how to get rid of stretch marks Stretching or, scientifically, stria - the trouble of many andmany women. These unsightly strips of purple or red color can spoil the impression of even the most beautiful figure. Yes, of course, over time they change their intense color and turn pale ... But it does not get any better - it's a little sunbathing and they appear "in all its glory." How to get rid of stretch marks and can it be done? Let's understand. But first you need to understand why, in general, there are striae.

Scientific reasons

What is stretching? Strictly speaking, these are small scars that arise in the place of microfractures of the skin. But why does the skin suddenly tear? There are several reasons. If we generalize, then we can say that striae are formed when the skin is forced very quickly to stretch. So fast that the epithelium simply does not have time to grow at the necessary speed. So it turns out that the skin just bursts. Awful picture, right? However, the situations that lead to this effect are completely banal and natural. One of the most common causes of the appearance of stretch marks is pregnancy. This is understandable - the stomach begins to grow at a high enough speed and the skin simply does not have time to "adjust" to these changes. The same applies to the breast, which during pregnancy and lactation, as a rule, increases by several sizes. Another common cause of the appearance of striae is a significant change in body weight. If you suddenly gain weight, the skin on the abdomen, thighs and buttocks just does not stand it and begins to break. The most offensive, that even if you manage to bring your figure back to normal and lose weight, then the stretch marks from this will be even brighter. By themselves stria - not dangerous to health and do not cause any inconvenience. This is just a cosmetic defect. However, if you have acquired this "decoration" not because of pregnancy and weight fluctuations, it is better - just in case - to go to the endocrinologist-doctor. Stretch marks can signal a certain failure in the endocrine system and a violation of the hormonal balance. Excess hormones can lead to thinning of the skin and, as a result, the appearance of micro-ruptures of connective tissue. It is better to check everything. It is commonly believed that stretch marks are female "attack". This is not quite true. Sometimes they occur in men. For example, if a person actively increases muscle mass and is engaged in power sports.

Causes esoteric

However, about the reasons for the appearance of stretch marksthere is another opinion. Perhaps, one of the most ardent supporters of the esoteric origin of stretch marks is the Canadian psychologist, philosopher and teacher Liz Burbo. She claims that by studying her body one can learn a lot about herself in the mental, spiritual and emotional terms. Liz draws attention to the fact that not all women giving birth on the body appear striae. Moreover, they arise in different places - someone only on the chest, someone - on the stomach, and someone almost everywhere. What is the reason? Of course, you can blame everything on heredity. And consider that if your grandmother and mother had this problem, then you can not escape this fate - they are just your individual characteristics. However, Liz looks at the problem much deeper. So, why are stretch marks appearing and what can they tell us about? According to Liz, the appearance of stretch marks indicates the lack of flexibility and the unwillingness of a person to accept the current situation. Moreover, the place where the stretch marks appear points to the problem area of ​​your life. For example, striae on the chest indicate that you are very worried about the upcoming and new role of the mother for you. Simply, you are not sure that you will manage. Stretching on the stomach - this is a sign that you are overcome by different fears. It can be fear for oneself, for a child, for an uncertain future. The striae on the hips will indicate that you take yourself too seriously and your role in life. It is very important for you to feel your own importance and absolutely necessary that others respect and appreciate you. You are too thorough and not always able to enjoy life and enjoy it. The striae on the buttocks indicate that you are trying to keep everything under your control, are inclined to lead others and always clearly know who, what and at what point should do. True, an interesting point of view? Of course, it's up to you to believe it or not. But can it be nevertheless to get accustomed to these little scars on your body and try to draw conclusions? Anyway, but with the reasons leading to this problem, we sorted it out. So, you can go to the most important thing - how to get rid of stretch marks. get rid of stretch marks

People's ways to deal with stretch marks

At once it is necessary to make a reservation that quickly removestretch will most likely not work out - getting rid of it will not be easy. Stria, as we have already understood, are small scars that appear as a result of skin ruptures. And to remove such marks from the body - the task is very difficult. It is possible that the solution to this problem will take several months - and this is with daily care! In addition, we must clearly understand that it is entirely possible to liquidate striae completely not. Especially it concerns old stretch marks. However, do not worry! After all, to make this small cosmetic defect virtually invisible and cease to spoil your life - it is quite real. With what to begin? Let's first consider the folk methods of getting rid of stretch marks. That is, those that can be fully tested at home, independently manufactured all the necessary cosmetics. By the way, when applying any of the means - be it a scrub, mask or cream - you need to carefully massage the problem areas. It is best to do this after a bath or a bath. Such a massage will stimulate the flow of blood to the surface of the skin and, as a result, strengthen the skin tissues. How should self-massage be done? Yes, very easy! Rub all the means you need on the lines of the striae with the help of tingling techniques. Tweezers can be performed with both the palm and fingers. The duration of the procedure is at least five minutes. And when treating the old stretch marks - before their redness. However, it is worth considering that such a massage is strictly prohibited on the chest! And, in general, the main thing is not to overdo it. The procedure should not cause pain or discomfort. With the method of deposition sorted out. Now - about the means themselves. Coffee scrub Scrub is absolutely indispensable tool for combating stretch marks. Under its action, old cells peel and the skin is renewed. Prepare a scrub home - it's not difficult. Judge for yourself. For example, coffee scrub. The grain of coffee beans will promote the renewal of the skin, and the cream will nourish it and restore the lack of collagen. For cooking, you will need:

  • cream
  • freshly ground coffee

Cook freshly ground coffee in a Turkishpleasure drink it - you need only coffee grounds. Mix the thick with cream, in a ratio of 1: 1. Happened? Now go to the shower - apply the scrub on a well-cleaned and damp skin. Take the resulting gruel and carefully massage all problem areas. Leave the formula on the skin for at least 6-8 minutes. Then rinse with warm water. You can repeat the procedure twice a week. Rice scrub Another alternative is scrub. To prepare it you will need:

  • half a glass of rice
  • 4 tablespoons of cottage cheese
  • one spoonful of olive oil

Pour the rice into the coffee grinder and chop it. Add olive oil and cottage cheese. Mix everything thoroughly - a homogeneous mass should be obtained. Apply on problem areas and gently, in a circular motion, massage. Massage should last at least 10 minutes. Rinse all with warm water. Regular application of this product will make the skin tender and velvety, and stretch marks - much less noticeable. Lemon Scrub You will need:

  • almond oil
  • lemon
  • natural yoghurt

Take a lemon, wash and grind its skin ona fine grater - for a mask it is required a peel. Add one large spoonful of almond oil to the resulting zest. Pour in the same 150 grams of natural yogurt. Stir thoroughly. Apply to stretch marks and massage. Rinse with cool water. This scrub should be applied twice a week for at least a month. Sweet-salted peeling You will need:

  • half a glass of sugar
  • half a glass of salt
  • 5 spoons of olive oil

Take a deep bowl and alternately sprinkle it inher sugar and salt. Add the olive oil and mix well. Apply the resulting mass to the skin and massage for five minutes. Just do not overdo it - massage should be done very gently and gently. Otherwise, you can damage the skin. Rinse off with warm water and shower gel. Be sure to apply moisturizing or nourishing cream. Mandarin Scrub This miracle remedy is also very easy to prepare at home. All you need is half a raw carrot of medium size, a tangerine skin and four large spoons of olive oil. Rub zander mandarin and carrots on a fine grater. Add the olive oil. Stir. Apply the resulting mass to the body and massage for 8-10 minutes. Rinse with warm water using a shower gel. If you have left an extra scrub, then it can be folded into a clean container and stored in a refrigerator - shelf life 3-4 days. Egg mask In addition to scrubs and peels that help the skin refresh, it is recommended to use a variety of masks and creams. For example, an egg mask. It is easy to make at home. This mask perfectly moisturizes and nourishes the skin. If you apply it regularly, you can prevent the appearance of new stretch marks, and noticeably reduce and make the old ones almost invisible. All you need for cooking is chicken eggs. The number of eggs directly depends on how large the skin area needs correction. Separate yolks from proteins. Proteins carefully beat, apply this mass on the skin with a thin layer and allow to dry. Keep the mask for 40-45 minutes. Then rinse off with warm water and apply lotion or cream. Yeast Mask This mask is considered very effective. But do not wait for miracles - for the first results to appear you will have to do it twice a week, for a long enough time. You will need:

  • bunch of yeast
  • honey
  • cream

Measure 1/2 cup of cream and warm it up a little. Dissolve yeast in them. Add a large spoonful of honey. Allow the mass to stand for half an hour. Gently apply to stretch marks and wrap with food film. However, you can use polyethylene. Keep the mask is recommended for an hour. After that you can wash it off with warm water. Cream with mummy Mumiyo beneficial effect on the skin and promotes rapid healing of ruptures. Due to this, striae are reduced and become invisible. Prepare a cream is not difficult. You will need a baby cream - however, you can replace it with your regular body cream - and three tablets of mummies. Take a tube of baby cream and gently squeeze it into a pre-cooked container. Dissolve the mummy in a teaspoon of boiled warm water and pour into a bowl of cream. Stir. This remedy should be applied daily on a dry and well-cleansed skin before going to bed. To wash it is not necessary. Breast oil This remedy can be used both as a prophylactic and as a curative. The only difference is in the frequency of application. If there are no stretch marks yet, it will be enough to apply it only once a week. If they have already appeared, you need to use oil every other day. To prepare one serving, you will need:

  • three drops of orange oil
  • three drops of geranium oil
  • one large spoon of sweet almond oil

Thoroughly mix all ingredients and gently and very gently, with gentle massage movements, rub into the chest. getting rid of stretch marks

Modern cosmetology in the fight against stretch marks

Of course, modern cosmetology also did not passside this problem. There are several ways to help get rid of stretch marks, or at least make them almost invisible. Let's look at some of them. However, before deciding on this or that procedure, it is necessary to consult with your doctor without fail - almost all of them have contraindications. Peeling Perhaps, the first thing that you will offer is a peeling. What it happens and how to get rid of stretch marks with it? In fact, it is exfoliation of the upper skin cells. As a result of the procedure, elastin and collagen are actively produced, and the skin surface is significantly leveled. The deeper the peeling, the faster the update will be. By the degree of effect on the skin tissue, peeling can be divided into middle and superficial. Surface peeling is a mechanical effect on the skin. Special apparatus produces a jet of air with sand. Due to this, the skin is polished. However, for the complete disposal of stretch marks, this method, unfortunately, is not suitable. But to make the skin smooth and visually smooth out its defects is quite real.

  • Chemical - medial - peelingapplying certain drugs that penetrate deep into the skin. As a rule, it is phenolic, trichloroacetic or alpha hydroxy acid. This procedure is usually performed under general anesthesia. And this, of course, is not very useful for health. In addition, often enough as a result of peeling on the skin appear scars. People suffering from cardiovascular diseases are not recommended to do peeling with phenolic acid.
  • Laser peelingMethod using laserThe beam is considered more modern. And with his help, as a rule, you can almost completely get rid of even the old stretch marks. However, the preparation for the procedure and the post-operative restoration of the skin will take quite a long time. Doctors-cosmetologists recommend starting to prepare for two months before the session. During this time, daily skin will need to be nourished using special creams with vitamin C. The procedure is very painful, therefore it is performed with anesthesia. If the striae are located on a small area of ​​the skin, you can do with local anesthesia, if the surface is large - you will have to agree to anesthesia.

Immediately after the laser peeling, the skin will belook very unattractive. Edema and bright red color will create a full burn impression. Within two weeks on the damaged sites it will be necessary to impose protective ointments and special bandages. Next - use resorbable and moisturizing cosmetics. The first three months after peeling a tan renewed skin will be absolutely contraindicated. Therefore, it is recommended to schedule the procedure for the winter or autumn. Enjoy the effect you can in three or four months. Mesotherapy This is a microinjection of a special cocktail that is injected under the skin. As a rule, it consists of collagen, amino acids, plant extracts, enzymes and vitamins. The exact formulation is determined individually. Mesotherapy is usually prescribed to enhance the effect of peeling. Depending on your age and the number of striae, you may need five to fifteen procedures, with a frequency of once every 10 days. Mesotherapy also has a number of contraindications. For example, cholelithiasis. Algae wraps Also in the fight against stria can help a lot of algae. How to get rid of stretch marks with their help? Yes, it's very simple - to do wraps! The most effective are wraps with spirulina. Algae is applied to the affected areas, and then cover them with a thermo blanket. Under the influence of increased temperature, active substances quickly penetrate the skin. After 7-12 procedures, you can get rid of the recently appeared stretch marks and significantly smooth out the old ones. Abdomenoplasty This is the most radical and most effective way to get rid of stretch marks. The surgeon will simply remove the stretched skin. However, like any surgical intervention, abdomenoplasty can lead to complications. For example, suppuration or new scars can form. As you can see, getting rid of stretch marks is not an easy thing. However, it is quite feasible. Especially if you do not really "run" your body. After all, to eliminate fresh stretches, while they are still red or purple - much easier than the old stria. You just need to choose the method that is right for you. Well, of course, you need to be patient. If you do not do the procedure regularly, you will not have the desired effect. Just find a little time for yourself and you will succeed! We advise you to read:

