how to resist psychological pressure Imagine a paradise that suddenly came onour sinful planet. What is the first thing that catches your eye? Probably changed relations between people: all are open, sincere and, at the same time, carefully treat the boundaries and feelings of the other. How wonderful it looks! Unfortunately, reality is far from ideal. In life, we often encounter the use of "prohibited methods" regarding our personality. They do not allow us to soberly assess the situation and confuse. As a result of their actions, we allow other people to sit on our necks, conclude unfavorable contracts and give inadequate promises. All this is a consequence of the psychological pressure exerted on us. Paradoxically, but often none of the participants in the communication process is aware of what is happening. People who use "forbidden tricks" do it unconsciously, and the more so it does not track the "victim". If this situation is familiar to you to the pain, then surely you have already tired from it. Accordingly, you will be interested to learn how to learn to resist psychological pressure. Read our article and shake your head.


How manipulators like to use it! The guilt that a person has comes up with is a good reason to get what you need from him. We feel guilty for many things: for the manner of communication, lack of attention to other people, your way of life, your desires and needs, etc. ... Usually, if you often experience this condition, it can talk about a special personal way of life that provokes such experiences. No, you, of course, can try to become ideal for everyone, but it will take a lot of time and effort, and the result will be very doubtful. It is best to remember that absolute truth does not exist. That is, you are just as right in your behavior, as far as the interlocutor is in your requirements towards you. The same event can be perceived by partners in completely different ways. This is often used by manipulators. In order to resist psychological pressure using guilt, one thing should be clear: you have the right to be yourself and to have your own desires and boundaries. That is, you do not owe anything to anyone. Separate the grain from the chaff: outline the range of obligations that you voluntarily take on (caring for a child or parents, time given to friends, small help to colleagues), as well as their limits. Then it will be easier for you to be guided by them, when someone else will try to get from you the behavior necessary for him. You can, of course, play along with the manipulator a little, but only then, so that he calms down and does not begin to increase the pressure. Then simply say to the interlocutor "no." This is the most effective and effective way to disown what you are being forced to do. Avoid any explanations at all - they give the manipulator a hook, for which you can hook and start to spin you. And do not forget to keep track of where your feelings of guilt come in - most likely, they will be related to your own personal weaknesses. how to learn to resist psychological pressure

Moral humiliation

A method that is often used by aggressive andPersonally inferior people. They can not in an adult way solve their problems and begin to actively humiliate those with whom they communicate. This manifests itself in diminishing social status, striking at self-esteem, switching attention from important details to subjective ones, using rhetorical questions. In practice, this strategy may look different. For example, a mother screaming at her child: "You even know what you're doing! How can you be such an idiot! ". Or important negotiations, during which the opponent makes a remark about the stain on your clothes. A man who makes fun of the fullness of his partner. The mechanism of work is quite simple: our attention is focused on our own inferiority, we cease to adequately monitor the situation and feel the desire to somehow "cajole" the interlocutor. The first thing to do is to think about why people generally tell you such things. You can ask him directly: "For what purpose did you voice it?". It is probable that he will not find that to answer you, or he will begin to say all sorts of nonsense. When it becomes obvious to you that this is one of the types of psychological pressure, pull yourself together and say: "He does it specifically to get something from me. Therefore, it's not my inferiority, but the inability of a partner to discuss their needs honestly and in an adult way. I will not be upset because of his words and will concentrate my attention on a really important thing for me at that moment. "

Psychological pressure

As a rule, we rarely encounter this methodin everyday life. Collector agencies, some unscrupulous lawyers and, of course, bandits resort to it. Mass psychological pressure is carried out when you are influenced by using all sorts of "strings": they call your friends, relatives and friends, find out what you are doing, break off negotiations and some other important events in your life. Naturally, the people around you are worried and constantly tell about these threats to you. It's worth reassuring them by explaining the situation. And, of course, you need to try to do everything in your power to stop these actions: contact creditors or take a fateful decision for someone. In any case, it is worth to convey to the bad people the fact that their actions only arouse your anger and provoke actions that are opposite to the desired. Reducing the distance can also be an element of psychological pressure. Each of us has his own personal space, which we try to protect from outsiders. If the person's goal is to embarrass and make you think chaotically, then you can not think of a better way. The solution is very simple - to indicate its boundaries and move away from the person to a safe distance, letting him know that shortening the distance is fraught with the termination of the dialogue. how to learn to resist psychological pressure correctly

Distorted information

Agree, it is much easier to take the rightsolution, possessing all possible information. And if someone is interested in one outcome much more than in the other, what will he do? Correctly, distort information. First of all, this can be expressed in concealing certain facts and accentuating your attention to others. Similarly, focuses on the details of the details, and not on the general main problem. In this case, it is very likely that such a reorientation will lead you to a strictly defined decision, which the interlocutor intended. Some people tend to use all sorts of rumors, spins and speculations as decisive arguments. For example, your girlfriend tells you: "Why should you breastfeed after six months? In milk, there is nothing useful left! ". And she immediately after birth transferred the child to artificial feeding, and if you do too, she will not have a feeling of guilt. In an attempt to pressure you, she uses the widely known myth of breastfeeding, which can really affect your decision. But there are situations in which there are no clear and obvious boundaries. Most often this concerns the relationship between people. Human behavior is determined by many factors, and in trying to understand them, we often turn to the advice of girlfriends. For example, you quarreled with a guy, and he does not pick up. These actions can be interpreted in different ways, but the girlfriend says: "Yes you that! Yes, he does not love you - leave him! ". Agree, it's pretty easy to give in? The way out in this situation is simple, but labor-intensive - carefully and critically treat the information you provide. Do not hesitate to recheck those facts which, in the guise of trivial truths, are presented to you by surrounding people - among them are full of myths and delusions. In difficult situations, try to listen to the opinions of experts: doctors, lawyers, psychologists, etc. ... And most importantly - try to rely on yourself and your opinion, because only so you can live by yourself, and not by someone's pointer.

Influence on thinking, perception and memory

Psychic and its basis - the nervous system - ladiesvery capricious. Their functioning is affected by a lot of things, from the parameters of the environment and ending with your mood, than sometimes try to use all sorts of unscrupulous manipulators. For example, gipsies. They overload all channels of perception with different signals - they make noise, shake with colored skirts, touch - and you fall into a trance. As a result, there is a risk to remain without money, gold jewelry and other valuables - it's good if you do not let them into your apartment! It is not easy to resist this, but there is a way out: run away from all feet if you feel the application of this method to yourself. The moment when you are somewhere in a hurry or feel tired, is by no means ideal for making meaningful decisions. If at this time someone tries to slip important documents for you or demands from you some promises, feel free to ask for a respite from him and explain that you should consider this issue in more suitable conditions. The same goes for noise, fuss, stuffiness and other types of unpleasant situation. how to resist psychological pressure correctly

Direct threats

As a rule, they are used when everything elsedoes not help, but to achieve one's own needs. Usually situations of using such a method are connected with finances or power. Sometimes this may be an indication that the person is at the last gasp and is ready for anything to come to an agreement with you. A sort of "cornered rat." Go with him on a compromise or not - you decide. In any case, it is worth trying to resolve the conflict as peacefully as possible, even if you have heard a direct threat to yourself. Try to discuss what was heard with someone who is above the situation and is able to think soberly. It is possible that upon closer examination, the threat is not worth the eggs eaten either. And it's possible that you can really be pressured. In this case, you decide whether to stand on your own, attracting all possible resources, or spit on it and make concessions. However, remember that those who have at least once succumbed to threats are likely to continue to threaten further. In conclusion, I want to say that the best way to withstand psychological pressure is to think soberly and be alert. Avoid situations in which you would need to make decisions in an uncomfortable environment for you. And do not hesitate to put people in their place. This does not mean at all that you should be embittered and fall into paranoia, but you also need to love yourself and not give offense. We advise you to read:

