened part where the wart is located, and pick out the root. At the end of the procedure, disinfect the wound with hydrogen peroxide, lubricate with iodine and bandage. Try to walk as little as possible in the next two or three days. Then start lubricating the wound with ointment "Levomecol" - until it completely heals.

  • Herbal tea leaves

To prevent the spread of infection,it is worth every day to wipe the skin with decoctions and tinctures of burdock, mother-and-stepmother, oak bark, wormwood, bilberry leaves and other plants. If you do not have the opportunity to dry the herbs yourself, get a collection at the pharmacy. The rules of use and the purpose of this or that remedy are usually written by manufacturers on the packaging - strict adherence to recommendations promotes faster disposal of warts. how to get rid of warts yourself

Believe or not to believe?

Another good method of removing warts -auto-suggestion. It is not without reason that there are so many different conspiracies used by people who believe in magic, witchcraft and the supernatural. In fact, after doing this or that rite, we program ourselves for recovery.

  • Wheat stems

If you live near a field on which growswheat, go there and tear out a couple of stems along with the root. Sharp end a couple of times, stab warts (not to the blood), then bury the straw in the ground upside down. Pay attention, the roots must always be at the top. As the saying goes, when a blade of grass rot, warts will disappear immediately.

  • Apple and thread

It is necessary to cut a fresh applered thread and rub the halves of the growth on the body. After that, the pieces are collected, rewound, so that they stick together, and are buried in the ground. As in the first case, you should wait for the fruit to completely rot. In fact, the warts are due to acid, so it is worth taking a green apple and it is desirable that it is grown at home. By the way, the same thing was done in Russia and with potatoes.

  • Meditation

Turn on relaxing music, sit comfortably onchair, put your hands on your knees, close your eyes and imagine how the warts on the body gradually begin to disappear. This option is suitable for very hypochondriac and sensitive individuals, since meditation acts in exactly the same way as the placebo effect. If necessary, you can read special plots on the waning or growing moon.

  • Dog's saliva

It is not known who first ventured to spread a wartcanine saliva, but in the people it is considered that this is one of the best ways to deal with outgrowths. Of course, you can also try this tool, but you should do it very carefully. Do not try to get the life-saving fluid from the mouth yourself, lubricate anything with delicious skin with warts. Ten minutes after the dog lays down the food, wash the body with soap. By the way, pay attention, the animal thus all should be completely healthy and quiet.

Acts or does not work - is that the question?

Do not expect that on the first day of the wartfall off, and in its place will be smooth skin. At first, the head of the built-up edge begins to darken a little, until it turns black. Do not worry, because this indicates that the roots of education begin to dry. However, do not allow the most common mistake in this situation - in no case do not cut the skin, as this is fraught with negative consequences. As a result of such manipulations on the body may remain scars or the virus will begin to progress. Remember, such a build-up should fall away without any outside assistance. If our ways how to get rid of warts, you do not fit, go to the doctor.

In what cases should I remove the lesions on the skin surgically?

If the wart on your back does not interfere with you and notit poisons life, then you are unlikely to pay attention to it. But such growths on the face or hands look, to put it mildly, not very attractive. Unfortunately, others still can not normally treat such defects. In addition, you do not want to infect your colleagues at work and households with a papilloma virus. It is urgent to remove the wart, if you feel discomfort, pain, it changes in size, darkens, you constantly damage and injure it. With it, it is worthwhile to be cautious, as with a mole, since benign tumors can pass malignant. The same applies if the build-up is on the sole of the foot. The hospital will do everything quickly and without pain, and after a couple of days the skin will fully heal. We advise you to read:

