how to make a cream for a cake at home What kind of home celebration does without a cake? It so happened that the cake is an attribute of any holiday. You can, of course, buy a ready-made cake or even order a sort of culinary masterpiece, but the home-made cake will always taste better. And even if you do not have time to fuss with the test, you can always buy ready-made cakes (biscuit, sand, waffle) or to collect a cake from ordinary cookies. The main thing is to make a delicious cream. Do you think it's difficult to make a cream for a cake at home? And here not! However, try and see for yourself.

Butter cream

Cream cream is suitable for absolutely anycake. Especially delicious is a creamy layer in biscuit cakes. And what is noteworthy, such a cream, even at home, can be prepared in several ways. Cream on condensed milk Ingredients:

  • 1 packet of butter;
  • 1 can of condensed milk.

Preparation: Before you prepare the cream, let the oil melt slightly. It should become soft, but it should not flow. Just push the oil briquette with your finger. If the oil is easily pushed, but does not creep - that's it. Now cut the oil into cubes and lay it in a deep saucepan (in a high-quality bowl, knock off the cream more conveniently). At low speed mixer, beat the oil in a homogeneous mass (literally five seconds), and now start to knock down the cream, pouring in it condensed milk. In this case, put the mixer on high speed, and add the condensed milk in small portions (one or two tablespoons). The cream is ready, when it starts to easily move away from the walls of the pan, leaving no traces on it. Note: If the oil in the cream becomes too warm, put the cream for a few minutes in the refrigerator, and then continue to whisk it. If you take cooked instead of usual condensed milk, you can make a real cream-brule. Cream Charlotte Ingredients:

  • A glass of fresh milk;
  • Incomplete glass of sugar;
  • Tablespoon flour;
  • A pack of butter.

Preparation: The principle of preparation of the Charlotte cream is the same as that of cream on condensed milk. Only instead of condensed milk, we will use the custard. To make it, pour the milk into a saucepan, dissolve the sugar in it, boil it and let it cool down a little. The flour is diluted with cold milk to make a liquid slurry without lumps, and then pour it into the milk-sugar syrup and on slow fire once again bring to a boil. As a result, the cream thickens, but do not forget that while it should be constantly stirred. Now we need to completely cool the custard and, pouring it into butter, whip the cream. To do this you need exactly the same as in the first case, adding the custard in small portions and whipping with a mixer. Note: Add a teaspoon of cognac, rum, vodka or any liquor to the cream: the cream will become much more delicious and aromatic. As a flavor, you can also use vanillin or fruit essence. how to prepare a cream for a cake at home


The custard is great for shortbreadscake and puff pastry. In addition, it fits perfectly with cream cream. Just do not miss this cream waffle cakes - they are dehydrated. Custard at home can be made on the basis of milk or cream, and as a thickener, use flour, starch or eggs. Ingredients:

  • A glass of milk;
  • Half a glass of sugar;
  • 2 egg yolks;
  • Tablespoon flour;
  • A pinch of vanillin or a teaspoon of vanilla sugar.

Preparation: Separate yolks from proteins and mix them with flour, sugar and vanillin. After that, we rub everything thoroughly. While we are engaged in this, it is possible to put milk on fire: it must boil. Boil the milk a little cool and pour it into the yolks, without forgetting to stir the mass so that it is not going to lump. Next, put milk with yolks on a slow fire and cook the cream for about five minutes, until it thickens. Note: In order for our custard not to burn, it is necessary to stir it all the time, and for preparation it is not necessary to take enameled dishes.

Protein Cream

This is a well-known meringue - the most delicate, the lightestair cream. It is perfect for decorating a cake, but for interlayer cakes it is better not to use it. To make a protein cream at home, we need the following ingredients:

  • 4 egg whites;
  • A glass of powdered sugar;
  • A few drops of lemon juice.

Preparation: To prepare meringues we take only chilled proteins: then an excellent result will be guaranteed. And one more important point. Separate the proteins from the yolks must be very carefully: even a tiny portion of the yolk, which has got into proteins, can negate all your efforts. So, the proteins are poured into a saucepan, add a few drops of lemon juice and whisk them into a thick, thick foam. The readiness of whipped proteins at home can be determined in several ways. Take a fork stick it into the protein foam. If the plug is on, the squirrels are ready. Or try to turn the pan gently upside down: if the foam does not creep along the walls and despite the earth's gravity remains in the pan, you can proceed to the next stage of meringue preparation. Now we need to add sugar powder to the whipped proteins. We do this gradually, pouring powder on a teaspoonful, and each time whisk the meringue until the sugar powder dissolves in the proteins. You will see how loose proteins turn into a thick, shiny and viscous meringue. We beat the cream to soft peaks (the state of the foam, when it firmly holds on the whisk or on the blades of the mixer and does not fall off). A well-beaten meringue should turn out to be damp and shiny. cream for cake at home

Sour cream

Cream on sour cream is very common in homeconfectionery art. This is one of the easiest to prepare cake creams. In addition, it is universal: it is suitable for almost any cake. Ingredients:

  • A pound of sour cream;
  • A glass of sugar.

Preparation: Sour cream for this cream is only needed fat, not less than 15%: the more fatty sour cream, the more magnificent the cream will be. A good sour cream today to buy is problematic (the additives in it are different, then it is too liquid). Therefore, it is necessary to do the following. Sour cream must first be thrown back on a sieve, covered with a clean towel, tied with a towel knot and left overnight in the fridge. As a result of these manipulations, excess fluid will drain, and the fat content and density of sour cream will rise. After that, we shift the sour cream into a saucepan, add sugar to it and beat it up with a mixer to a magnificent state. Keep in mind that for a quality thick cream, whisk the sour cream with sugar for at least fifteen minutes at the maximum speed of the mixer. As you can see, making a cream for a cake at home is not so difficult. You need only a desire, a mixer or a coronet and the necessary products for the recipe. Prepare with pleasure: to yourself for joy and others for sweetness. Enjoy your appetite and success in culinary creativity! We advise you to read:

