Any girl who decided to start fighting against extrakilograms, wants to lose weight quickly. Nobody wants to go to slimness for a long time and in stages. Therefore, representatives of the fair sex prefer fasting to balanced diets, and exhausting hours of exercise on the simulators - fitness load on the right muscle groups. However, you can part with excess weight without resorting to categorical hunger strikes and large financial expenses. How to lose weight fast at home?
Weight loss recipes associated with diet
Method one: mono-diet. This type of diet is the most effective - with its help you can part in one week with 3-5 kg. Of course, if you can not "break" from a monotonous diet. That's right - for 7 days you will only have one product. For example, buckwheat or rice porridge, apples, yogurt, cucumber or cottage cheese. You can drink only green tea and mineral water. Do not drink freshly squeezed juice at all - it increases the secretion of the stomach. Eat little by little - divide the daily norm of food into 5-6 receptions. The effect of the diet will be noticeable on the second day. But if you after you achieve the desired result, stop monitoring food, the former forms will return fairly quickly. Method two: unloading days. If you repeatedly tried to sit on different diets, but hold out for a long time does not work out - do not force yourself. Better select 2-3 days a week, during which you will limit your appetite to the maximum. Alternate fasting days with days of usual food. This method is convenient because it does not give you any inconvenience with the diet, even if you spend the whole day in the office, and do not sit at home. Eat low-calorie foods on unloading days: kefir, stewed vegetables, boiled lean meat or fruit. Rest with diet if you are suffering from health problems or your immunity is weakened. Method three: a "sweet" diet. The basis of this diet is honey. This sweet delicacy will make it possible to get rid of excess weight of the inveterate sweet tooth that can not live a day without cakes, ice cream and sweets. Every time you want something sweet, drink a cup of black or green tea with 1-2 spoons of honey. Let a piece of your favorite pie be replaced by a handful of dried fruits. Also, take care that you consume no more than 2000 Kcal per day. Method four: "fresh" food - a pledge of rapid disposal of excess weight. Is the house the only place where you eat? Then this diet is ideal for you! Just imagine: after stopping adding salt and spices to food, you will noticeably lose weight in just a couple of weeks. The fact is that most spices and salt detain water in the body, "slowing down" the removal of toxins and fat. Food, not flavored with them, as well as cooked without ketchup, mayonnaise and other shop seasonings, is eaten in a smaller amount. The only spice allowed by this diet is cayenne pepper (chili). It promotes the acceleration of metabolism, and even the dish, in which there are many hot peppers, you will not eat for a long time.
Alternative methods of getting rid of excess weight
How to quickly lose weight at home, if youDo not want to make any changes to the habitual diet? Of course, you will have to do this two or three times longer than with a diet. Nevertheless, for a month and a half you can achieve results, to which others go for years. Method five: physical activity - always and everywhere. No, you do not have to spend 2-3 hours on the treadmill every day. Just do not miss a chance to burn a couple of hundred extra calories. Replace the journey by elevator to the pedestrian climb the stairs, get to the house on foot, and not by a fixed-route taxi, every evening run or at least walk. If there is such a possibility, periodically get distracted from the work process and do a little gymnastics without taking it off from production. Simulators and a subscription to a fitness club can easily replace dancing in front of a mirror or aerobics, which you can do at home. "Hot" alternative is sex. You will be surprised, but half an hour of intensive exercise "deprive" you of the same number of calories as a few minutes of sexual comfort in the "rider" pose. Method six: drug. Not so long ago in the Russian market there were "magic" pills that allow you to eat, anything, but at the same time intensively lose weight. They are divided into two types, based on the principle of action. Means of the first type "block" calories, deducing 50-60% of the consumed fats from the body without "replenishing" the already existing fatty deposits. The organism, accustomed to getting more of it, actively uses available reserves. Preparations of the second type swell in the stomach, temporarily suppressing the feeling of hunger. Essential deficiency of these dietary supplements are such side effects as bloating, stomach cramps and flatulence. Therefore, they are not advised to take those for whom problems with the gastrointestinal tract are not an empty phrase. To which of the above methods you would not have resorted, the main thing is systemic and perseverance. Do not allow deviations on the way to the ideal figure, if you want to quickly achieve what you want. We advise you to read: