how quickly to whiten teeth A beautiful snow-white smile is not a giftnature, and the result of daily and proper dental care. Unfortunately, many women forget that cleaning alone is not always enough. Smoking, alcohol, food, containing a huge amount of dyes, low-quality paste - all this negatively affects the color of the enamel. A conventional toothbrush is unlikely to cope with yellow plaque, stone and other similar problems. In some cases, girls can not even do without the help of specialists.

Secrets of a snow-white smile

There are several basic ways, likequickly whiten your teeth with improvised means at home. Their effectiveness depends on the state of the enamel, the limitation of the problem and many similar factors. Remember, there is no single universal method that would suit everyone. Only by trial and error, you can choose the option that is right for your smile. Clean the fresh plaque

  • Soda

If the teeth appeared relatively recentlyyellow spots, you can get rid of them by using baking soda. She certainly is at home with every mistress. It is enough to pour a pinch of this product into the paste, lightly soak and three minutes to clean the formed gruel teeth. The result is overwhelming - a fresh scurf disappears immediately. However, you can not resort to this method more than once a week. Otherwise you just spoil the enamel. It is recommended to use sodium bicarbonate if the problem occurs after eating food with seasonings. Curry, soy sauce and many similar ingredients that are used to make exotic dishes, leave their mark on the teeth.

  • Paste

How to quickly whiten your teeth at home, notharming yourself at the same time? Choose pastes with abrasive substances. This is the most simple, safe and reliable way, which is most often preferred by all modern girls. Brushing your teeth with such products can be done two or three times a week, alternating with conventional powders. Toothpaste does not belong to the category of strong bleaching agents. Therefore, it is unlikely that she will cope alone with the natural yellowness. If you decide to combine it with soda, consult a specialist beforehand. Double impact sometimes can lead to quite bad consequences, up to the destruction of teeth.

  • Ash and activated charcoal

Earlier in Russia, residents cleaned their teeth with ordinary ash. When they did not know about the pastes and brushes, the ashes were applied to the finger and the enamel was carefully rubbed. As a result of such manipulations, the smiles of our beauties were snow-white and radiant. Now it is not necessary to plant a fire in the apartment and wait for the log to burn. You can use regular activated charcoal, which is sold in any pharmacy. So, open a couple of tablets and drip some water in them to make a gruel. According to the consistency, the mixture should resemble paste. You can clean your teeth with this remedy every three days, not more often. After the procedure, twenty to thirty minutes is worth nothing to eat.

  • Gum

Teeth whitening is not due to magicalproperties of chewing gum, but due to increased salivation. As a result, the plaque is not fixed on the enamel, but washed off. Therefore, even after dentists recommend after eating chew pads or plates. However, if the girl has seals, set teeth or problems with the gums, in any case you can not use an elastic band.

  • Green tea

Every morning, brew green tea and rinse itmouth. This will help prevent the appearance of yellow spots and relieve the plaque formed overnight. You can also use special rinse aid. Just buy them in pharmacies, rather than simple stores. Clear old stains

  • Peroxide

With the old bloom that appeared as a resultexcessive love of coffee and cigarettes, with ease can deal with hydrogen peroxide. This substance is also part of some professional whitening gels. But alone, without additional components, it works well. It should be applied neatly on the enamel, so as not to injure the gum. Use for these purposes a thin brush or cotton swab. After two minutes, rinse your mouth with plenty of water. Be careful not to swallow saliva during the procedure. Peroxide may cause serious poisoning. Also, you should not use this substance if you have health problems. Always adhere to the specified time, otherwise aggressive components can dissolve tooth enamel.

  • Gel

Gel bleaching is usually recommended inIf the toothpaste fails to cope with the task. To lighten the enamel by one tone, you need to perform a minimum of five procedures. Unfortunately, the result does not last long. You can also resort to the help of the solution, if you have a special bite and during cleaning, the brush does not reach everywhere. As a result, a yellow coating forms between the teeth in the slits, which can not be dealt with even with the help of a special thread. The applied gel helps to get a uniformly white smile. how to whiten your teeth quickly Precautions Whitening folk andprofessional means without a preliminary examination of the dentist is completely contraindicated to people of the older age category. In the elderly, instead of white and beautiful teeth, you can earn a gray-blue smile. However, translucent enamel is not the worst thing that can happen. Incorrect use of certain ingredients, as well as too frequent bleaching leads to quite sad consequences. The appearing cracks, scratches and formed pores increase with time, after which the teeth begin to crumble and break. Two hours before and after the procedure, you can not drink cold or hot water, and also eat food containing dyes. And, moreover, do not eat citrus next day. Weakened after such aggressive impact, teeth are very sensitive to sudden temperature changes. And the enamel is able to absorb any substance, like a sponge. Before proceeding to such manipulations and experiments, be sure to test the remedy on a separate site. Thus, you exclude the appearance of an allergic reaction. If a rash appears on the skin, it will start to stove or itch, it is better to refuse this option. Prevention

  • Fruits, vegetables and meat

To further bleaching the teeth did not becomeobligatory procedure, use every day apples, pears, carrots. Preferably, not in frayed form. Thus, you not only get rid of plaque, but also prevent the appearance of some problems with the gums. And, of course, saturate your body with all the useful vitamins, minerals and trace elements. As for meat, then bacon, shish kebabs and other similar dishes should be bitten off with teeth, and not cut off with a knife. Of course, if you are not in a crowded place. The more you work the jaw, the better. Remember, who prefers to eat only grated and soft foods, are more likely to turn to dentists.

  • Floss cleaning

Every time after you eat, be sure toGo to the ladies' room to brush your teeth with a special thread. Otherwise, jammed food particles can simply start to rot. As a result - plaque, tartar, bad breath, paradontosis, caries and other diseases. Never and under no circumstances use a toothpick. A sharp wooden tip can damage soft tissues or scratch the enamel. It is not uncommon for a breakaway piece to get stuck in a slot or pierce the gum. If this happens, you can not do without the help of a dentist or surgeon.

  • Annual inspection

Even if nothing bothers you, all the same althoughvisit the specialist once a year. Do not wait until your teeth begin to hurt or cover with such a touch, which even the dentist can not cope with. If you can, bleach in the doctor's office. You can be offered two ways to choose: laser or chemical. Each has its own advantages, disadvantages and contra-indications. But in any case it will be much faster, easier and safer than using folk beauty recipes. Before carrying out the whitening, the doctor must clean it. This is necessary in order to remove stuck food particles. This procedure can cause discomfort or even painful sensations. Sensitive individuals are given an anesthetic injection. If you have recently grown a tooth, inserted a seal or an implant, postpone the operation, be sure to inform the doctor about it. If you do bleaching, the artificial part will be much darker. Previously, you need to replace it with lighter options. As for surgical intervention, it is strictly forbidden to act on the jaw until complete healing. fast teeth whitening

Cosmetics hides shortcomings

It is not necessary to make a professionalbleaching and spoil the tooth enamel, to get a white smile. There are quite a few methods, how to hide the natural yellowness and visually make the teeth a little lighter. To do this you will need to get special cosmetics.

  • Red lipstick

The brighter and more intense the color of lipstick, the lighterwill seem a smile. If you have a natural yellow enamel, do not choose faded and dull shades. Otherwise, the teeth will seem even darker than they really are. Also do not forget to use lip gloss.

  • Bronze tonal basis

The secret of success lies in contrast. The darker one element, the lighter the rest of the body. After giving the skin a light tan, you will get rid of the visible yellowness of the teeth. At desire it is possible to allocate only cheekbones. To such cunning should resort to representatives of the fair sex with a pale or pink face.

Yellowness - a sign of health

White teeth are a tribute to fashion. In fact, by nature, a smile can be either yellowish or grayish-blue. In this case, the darker the color, the stronger the enamel. Deciding on whitening, the girls do not think about the harmfulness of the procedure. As a result, after five to ten years of suffering with a sick jaw. If you want to get rid of plaque, do the usual cleaning. With the help of special tools and tools, the doctor will remove the remnants of food, the formed stone. At the end, special spraying is applied, which protects your smile for the next three to four months. We advise you to read:

