how to breed for money How to divorce a man for money? Let's not touch on the ethical and moral side of this issue. In the end, men towards us, too, are not always highly ethical and deeply moral. And we are gentle, weak and defenseless beings. Proof of love is often considered the willingness of a man to spend on us an unlimited amount (albeit small). True, there is among us another category of gentle and weak people who, by spinning a man out for money, try to solve their financial problems or simply lead a gambling and profitable game. In short, whatever the purpose of such a financial attack, if successful, the lady tears the jackpot - either a confirmation of her own irresistibility, or full moral and material satisfaction. And yet, how to untwist a man for money (or for gifts) beautifully, gracefully and tastefully? Beautifully to breed a man is worth a lot: a lot of us will need strength, certain skills and talents. For some reason, our already avaricious men today have become stingy. And where is the vaunted breadth of the soul? Cavaliers, Don Juan, smoothies, on which you decided to save money? On women? And women, offended by this attitude, went to the warpath: do not want to pamper themselves - then we will learn to breed men.

Goals and objectives

The goal, as you know, justifies the means. Therefore, a correctly formulated goal will always find justification in the causes. For what reason are you going to go hunting? In general, all the reasons that move women to lure money can be reduced to the following points:

  • The lady has a very difficult financial situation.
  • A woman is just trying to attract attention.
  • The lady is obsessed with a sense of revenge for her unsuccessful personal life.
  • Awareness of one's own superiority over men.
  • The desire to assert itself and prove to myself that a woman can do anything.
  • This is perhaps the most significant points,which force the ladies to shake out men's wallets. And every self-respecting lady has her own secrets. Moreover, these secrets are practically in every woman, regardless of status: wife, mistress, woman, girlfriend.

    Start position

    To address the issue of how to divorce menmoney, should be approached, first of all, creatively. Perhaps the first golden rule should be the presence of self-esteem. Do not beg, do not complain about a scanty salary (scholarship), an ungrateful state or your own failed life. If you want to raise men for money, you should forget about self-pity (in any case, do not try to provoke this pity). The man, of course, will sympathize, he will regret, but this situation is more than profitable for him. Agree that it is much easier to satisfy the needs of a poor student or a poor civil servant than to win the attention of a wealthy lady. Therefore, a woman should look independent and successful. This is the only way to successfully breed men. Cavalier must once and for all understand that the lady of the heart of small handouts is not necessary: ​​only things larger and more valuable will help him achieve what he wants. Another rule - like to ride, love and sleigh to carry. So be prepared for the fact that just because a man does not fork out. But just do not immediately talk about the lack of principles and, especially, about the venality of women. So the world is arranged: if you want to take it, you can give it away. And your task is to convince a man that the return will be. Let not now and not this minute, but it will be. As the poet said: "Hopes harbor young men." Believe, hopes feed not only the young man. To reassure a mature peasant means to make him use all means (and above all, financial ones) to try to bring the "moment of reckoning" closer. And the third rule - keep your eyes open. We are not the only ones who are so clever and learn how to unleash a man. Pandy love (and can) and men. Not for nothing are all kinds of schools, courses and societies of pick-ups (seducers) created. So it is not excluded: in your hunting you will become prey, and not him. Therefore, do not be lazy and ask what exactly they are taught in such schools. And then it is already possible and in the battle, which must be conducted according to its rules. how to divorce a man for money

    Preparing the battlefield

    How to breed a man "naturally"? Intrigue and get the man to get you. The man's enthusiasm for the hunter will force him to fork out even while courting, and men do not save on the way to the cherished goal. After all, they are confident that they are doing this for themselves, and not for women. Thinking about how to breed a man, remember: very wealthy and well-off men are sincerely sure that beautiful women want to meet them only because of money. Of course (we will not dissemble), in fact, so it is, but they do not need to know about it. True, on the basis of their solvency, some men simply go crazy, considering themselves an invaluable treasure, the navel of the Earth and just an unthinkable happiness, for which one must also run. Well, so be it. To persuade such fools (well, how else to name similar copies?) Is useless. Your task is to strengthen it in these thoughts and awaken in it the desire to make you happy. Or it is necessary to provoke a money-bear to a constant desire to prove its worth. How? First of all, going out hunting, be fully armed. Prepare to start investing in creating your own image of a wealthy and unapproachable beauty. Impeccable appearance, "traces" of visiting expensive beauty salons, brand accessories should be your weapon in this hunt. By the way, in some men the Pygmalion complex lives and thrives: they simply search everywhere for "material" for the creation of their Galatea. Therefore, the directly opposite image of the simple (with the makings!) Will also help to put on the hook a money-bearer, imagining himself as a teacher and connoisseur of beauty. However, it is almost impossible to recognize when and which image will "work". So it remains to rely only on your intuition.

    Rules of Fighting

    At the first stage of hunting it is necessary to place the snares andTraps. The main trap is the man's confidence that you do not need his money. If you hunt in the image of a chic woman-vamp, then let him know that you already have everything, and what you lack, you will get without his help. If you tried on the image of a charming simpleton, then a man should be sure that you do not need "extra" and you are quite happy with what you have. Only self-confidence (whether you are poor or rich) will help to untwist a man for money. Naturally, all the time this will not continue (we do not have those goals!). Accordingly, smoothly go to the second stage - "shaking out the purse." Now that he is convinced that you are completely independent and self-sufficient, and at the same time a miracle as good and necessary to him as air, let the man understand that the time spent on him needs to be compensated. And demand compensation in money equivalent. And do not hesitate to ask for money. But in any case, do not be too assertive and impatient. Try to find the golden mean and accurately guess the moment when your request will be perceived as something natural and self-evident. Another rule of enticement is a sense of proportion. A man should not see in you a predator obsessed with the urge to gut his wallet. Raise the bar gradually, accustoming it to spending on you. Do not be capricious, or rather, be capricious in moderation. Excessive assertiveness will only frighten your man. Therefore, if he is ready to buy you new boots, do not insist on the need to buy them a fur coat. Fur coat - a little later.

    Receptions of "divorce"

    The issue of divorce men for money is very relevant. If to judge by women's forums, then there are ladies and girls of all ages willingly share their own experiences. Here are some practical tips from the girls who quickly managed to divorce the guy for money:

  • It is better to wait a while in an expensive boutique, so thatto get there something expensive. First, choose only those things that you can afford. This is the surest way to divorce men for money.
  • The most important thing in the matter of how to plantmen for money, do not put pressure on him. In the store pay for yourself, even if he insists. So your boyfriend will also be grateful that you agreed to take money from him.
  • When you master the subtle science of how to breedmen for money, you should be patient. If you liked something in the mall that you obviously can not afford, then do not start begging right away. Just a very long time, consider a thing, try it on, sigh over it and ask the seller a million questions. After that, go away without buying anything. And to the question of the guy, why did not you buy this, answer that I'm used to spending large sums only on useful and practical things. After that, the new thing will be yours.
  • In the restaurant, after the waiter put the billin the middle, get it first and get ready to pay it in full. Strong men like independent and independent women, so your zeal will be appreciated. However, a man does not tolerate female domination and necessarily insists on the fact that he must pay the bill.
  • To properly divorce a man, you shouldshow him that you are not so easy to achieve. If he suggests that you go to his house to drink coffee (as if you have not had a lot of it already) or offer to show you a collection of butterflies, then it's better to give it up delicately. Let me understand that you - young and beautiful - are too old for him and to get you, he will have to try and ... fork out big. This, perhaps, is one of the most important points in the question of how to breed a guy for money.
  • how to breed a man for money

    Weapon of the enemy

    Lovely women! Do not be naive and do not think that you are surrounded only by fools and fuckers. There are also many hunters among men. And do you know which main weapon they use? Pressure on pity, on the ability to sympathize, on decency, in the end. Therefore, if suddenly after dinner in a restaurant a man with surprise finds that "I forgot money at home", this should alert you. And if the next time he suddenly "grasps the stomach" and he urgently requires you to immediately purchase a quick-acting medicine, this is another bell. Or when he passes by the cinema he says that this film reminds him of your relationship and wakes such warm or fervent feelings that he needs to be looked at immediately, but, bad luck, you do not have enough money for tickets ... And you, touched, go buy tickets. What do you think? He just accustoms you to the idea that paying for it is normal, and there is nothing shameful in this situation. Between, by the way, "the rule of three payments" - one of the favorite methods of pick-up artists. Do not give in to provocation. And if you went hunting, then this is clearly not your prey. Run away from these guys farther and faster!


    And finally. Tips on how to breed muzhiks only work for normal men who really need a woman who always gets what they need. Such a man just wait and get it later, making a note "here you have to hunt longer." But insolvent specimens only theorize on the topic of dynamo women, but they themselves try to profit at our expense. And about the moral side (after all, we started talking about it). At the same forums, the same women and men together with them tirelessly argue on this topic. Men persistently call such women corrupt, and ladies ... Ladies say a lot of things in their justification. For example: "Ah," divorce! ". It's not because money is not enough, it's just like balm on the soul - gifts ... Every woman has her own quirks, that's all. " So, dear hunters, choose a worthy prey. Good luck in hunting and good catch! We advise you to read:

