how to get rid of sweating of feet Any self-respecting woman should be kept well-groomedfrom head to toes. How else? Otherwise, a woman just does not like and does not respect herself. Therefore, all excuses for lack of time - just an excuse for inattention and disregard for one's own person. However, even an ideally well-groomed woman can face some almost insoluble problems. It is clear that many shortcomings can be easily hidden with skillfully selected clothes or correct make-up and hairdo. But what about what can not be hidden? For example, how to get rid of sweating of the feet? Flushing legs, of course, are more of a male problem. However, women suffer from this scourge. Not only does this problem cause terrible discomfort (slippery feet, wet pantyhose and socks), and so is the smell that can smash the flavors of the most expensive spirits and the best deodorants. Therefore, it is necessary to combat this problem in the most effective ways. And what measures can save us from this problem - let's understand.


First, high-quality shoes made from"Breathing" materials, helps to get rid of this problem at least partially. But most of us are forced to be satisfied with fashionable and beautiful boots, sandals and shoes made of artificial leather and other synthetic materials. Sometimes due to financial possibilities, and sometimes, paying tribute to fashion (popular rubber boots, for example). But it's almost impossible to find a man who does not sweat his feet in such shoes. Therefore, try to observe (as far as possible) such rules.

  • Try to wear genuine leather shoes.
  • During the season, wear at least two pairs of shoes alternately (in the summer - two pairs of sandals, in the winter - two pairs of boots).
  • Try to purchase shoes with a woven, cloth or perforated top.
  • Even if your feet do not smell, change socks and stockings daily.
  • If the shoes can be washed or washed from the inside, then be sure to do this at least once a month.
  • Keep shoes in ventilated cabinets.
  • Try using insoles that absorb odor.
  • When taking off shoes, put pouches with deodorizing agents (shavings of coniferous trees, for example).
  • Such measures will help not only to get rid of the unpleasant odor as a result of sweating of the feet, but also to reduce this very sweating. a cream from a sweating of feet

    Hygiene products

    The best remedy for sweating is regularwashing feet conventional (and preferably antibacterial) soap. The remedy is actually the best, but, unfortunately, it does not last very long. You can, of course, start immediately using a special ointment, cream or gel, but try simple hygiene products, you have one hundred percent (or with a high probability). This is about the usual antiperspirant, which I treat the armpits. They equally effectively act on all parts of the body, including reducing sweating of the legs. Before you put on clean tights or socks, simply sprinkle or spread the legs with such deodorant. To prevent the appearance of smell, sprinkle your feet (before putting on clean stockings) with regular talc or baby powder. They act as dehumidifiers, absorbing sweat perfectly, and inhibit the multiplication of bacteria that cause odor. To get rid of this trouble, a special foot massage with tea tree oil, cypress, lavender or orange will help. Foot baths with the addition of several manganese crystals are also effective. Do ten-minute baths are recommended no more than two or three times a week. Dry your feet with a hairdryer, adjusting it to the lowest temperature. Here the principle of drying and warming operates simultaneously. This method helps to avoid the development of infections and fungal diseases. It is especially recommended for those who are predisposed to such diseases.

    Folk methods

    Hydrotherapy perfectly helps with sweating of the feet. For example, tea foot baths. Two sachets of ordinary black tea should be boiled for fifteen minutes in a liter of water. Then they discard the sachets, and add a couple more liters of water to the tea leaves. This "tea" is allowed to cool and then keep the legs in it for half an hour. Such (daily!) Baths reduce sweating due to the tannins of tea, which tighten pores and kill bacteria. No less effective baths with the addition of a bark oak, chamomile or horsetail, which can also be prepared independently. To do this, pour two liters of boiling water two tablespoons of dry chamomile, field horsetail or oak bark and let the herbs infuse. After the procedure, it is recommended to powder the feet with talcum powder. Deodorizing foot bath. In a bowl of warm water dilute a glass of apple cider vinegar, which adds a few drops of thyme oil (it contains an antiseptic that kills bacteria). In this solution, feet are kept for twenty minutes, and the baths are made daily for one week. After some time, the procedures are repeated. However, baths with vinegar are contraindicated with open or non-healing wounds. ointment from sweating of feet

    Special Tools

    Do not pass by the pharmacy if sweating of the feet is foryou became a real problem. Special means will help to solve it. You may need a cream or ointment that you will use. It is best to buy a special cream that normalizes sweating and has deodorizing properties. You can use a universal tool designed for application to the soles of the feet, on the palms and axillae. True, this cream will be quite expensive. But you can buy a special cream for legs, for example, cream "5 days" (Five Days) of domestic production. This cream helps to get rid of increased sweating and unpleasant odor, and also softens the skin of the legs and prevents the appearance of diaper rash and cracks. Well-known cosmetics firms also produce remedies for sweating of the feet. This cream of the firm Dove, and deodorizing cream from Vichy. From a profuse sweating help gel antiperspirant "Algel" (also from the category of expensive drugs). This tool blocks the work of sweat glands and is considered very effective. Among all kinds of ointments, it is worth noting the proven Taymurov paste (very effective, but it is ridiculously cheap). True, this drug is contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women. Strictly speaking, it is possible to enumerate all available creams, ointments, pastes and gels indefinitely. Special hygienic and medical means for getting rid of sweating of feet are abundantly presented in pharmacies. Some of them are designed for daily use, others are used less often. Only by choosing a foot cream, be sure to read the instructions, paying special attention to contraindications. Better yet, consult a doctor. By the way, the cause of excessive sweating can be not only hot weather or bad shoes, but also diseases of internal organs or problems with the endocrine system. So it is worthwhile to pay a visit to a doctor if folk methods or cosmetic (hygienic) remedies do not help. Be healthy and beautiful! We advise you to read:

