ear recipe The soup is a traditional dish of Russian cuisine. Since the XVIII century. this name refers exclusively to liquid hot fish dishes prepared according to a certain technology. The classic ear is a clear, concentrated broth with the addition of onions, spices and herbs. Potatoes and carrots are also possible. The right ear has a rich taste and aroma, and besides, it is extremely useful and nutritious. Its preparation does not take much time, but requires compliance with certain rules and knowledge of certain subtleties. How to cook an ear correctly? First of all, it should be understood that there is a difference between fish soup and soup. For fish soup, only fresh or live fish is taken. If you use canned fish, frozen or dried, you get a fish soup. In addition, as noted earlier, only roots (onion, parsley) are added to the ear, sometimes carrots and potatoes, many spices and spices. Never add cereals. Fish soup is brewed as usual: any finely chopped vegetables, fried onion, croup are used. These are the main differences between soup and soup. For classic fish soup not all types of fish are suitable, only those whose meat has a delicate, sweetish taste and possesses stickiness are suitable. The best fish for the soup are sazan, whitefish, ruff and perch. A good cook is obtained when using asp, carp and rudd. Of course, it is possible to cook fish soup from other types of fish, but the taste will differ from traditional ones. Not at all suited to the ears vobla, mackerel, herring, gudgeon, gobies, bream and bream. But they will make a good fish soup. Cooking dish can be both from one type of fish, and from several varieties. There are species that can not be used alone in the ear (carver, burbot, catfish). Preliminarily recommended to boil small fish - ruff and perch, giving the broth viscosity, remove them, drain the broth, and then lay the pieces of the main species of fish. The same rule applies to the ear, which is cooked from one valuable type of fish, for example, sterlet, pike perch, sturgeon. The exception is the ear from a red fish, in which it is not necessary to add other species. You should know that small fish can be cooked without cleaning it from the scales, but it is necessary to gut it, and perches should remove the gills, so that the broth does not have a bitter taste. Tasty and rich fish soup can be obtained from fresh sea fish: halibut, sea bass, cod, icefish, and macrouras. recipes

Tips for making delicious soups

  • Before you start cooking soup, you needpick the right dishes. For this, enamel pots or clay pots are suitable. In the dishes made of aluminum or cast iron, the products are oxidized, and the broth acquires an unpleasant smell and taste.
  • Fish should be laid not in the water, but in boiling watersalted vegetable broth. To make it, you need water (2.5-3 liters per 1 kg of fish) and onion (1 head per 1 kg of fish), which is then discarded. If you use live fish, then other vegetables are not needed. In other cases, cut potatoes and a whole carrot are added, which is then removed from the broth.
  • For the soup a wide range of spices is used andspices. Must be present black pepper peas, bay leaf, dill, parsley (root and greens). It is advisable to add leeks and parsnips, ginger, nutmeg and saffron are used for certain types of ears. As a rule, the fatter the fish, the more it is required to put spices. However, we must remember that an excess of spices can destroy the taste of fish and spoil the dish. Greens should be placed at the very end of cooking or directly in the plate before serving the soup.
  • The main condition for getting the right and tastysoup is the observance of cooking time. For freshwater fish, it is 10-20 minutes, and for marine species - no more than 15 minutes. The duration of cooking is determined both by the type of fish, and by its size or by the size of the chopped pieces. The overcooked fish will turn out to be tough, besides, the taste and aroma of the broth will worsen. It is very important that the ear be cooked in a dish without a lid and on moderate fire. You can not allow the boiling of the broth.
  • Often in vegetable broth, first boiledsmall fish, as well as bones and heads. Then they are thrown away, and in the strained broth the pieces of fish are prepared, which are already directly used in food along with the ear.
  • The ready-made ear should be removed from the fire and allowed to stand under the lid for at least 10 minutes. You can serve it with black bread, kulebyaka, pies or pies.

A properly prepared ear should bearomatic and transparent, should not have a pronounced smell, and fish should remain juicy and tasty. These rules are the basis for the preparation of any kind of soup. Recipes can offer a variety of additional ingredients, for example, the use of lemon, tomatoes, pepper Bulgarian, etc. Everything depends on individual taste preferences. Eating oakhi recipes

Extract for broth

If for some reason it was not possible to obtaintransparent broth during cooking, you can lighten it. It is not difficult at all. Requires caviar, left after evisceration of fish. The amount of it is determined from the calculation of 2 tbsp. spoons for 1 liter of broth. Caviar is triturated with a small amount of cold water until a gruel is obtained. After that, the grated caviar is diluted with a glass of cold water and a glass of hot broth, mixed and added to a pan with broth. After the broth boils, you must reduce the heat and cook it on low heat for 10-15 minutes. Then leave the broth, wait for another 10 minutes, so that the puller settles to the bottom, and gently strain.

Features of fishing ears

Fishing soup can be attributed to unique dishes. It does not have any formula or cooking rules. The ear is cooked from all kinds of live fish that are present in the catch, and it always turns out rich, because a lot of fish are used in relation to the liquid. In addition, there is a fishing tradition to pour a small amount of vodka into the ear, which helps to repel the smell of mud in some species of fish and improve the taste of the dish. Cooked on the bonfire of the ear has a unique aroma of haze. Boil such a broth on the stove is impossible.

