It is unlikely that there will be at least one person who wouldnever felt jealous; but some people do not attach much importance to this feeling, and some, on the contrary, depend very much on it, which they themselves often are not happy about. In the event that this destructive feeling becomes an obstacle to building a lasting romantic relationship, many people begin to seriously think about how to cope with jealousy. One of the main reasons for the mistrust is self-doubt, which is often experienced by young girls who are prone to everything in life to be too categorical and suspect their loved ones in all mortal sins, barely seeing anything in their behavior as alarming or unusual . However, in most cases, such suspicions are completely unfounded, which, however, does not prevent the jealousy from regularly rolling up scandals to his faithful or to remain silent and accumulate in oneself resentment and anger at a loved one. Of course, in such an atmosphere it is almost impossible to build a more or less harmonious love relationship, so one must somehow deal with jealousy either with one's own strength, or with the help of relatives, friends or even psychologists. There are a lot of ways to get rid of jealousy, but you must clearly realize that all of them require serious work on themselves and the application of some efforts that at first may seem too difficult for you.
Getting rid of jealousy
So, what should you do to get rid ofthis soul-breaking feeling? Let's start in order! Increase your self-esteem Many girls are jealous of their beloved boys just because they think themselves unworthy of happy love or are uncertain about their external attractiveness. Not every girl will dare to admit to herself in such feelings, although in order to learn to cope with them, it is absolutely necessary. When the next time you roll a bout of jealousy, try to keep track of your feelings and emotions at this moment. Maybe you are jealous of your boyfriend to his female colleague because of her apparent intellectual superiority over you? Or do you experience a bitter prick of jealousy, seeing how your loved one looks in the street at some beauty, while you consider your appearance fairly ordinary? If you at least once catch yourself on such thoughts, then you know that you simply do not have enough self-confidence. If your self-esteem is on top, then, believe me, no beauty or the cleverest colleague of your boyfriend can cause jealousy in you, because you will be completely sure of your attractiveness and your own intellectual development. To achieve this kind of self-confidence can be through the daily cultivation of an understanding of one's own uniqueness. You should clearly realize that every person in the world is better than others in some ways, but this is not a reason to be discouraged if you see this difference. On the contrary, your individual characteristics and form a unique, no one resembles a person, and external data creates a unique image that most fully reflects your inner world. It is thanks to the characteristics of the character and appearance that you are interested in your loved one, so does it make sense to worry that there are more intelligent or beautiful girls around him? Your boyfriend loves you for who you are, and for sure he considers him to be the best girl in the world, so you have to wake up every day with a feeling of your uniqueness and in no case worry about certain imperfections. Once you understand that you deserve the best, then it will be very easy for you to cope with jealousy; and maybe she will stop bothering you at all. Become a selfish person It is often enough to understand how to cope with a jealousy that corrodes the soul, helps to fully immerse yourself and your cares. If you decide to become a little selfish and take care of your appearance, your favorite hobby or any other business that brings you real pleasure without the need to attract the other half, then, most likely, after a while, you will be surprised to notice that you have almost completely ceased to interest, from whom came another SMS, addressed to your boyfriend, where he was on the weekend, why he stayed at work for 20 minutes and so on. You just will not have time for this, because the methodical and regular dedication of time only to your beloved requires large time, physical and, most importantly, psychological costs, so that the extra thoughts that used to sweat constantly in your head will simply not have the strength and time . Most remarkable: as soon as you start most of your free time to devote yourself, you will soon see that the relationship with your loved one, notwithstanding your fears, has not only not worsened, but has become more trusting. It is possible that the guy even begins to give you elevated signs of attention the same as at the very beginning of your romantic relationship. He will be intrigued, because now the beloved girl does not suspect him of constantly being cheating or deceiving, and even disappears somewhere from time to time, arguing that "he is doing his own things." In general, it's time for the guy himself to start jealous of you! With this simple method, every girl at least once in life copes with jealousy, so you also need to evaluate its effectiveness in practice. Reduce the amount of caffeine in the daily diet Many psychologists who study the feeling of jealousy have come to the conclusion that it can be excessive consumption of caffeinated drinks during the day to cause such an unsightly feeling. It would seem, what could be the link between caffeine and jealousy? And the most direct, because caffeine in large doses causes overexcitement of the nervous system and a significant increase in feelings of anxiety, which for many impressionable girls becomes the "trigger" of the emergence of jealousy literally from scratch. Have you ever experienced an acute attack of distrust for your loved one for no apparent reason after taking a few cups of coffee? Certainly. If you do not see any dependence on the use of various drinks containing caffeine and the appearance of jealousy, then you either drink few such drinks (which in itself is very good), or simply did not pay attention to such a regularity and wrote off your irritated state on weather, mood or any other reasons. It is often enough to reduce the consumption of coffee and similar drinks for several servings, and jealousy, as well as excessive anxiety, are simply without a trace.
Talk frankly with your boyfriend
Quite often, girls experience stingingjealousy to their guys simply because they do not dare to tell them any fears, suspicions and doubts that torment them from the inside. Frank conversation in most cases puts everything in its place and completely eliminates the problem of jealousy, but it is not so easy to decide this conversation. The fact is that most girls sincerely believe that the guys should themselves know that they are not comfortable with the relationship. However, representatives of the strong half of humanity are arranged differently and often can not guess about this or that girl's thoughts or feelings only on her facial expression, tone of speech or subtle hints. That's why many guys do not even suspect that their loved ones do not like something, while in the shower the girl may have a real storm of jealousy. If the girl openly expresses her dissatisfaction with the fact that her boyfriend, for example, looks at the beauties on the street or gives too much time to phone conversations with female colleagues, he will most likely try not to do so again, upset your loved one. However, it is very important to properly construct the conversation itself: in any case, do not scream, do not scandal and blame anything your loved one, and try to convey to him your feelings and emotions, emphasizing that you are very upset and immersed in a depressed mood. It is likely that a loved one will find words that will convince you of his feelings, and you can easily learn to cope with jealousy, slowly destroying your relationship from within. It is also possible that your guy himself admits his secret jealousy, and then you will either laugh at the situation, forget all doubts and enjoy communication with each other, or together look for ways to solve your common problem, which is often much more effective in Unlike attempts to cope with this alone. Never forget that jealousy in itself is not a bad feeling, and it takes on a negative color only when it prevents you from living and introduces a note of bitterness in your every day. Some vigilance (in small doses!) Is a natural manifestation of the inherent fear of all people to lose an expensive person. Virtually no love relationship can not do without jealousy, but it is very important not to miss the moment when it begins to slowly but very persistently destroy them. As soon as you notice that your negative emotions get pathological forms, use our tips on how to cope with jealousy, until this negative feeling has yet caused the break with your loved one. If all the above methods are ineffective, then you should seek help from a qualified psychologist who will help you get out of the current unpleasant situation with the least loss and tell you how to get rid of jealousy in love relationships forever.