Arrange yourself a small holiday! In the spring, after a cold, drawn-out winter, bothnever, I want warmth, comfort and pleasure. And this feeling can give a bath! Feel free to add various components to it, such as bath foam, sea salt and a variety of essential oils, which can both soothe and tonify your body! And if everything is done correctly, the bath will not only relieve stress, but will also improve mood and well-being. And after taking it is useful to drink warm . So why, after all, we like it so muchto take a bath? The fact is that warm water accelerates the flow of blood through the vessels, which improves metabolic processes in the body. At the same time, we experience a pleasant languor when we plunge into warm water, because the body loses some of the weight. Water itself has magical properties, and if you add various components to it, then the bath will not only give you pleasure, but also will improve the body. The essential oils penetrate the body. You need to remember a few rules to make the bath really useful and enjoyable. They are not complicated, but by observing them, you will notice the difference. To begin with, before dipping into the water, you need to rub your body with a towel to remove the dead particles from the skin and increase the possibility of penetration into the body of the beneficial components of salts and oils. It is also believed that a soothing bath is better to take in the evening, before going to bed. Do not forget that after eating a bath is contraindicated, it is better to wait an hour, and preferably two. It is also worth remembering that the water temperature should not be too hot. Not more than 36,6-38 ° С. When immersed in water, you may think that the water is cool, but after two or three minutes you will feel comfortable. In this bath it is necessary to lie down for 10-15 minutes. Those who love hot baths (from 42 ° C), it is worth remembering that you need to take them sitting, and not lying, so that the heart area is above the water. Such baths are also useful, but those who have heart problems do not recommend taking them. In addition, first you need to collect water, the temperature is not higher than 40 ° C, and only then increase the degree. Is in such a bath no longer than 5-10 minutes, then you need to get wet with a towel, take cover in something soft and warm and go to rest. Otherwise, the effect of the relaxing bath will be lost. If you decide to take a bath with herbs, then everything you need for this you can buy at the pharmacy. It can be dried stems, bark, leaves, roots, petals, a variety of concentrates from several herbs. Eucalyptus helps in the fight against coughing, the sea ficus relaxes, soothes, the wheat smoothes the skin. Often all these herbs are presented in the form of essential oils, they must be dissolved in water, or in a small amount of cream or milk, and poured into water. Only here such baths can not be taken in the acute form of any disease. But how not to twist, the most popular components for the bathroom, are sea salts. They help to restore the skin, clean and moisturize it. For the bath, you need somewhere a glass of sea salt. It should be poured into a dry bath, and then turn on the water. Salt creates the effect of micromassage. You can also make separate baths for the feet and hands. It is best to buy natural salt in which there are no dyes and chemicals. The adoption of the bathroom can be done by a special, varied procedure. Now there are many bath products that can give comfort and pleasure. For example, there are unusual colorful bubbling balls, thanks to which your bathing will turn into a real storm. Pleasant bathing!

