separate family budget At the very beginning of family life, we rarelythink about such baser things as money. Everything is right, with the dear, as we know, in the hut - paradise, and the genes of the Decembrists in us are raging, giving a sense of boundless happiness. Ah, if such an idyllic picture of family life were preserved forever. Alas! The reality is knocking on the doors and windows, and even in the mailbox, in the form of bills for the apartment, phone and payments on the loan. And it turns out that it's chilly in the hut, but the darling does not want to share the stash, and you can not entice him to work in Siberia with a kalach. So we have to learn the basics of the family economy. The saddest thing in this situation is that no one will come from outside and answer questions that arise from us. We have to learn everything from our own experience. How to properly allocate the family budget for income and expenditure? What is the way to form it? How to conduct this very budget? But do not give up: all have long known that the rich is not the one who has a lot of money, but the one who has enough. So you need to make sure that the money you earned is enough, and financial issues do not disagree in your life together. Let's try to figure it out together.

Models of formation of the family budget

As is known, the budget consists of articlesincome and expenses. And in order to properly distribute the family budget, you must first choose the model of its formation, which will be for your family as comfortable, efficient and conflict-free. Although it is worth mentioning at once that in its pure form none of these models work. And this is not an allegation. If you think about it, you are dealing with one of the sections of economic science - the family economy. And any scientific models are created for ideal situations. Unfortunately, in real life to achieve the ideal is almost impossible, but you can strive for it. So, let's consider the first model of budgeting of a couple.

  • Total family budget

The model of budget formation, when all incomesspouses are introduced into a common "boiler" and already out of it are deductions of funds for the needs of the family. It would seem that the ideal model, but each of us has its own hobbies, weaknesses and habits. So it turns out: in order to have the opportunity to "sit with her friends in a cafe," you'll have to make "nest egg". Even with the most competent planning of the overall budget, you are unlikely to include this item in the items of expenditure. Add more and the fact that you need to keep records of income and expenses to one of the spouses, therefore, the second is in a situation where you need to ask for money. Agree, this is not everyone can like. And remember, you have to make ends meet on a monthly basis, and in case you do not have enough money (and it happens quite often and from this no one is insured), listen to a rebuke about the unreasonableness of spending. Are you satisfied with this situation? If yes - this is your ideal way of forming a family budget.

  • Partially total budget

Many call this model a compromise. It is suitable for those who doubt, the general or separate budget of the family to take as a basis for further financial prosperity. It should be noted that the model is close to ideal, especially for those who have an average level of earnings. But here, too, can not do without its pitfalls. Such a budget does not come from the entire amount of your earnings, but, for example, from 70-80%. The rest remains for personal needs. Not bad. But you forget that no one takes into account in this situation your work - a mom, a cook and a cleaning lady in one bottle. It's your responsibility by default, and nobody is going to remove it from your fragile shoulders. But then what kind of justice can we talk about? And one more detail. If you and your husband have different amounts of wages, your 20-30% remaining after making money into the family budget will be very different from his personal means. Somehow unfair. Do not you find it? Yes, and a possible problem with a lack of money before the end of the month, too, no one has canceled. But if you can find your truth somewhere in the middle, this model will be a good opportunity to keep an eye on the pulse of family finances.

  • Separate budget

This model of forming a family budget is calledalmost a death sentence for marriage. But as practice shows, this is not quite true, or rather, not at all. In Europe, a separate family budget is the norm of life. And financial disputes cause divorce in very rare cases. By the way, financial security in case of divorce in women in Europe is much higher than ours. But we will remind once again, the separate budget does not mean a separate marriage, let's all the same to separate the grain from the chaff. A distinctive feature of the separate budget is that the spouses do not invest their income in the common piggy bank. But do not think that spending for family needs with such a budget is taken by someone alone. Not at all. It is necessary to agree on who pays for what in your family. And it is necessary to do this in the most correct and weighed manner. With a separate budget, you take on a very great responsibility. By the way, most of the financially supported girls prefer this model of forming the family budget. A separate budget is not suitable for your family if there is too much difference in salary levels. For example, if one of the spouses is a student, if you are on maternity leave or long-term treatment, if you are married and are not going to work anymore. It is also possible that your husband does not want you to work. As they say, the taste and color ... Or maybe it's that your independence weighs you down. But whatever model of formation you choose, you will still have to pay the bills. And if everything is more or less clear with the articles of income and models of the formation of the family budget, then the distribution of expenses should be planned in advance. common or separate budget

Expenditure items of the family budget

As a rule, in the average statistical family articlesexpenses are made up of conditions and a way of life. First of all, all expenses are divided into mandatory (inevitable) and optional (on which you can save). Secondly, spending can be planned and unforeseen. And, thirdly, you can spend money on all-family or personal needs. For example, utility payments are included in the category of mandatory. Also you can not avoid spending on food. But buying clothes (for adults) can often be an excess. In any case, we sin an irrepressible urge to acquire more and more items of the wardrobe, even if there is no urgent need for it. With regard to cost planning, for example, the same communal area, food, clothing and footwear, as a rule, constitute an item of planned expenditure. You can also include (that is, plan in advance) expenses for repairs, rest, purchase of household appliances, dachas or cars. Unplanned costs can be the result of force majeure or unexpected events. After all, misfortunes that entail financial expenditure, it is impossible to plan. And these expenses can flow out to anything, from penalties for parking to a parking lot and ending with a funeral service. However, fortunately, not always unplanned expenses are associated with sad events. Unplanned may be the purchase of a wedding gift to friends or relatives, the acquisition "on occasion" of some expensive thing (half price) or a burning tour. Therefore, paradoxically, unplanned expenses must also be planned. the pluses of a separate budget

Budget allocation

Only the right allocation of funds willthe guarantee of competent planning of the family budget. In general (in science), half of the budget money must go to the necessary needs (mandatory payments and vital things). Thirty percent of the total family income can be spent on optional but pleasant expenses. It is from them that they take money to rest at the sea, to buy a new fur coat or to replace an old refrigerator. The remaining twenty percent can become a means of accumulation or become an untapped reserve. It is from him that you can take money for unplanned spending, and then just make up your NZ. But what about personal means? Everything is very simple. This expense item should be included in the first half of the expenditure. Because personal means for every member of the family are simply vital. And how much will this article amount to depends on your income and your lifestyle. If you have chosen a separate budget model, then you and your husband will have to accurately and accurately calculate all your income and the total expenses of your family. Then determine (if possible in proportion) what costs you will incur and which ones will go to your spouse. And remember. Taking upon yourself those or other expenses, remember that you, among other things, again work after a work day, only a housewife. And if you calculate how much you would pay the incoming housekeeper, then this sum should be taken over by your spouse as an expenditure part. Of course, no one says that he must pay you a salary, just a monetary equivalent amount must be deducted from your monthly expenses for the family. And finally. It does not matter which model of financial behavior you choose, the general or separate family budget will be maintained. The main thing is not to make a budget apple of family discord. Any problems and any disagreements can be overcome. We advise you to read:

