how to sew Roman blinds yourself "Sails and caravels, behind the stern track white-white ..."And where does the Roman curtains - you ask. And besides, that this element of window decoration has got to us neither much nor little from Roman seafarers. The very curtain with all its grace is simple enough (if not to say "rude") in performance. It is made on the principle of a ship's sail: a canvas fixed on the mast, which can be raised or lowered by means of a special device. If everything is so simple, - you will say - how to sew Roman curtains yourself? And it is very easy, - we will answer and we will offer you several variants of the Roman curtains, made without special work (but with a certain degree of diligence!).

What do we need for this?

Keep in mind that you will need much less fabrics than for traditional curtains, but more accessories and additional materials:

  • straight cut tknani by the size of the window or a little more;
  • lining fabric (for one of the models);
  • Velcro tape (tape-fastener along the width of the curtains);
  • sealant on the glue base for the edge (fleece, bortovka);
  • seven or eight pins of wood or metal, whose length is three centimeters less than the width of the future curtain (for the frame);
  • Plastic or wooden rings (in which the cord will be threaded for lifting the curtains);
  • three segments of the cord itself (the length of each - two lengths of curtains plus its width;
  • weighting bar;
  • wooden plank, on which the curtain will be suspended;
  • a special holder-stopper for cords;
  • nails, screws and hooks.

Choose a cut, stock up everything you need andproceed to make curtains. Yes, by the way, it is the Roman blind - the most affordable way of expensive textile design. Because with a minimal expenditure of tissue (and it is here that it is), you can afford and buy expensive fabrics. Well, what kind of fabric to choose, decide for yourself. If you want your Roman blind to protect you from the sun, choose fabrics that are dense or specially processed from the underside ("black out" fabrics). Semitransparent fabrics on the windows will hide your everyday life from prying eyes, but they will let light into the room. Pay attention to the picture: in the Roman curtain it will look especially advantageous. And fabrics with an interesting or complex weave of threads can also be a very effective option. Well, now, having decided on the fabric and having acquired all the necessary materials, we proceed to the selection and manufacture of the model.

The first model. The simplest and easiest option

It is a model without pins, but with a weights that will keep the horizontal line of the bottom edge of the curtain. Its advantages - ease of execution, softer folds and a relaxed look.

  • To begin with, we decant the fabric of the base and the lining: soak in hot water for fifteen minutes, dry, iron.
  • Next, make a pattern: draw a rectangle, adding ten centimeters to the height and three centimeters to the seams.
  • We cut out, we fold the base and the lining with the faces, we sweep, we draw off, we turn out (cutting the corners).
  • We make the kuliska under the weighting agent: we wrap up two and a half centimeters of cloth from the bottom (on the wrong side), press it, tie it along the edge.
  • At the height of the finished curtains, we draw a horizontal line along the upper edge, and over it on the front side we attach the Velcro tape (its soft part on one side).
  • We bend the Velcro on the wrong side, we spread it along the second edge, we cut off the excess fabric.
  • We divide (marking) the entire curtain into identical stripes-sections and sew rings in those places where the cord passes through them.
  • In the kuliska we insert the weighting agent and get the finished curtain!
  • The second model. Option with bar guard

    This model is most suitable for curtains made of plain fabrics with a loose structure. The main condition of its neat appearance is the precision of cutting and free stitching (not a tightening cloth).

  • Decaturize the fabric (for this curtain it needs only one layer).
  • We cut out, making three-centimetric allowances on the seams on each side.
  • The sides of the future curtains are treated with a double hem half-and-a-half stitch by one and a half centimeters.
  • On the bottom edge we make a wader for a weighting agent about two and a half centimeters wide.
  • We mark the entire curtain on equal sections with a width oftwenty (twenty-five) centimeters: on the first from the kulis marking we put aside one and a half centimeters for the guard (on the side of the curtains), we measure the width of the second section, we make the guard, and so on to the end. Keep in mind that you need to get exactly one less than the sections.
  • In the same way, we mark the other side edge of the curtain.
  • We detach the defenses, finding the middle of each of them and connecting them with a straight line parallel to the bottom of the curtains.
  • We fold the fabric along this line, puncture it with pins and make a stitch on the bend, having retreated from its edge about seven millimeters.
  • We straighten the defenses and conduct a horizontal marking line along the top of the curtain.
  • We use Velcro as well as for the first model of the Roman curtains.
  • On the line of protection from the wrong side and on the top of the crochet we sew rings for cords.
  • We put the weighting in the kuliska and the bars in the tucks - the curtain is ready.
  • how to sew a Roman blind yourself

    The third model. The most popular option

    This option is very popular,because it's quite easy to sew a Roman blind in this way, but the result will be more effective than in the first model. For it, absolutely any fabric is used for the base, but the lining must necessarily be combined with the base in tone.

  • Soak, dry and iron both cut fabrics.
  • We cut out a rectangle by the size of a window with allowances of one and a half centimeters on three sides and an allowance of ten centimeters in height.
  • We cut out, we add a basis with the inside by the sides, we sweep it.
  • On the three sides of the future curtains we make a stitch, turn it (cutting off the corners), iron it.
  • We make the kuliska under the weighting agent in the same way as in the first model.
  • By analogy with the previous models of the Roman curtains, we attach the velcro tape to the top.
  • We divide the whole curtain into sections of approximately twenty centimeters wide and mark them (sections) with straight lines.
  • On the planned lines, smoothly and accurately pin the braids or tape (one or one and a half centimeters wide), which will become kulisks for rods.
  • We impose ribbons-kulisks (on a line from each edge), leaving holes for passing rods from the sides.
  • We put into the kulisks bars and a weighting agent, and then we sew rings for the cord - the curtain is ready.
  • The fourth model. Variant with a figured bottom

    There are no special instructions here. To execute such a Roman curtain can be based on any model. The only difference is the figure bottom, carved with festoons or a patterned line. For this model, instead of instructions, only a few recommendations are needed. If you want the curly bottom to look out of the folds of the curtains during assembly, then proceed as follows. When cutting, divide into the section the total height of the curtains, so that the first section is measured from the bottom of the figure edge. The lowest rings for the cord are not sewn to the weighting agent, but to the lower kulisk with the rod. If you sew a curtain with a peeping edge along the model of the first model (without twigs), then make the edge wider - not ten, but twenty-five centimeters.

    How to fix Roman curtains?

    Lock Roman curtains can be either insidea window aperture, or on its edge. In accordance with this option, calculate the consumption of tissue, and make a pattern. The first option is appropriate in the event that your window has too wide windowsills or if the Roman blind is used in conjunction with conventional curtains. In this case, it is located very close to the glass and leaves the sills free. The second option is preferable if your window has flaps and opens all along its height. In this case, the curtain is cut out so that it covers the wall (slopes) by five to ten centimeters on either side of the window. The process of attaching the curtains to the window looks like this:

    • to the underside of the wooden bar (bar), on which the curtain will be fastened, nail with the furniture studs (or with the help of a furniture stapler) the tape-Velcro;
    • on the bottom of the Velcro on the rod, screw the screws through the same distances (they should have rings instead of the hats);
    • attach the finished curtain to the bar (remember, at the top we also hooked it);
    • on one of the side parts of the curtain, beginning with the lower ring, thread the cord through all the rings and at the bottom tie it with a knot (for strength you can glue the knot);
    • thread exactly the rest of the cords;
    • fasten the cords to the strap rings;
    • pull out all the cords on one side of the curtains, collect them together and drag through a special stopper holder;
    • fix the holder at the very edge of the bar;
    • align the ends of the cords, tie them together with a knot;
    • at the middle of the window, attach the hook to fix the pick-ups;
    • folding the curtain in the "accordion", wind the cords on the hook.

    Now, when you remove the cords from the hook, the curtaindescend. That, strictly speaking, that's all. Knowing how to sew Roman blinds with your own hands, how to fix them on the window, you can stylishly and effectively decorate windows in any room in your house. And to say "thank you" to the Roman mariners, thanks to which the art of making ship sails magically helps to transform our house. We advise you to read:

